Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Tue 15 Oct 2019 17.38 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Would really like to hear if anyone else has cleared their psoriasis by blueberries W.

Posted Wed 16 Oct 2019 06.29 by JanePoppy

Hi All I wrote on this forum nearly a year ago as read this thread and having suffered with severe psoriasis for forty years was thrilled when my skin started clearing. As others have mentioned, it felt like a miracle. Sadly although I still continue to eat blueberries everyday, I have recently had a bad flare up. The same happened this time last year, so I wonder, living in the UK, if it is the change in seasons. I just wondered if anyone else has noticed their skin getting worse this time of year? Also, I am very disappointed that my 8 year old daughter has just started getting it after having strep throat about a month ago. I now have her eating blueberries as I hope and pray she does not suffer with this awful condition as I have over the years. It is also good to hear blueberries have helped so many of you. I am not gluten free but wonder if I should try this too. Jane

Posted Wed 16 Oct 2019 07.05 by Objectivité

Hi Jane, I have never noticed anything about seasons, but as generally acknowledged stress is a major cause of flare-ups. Even when I was on Methotrexate and completely free of psoriasis, I would flare up badly in periods of stress and that taught me to identify the cause of stress and deal with it (as opposed to leaving it un-dealt with). Sometimes dealing with the cause of the stress causes even more stress, but it is worth doing it from a Psoriasis point of view. Unfortunately there are also situations where the cause of stress cannot be "dealt with", such as the death of someone, divorce/separation, illness - I understand that. I still have not varied my diet other than Blueberries every day. Michel

Posted Wed 16 Oct 2019 22.41 by JanePoppy

Hi Michael Thank you for your reply. Like you, I have noticed stress causes my skin to flare up but on this occasion I do not feel unusually stressed. Hopefully my skin will calm down again soon as I will continue to eat the blueberries. Jane

Posted Thu 24 Oct 2019 10.40 by ShelleyLou

Hi Phil, Warren Chrissie and everyone else in the blueberry revolution :) You three prompted me to start the Blueberries some months ago. Anyway will try and keep it short. I did the blueberries with great success but ended up not taking any for 2 months due to daughter being in hospital and searching for blueberries was the last thing on my mind. Anyhow I’m back on it but due to my job I’m not eating them out the punnet I’m blitzing them in a smoothie (a full punnet a day) Just wondering will this give me the same results as last time ? Anyone else on here have them in a smoothie? Many thanks Shelley

Posted Thu 24 Oct 2019 11.41 by Objectivité

Hi Shelley, There is a lot of well researched science around which indicates that a lot more of the beneficial nutrients are absorbed when something is chewed than when it is liquefied into a juice or smoothie. The chemical reaction coming from chewing (which adds the saliva) and the processing in the stomach retrieves the nutrients whereas a lot (but not all) of what is in a juice simply passes through. Google it (I did a few years back) and you should find the information. Michel

Posted Fri 25 Oct 2019 12.13 by Ehsanbh

Doctors say to me psoriasis has no absolute retreat and after 6 month going from one doctor to another no success. 😔After one month eating wild blueberries I am glad to say my pso was defeated.😀All my skin except scalp are clear now. Thanks to this forum who is a life changer.🤗

Posted Tue 29 Oct 2019 15.14 by JD

thanks for the blueberry advice i have already started eating these little tasty gems and will keep you posted as to the sucess, I can also share a great remedy after years of using steriods cortozones and dovemet i was amazed when i simply tried olive oil . It was by far the best solution and altho it didnt clear up completely the results were amazing and same for my brother. Also stay away from alchohol that will definately help a few .

Posted Tue 29 Oct 2019 18.25 by Eatmorechocolate

I have been eating cultivated blueberries on 95% of days since July. On the remaining days I have usually had some other sort of dark berries or currants. I usually have them whole on muesli and I chew well! My scalp is much calmer and 4 very persistent plaques on my elbows, hand and foot have slowly resolved and shown no signs of returning. I still have 3 itchy and softer patches on my shin and both forearms and am currently awaiting a patch test as they look more like eczema.

Posted Tue 5 Nov 2019 14.10 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello everyone, any update from you friends? I'm curious to know how it is going for those who have been experiencing improvement for a few days/weeks: -How many BB do you have every day? -What time do you take them? -Do you eat them separately? -What is the pace of the improvement? -What about PA? I'd like to hear about those who have been clear for a long time thanks to BB: -How long have you been clear exactly? -Do you still take BB every day? -Have you noticed health benefits other than skin or PA? -Have you talked about that to your doctors? -What can you do now that you did not dare do before? (just let us dream!!) As for me it seems that my torso skin is getting smoother but it is extremely slow improvement. I'm optimistic because my life is less stressful now and also because I've realised that from June to August I sunbathed a lot (I live in the south of France) and the outbreak that occured in september and october is probably like the rebound after a course of UVB. So hopefully this is going to calm down and I will gradually see my pso resolve...

Posted Tue 5 Nov 2019 17.35 by michaelS

Christophe (and others), I think it is probably the tanning/sunbathing that helped you put your psoriasis into remission last summer. I haven’t had the luck others had with blueberries either. I am the same age as you and I also grew up in the European south (Greece). I have had psoriasis for the last 30 years. In the summers, between the sun rays and the Mediterranean Sea, my skin always cleared, although I would always be left with pale spots where the psoriasis used to be, as those spots didn’t tan evenly with the rest of my skin. I have been eating blueberries since May 2019, fresh primarily but also frozen. One cup a day. I am also on a diet plan that excludes gluten, dairy, alcohol, coffee, sugar, nightshade vegetables with limited grains and lots of vegetables, fruits and fish (mainly salmon). Sometimes I eat other kinds of meat too (chicken, turkey). I started the diet before blueberries and it’s working, only very slowly and has plateaued a bit lately. Also, life is extremely stressful right now for me and that’s not helping. I will continue to eat blueberries —and other berries occasionally— hoping that my case needs a little more time than others. One thing I am concerned about is the quality of the blueberries I buy. I live in California (USA) and I know that E.U. food regulations are stricter than U.S. regulations and thus food quality may suffer a little bit on this side of the pond.

Posted Fri 22 Nov 2019 14.03 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello, Any update susanleannep, Ehsanbh, JD, michaelS, ShelleyLou, Objectivité, Warren? Tell us if you are still seeing improvement after more than 3 months for instance... My pso is still slowly improving with about 60g of fresh BB every day. Hopefully I'll dare go to the swimming-pool with my children within a couple of weeks.

Posted Fri 22 Nov 2019 15.22 by Chrissie NW

Hi to Warren and Sir Phil havnt been on site for quite a while. Psoriasis for almost 50yrs and everything else that comes with it since taking blueberries I’ve been clear now for almost a year and a half, I’ve been signed off for my Psoriatic Arthritis and also my Skin Consultant has signed me off for a year, so how about that you two marvellous people my life is almost 100% I am now trying you get the weight off ready for my op in June ( new Knee). Chrissie

Posted Fri 22 Nov 2019 18.02 by DH

I replied to this post in June 2018 and my psoriasis is minimal as I have continued to eat blueberries, fresh and frozen. I just have one spot on the inside of the palm of my hand. After getting a bad cold, someone recommended Black Elderberry Syrup to minimize cold symptoms and I really believe it helped. It also seemed to help the spot on my hand. After reading about Elderberries, I believe they are similar in many respects to blueberries. So some may try the Elderberry syrup as it may be more concentrated.

Posted Fri 22 Nov 2019 19.05 by Eatmorechocolate

Thanks DH I am also slowly and steadily improving whilst eating blueberries and black currants . I will now be looking at elderberries which are almost a weed in the UK. Palms and soles of my feet are now clear and scalp is less itchy and less scaly. I have relaxed my diet and now eat gluten and dairy and alcohol in moderation with no worsening or new spots.

Posted Sun 24 Nov 2019 17.18 by Chrissie NW

Hi I have been asked by a friend can you get Psoriasis by getting a virus, I couldn’t answer her as I’m not aware of a virus causing Psoriasis does anybody out there heard anything Please email me if you have. Thanks

Posted Mon 25 Nov 2019 13.02 by Sthnguyen

I ran into this discussion group about 1.5 weeks ago and started on blueberries as well. I am using about 0.5 cup of frozen blueberries two to three times a day in a smoothie and I think I got positive results immediately. I am on Humira and usually after 10 days after the injection my skin starts to get itchy and by the 14th day I cannot wait to get the next injection. I started in day 11 and this time my skin stopped itching so I decided to push out my injection another week. During the week without the injection my skin was perfect. No problems at all. I was worried about a flare up if I did not do an injection so I went ahead and did the injection anyhow at three weeks and also only 1/2 dose. Time will tell whether it really works as I try to wean off of Humira. I get 3lbs of frozen blueberries for about $7 USD and it lasts about a week so $1 usd a day. I read about all the great benefits of blueberries. It is not only a great anti-oxidant but a powerful anti-inflammatory as well. It suppresses tnf-a, il1-a and il1-b, Nf-kB and il6, all of which are over expressed in P. I will report back as I try to wean off of Humira. Success will be determined if I can fully be weaned off of biologics. I am currently 100% clear with Humira and would like to keep it that way.

Posted Sun 1 Dec 2019 00.44 by Nessy0427

I first had flare up 1 year ago but i didnt know it Psa already. It went away but itself after 3 months and i didnt take any meds or put cream etc. 3 weeks ago I had a major flare up from my scalp and all over my body, feet and hands, i look horrible. Living in Vietnam, it took me 3 different hospital visits before I was finally diagnosed with it. The skin doctor gave me cream and gel and soap and herbal pills to take and skin treament should be done 2 times a day. It seems to be working just fine, however i found something else that must have helped me fight this decease, Accupunture and Cupping with blood letting. I have gone to 4 sessions now and Im starting to clear up faster when I was just doing meds and creams etc. Acupunture has also prevented me for having psa athritis. I would surely try blueberry and for any update. Thanks, NESSY

Posted Sun 1 Dec 2019 03.46 by Sthnguyen

Nessy, I have tried acupuncture and cupping and they definitely have help but the cost and inconvenience prevented me from going more than once a month, which I eventually stopped after about 6 months. Since you are in Vietnam you may want to also try herbal treatments/ traditional Chinese medicine and find a good TCM doctor there. I definitely have benefited from TCM/herbs. Blueberry is an additional compliment to the things I am doing not as a replacement.

Posted Sun 1 Dec 2019 04.16 by Nessy0427

Hi Sthnguyen, Yes, it can be pricey but I really wanted to be better soon as its very difficult.for me to work with this condition. Are you in Vietnam? I went to a skin Doctor in D2, Dr. Michaels..and his meds are really pricey but works (i guess) in addition to that I go a chinese doctor for alternative meds and im doing detox, as for my diẹt, i flared up whenever I eat anything other than vegestable, so Im vegetarian now till i get better.

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