Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Sun 1 Dec 2019 18.13 by Sthnguyen

Nessy, I am in the USA. I make my own herbal mix to save money. You should be or may be able to get the ingredients locally. There are numerous herbal supplements for psoriasis. I mix up nearly the same ingredients or as close to and use other herbs as well. I thought that I had nearly beaten P but has some major flare ups die to antibiotics and experimenting with Cilantro. When I got the reaction to antibiotics it took me close to a year to calm my body down. Cilantro reaction was actually much worse and this is why I am back out there looking for other things. It looks like my body likes blueberry. Hopefully it isn’t too difficult to get blueberries in Vietnam. There are other berry alternatives, dried, freeze dried blueberries or powder blueberries which may be obtainable by you.

Posted Sun 8 Dec 2019 20.20 by ShelleyLou

Update Frenchman45 This time round it’s taking longer to clear not happening as quick as the first time I tried blueberries. I’m putting this down to change in job and the weather here. But still sticking at it as I can see some improvement. And given the results were so great last time (almost clear) I’m not giving up.

Posted Mon 9 Dec 2019 14.31 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello Shelley, Thanks for your update, same here, I'm on my second attempt. It's been 5 weeks now and I've seen more obvious improvement for the last few days. Maybe it is also linked to what follows: SOMETHING WHICH SEEMS IMPORTANT TO ME/ I went to the dentist's 2 weeks ago and she said I had gingivitis. I realised that my gums bleed every time I brush my teeth, and this has been going on for years. She prescribed me antibiotics and said I had to take care of my mouth hygiene to get rid of those bacteria. This made me think about the cause of inflammation in my body, would it be theses bacteria???? Then I found this article: How Gum Disease Affects The Whole Body I'm sure blueberries can calm inflammation, but if there is still a source of infection it can't really cure completely.

Posted Mon 9 Dec 2019 15.11 by Sthnguyen

Frenchman45, it probably varies from people to people but I got rid of my gingivitis and it made no difference. Although I am getting off topic, if you haven’t done so, to rid of your gingivitis, this is what worked for me. I recommend that you purchase several different types of mouth washes, one type containing essential oil (Eucalyptol,Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, Thymol) and another containing Cetylpyridinium Chloride. You can use other as well but these two types are clinically proven to kill those bacteria. Use them after every time you eat, before and after every brushing. Use one type in the morning, another in the afternoon or evening. Alternate. Never have any food particle in your mouth . The mouthwash cleans your whole mouth not just your teeth. I always have a small bottle of mouth wash in my car or with me so that I always use it after eating. It is more convenient than brushing when on the run. It does not replaces brushing but is a complement to brushing. I didn’t worry about those naysayers who say that you need good bacteria in your mouth as well. I rather keep my teeth than those good bacteria. They actually don’t do anything for your teeth if you do not have any bad bacteria. Plus you have plenty of bacteria that is ready to grow back in as little as a few hours.

Posted Thu 12 Dec 2019 22.32 by Gp2013

Hi all, I've been following this thread with interest after stumbling across it. How thankful I am for that! A quick background, 30 year old female, had severe guttate since 2013, no remission or even partial clearance. You all know the anxiety, depression, self loathing etc that cropped up over these last few years so I won't digress. This is now my time to work on getting my skin healed after two babies so I can live my life again. So, to get to the point. Thank you Phil! I've been on the blueberry diet (in fact, I got up at 0100, after finding this thread, to start as soon as possible and defrosted a cup of blueberries!) for 2 weeks now, and I'm seeing slow but definite improvement. I was prescribed a lot of topicals betnovate, dovobet, eumovate etc, and suffered the rebound effect. So I decided to clean up my diet and add some daily blueberries. And so far, it's showing promise. Have a derm appointment on Feb 25th, but regardless of clearance, this new lifestyle of healthier eating will be a permanent fixture because I feel better. Week one, I actually broke out more, but I put that down to stopping the steroids. Lots of new spots and itchy buggers too. I upped my water intake, I take Vit D, Zinc, K2, B vitamins, Cod liver oil and magnesium (I was on all of these before taking blueberries) I did cut out dairy at the same time but asides from the blueberries and that, nothing else is new! Week 2: Arms and legs are still flaking and quite red but! BUT! my torso lesions are flattening and going an orangey pink, and I can see small, "normal" skin patches in the centre of the oldest lesions, no new scaling or new patches forming! I'll post at the end of the next two weeks, but just wanted to let you know there's someone else adding your blueberries and having some positive results, hopefully, it carries on. I will add, I used Aldi, Lidl and Tesco fresh blueberries but for some reason, I find Tesco the best. The Aldi and Lidl ones are small and sharp, but the Tesco ones are big and juicy. Just a preference so for me, they're worth the bit extra Dee

Posted Fri 20 Dec 2019 07.20 by ShelleyLou

Update Hi everyone just an update. Starting to clear (again had a blip off the blueberries as daughter had a back operation) So same as before days of shedding skin, Hoover out constantly, you know how it gets. Now I can see new skin coming through and my body feeling a lot cooler. Taking vitamin D too now as it’s the winter months. Feeling positive.

Posted Fri 20 Dec 2019 07.44 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hi Shelley, I'm happy for you. Just carry on and be patient! I'm healing very slowly too, so sometimes I wonder if I am not just imagining the progress. But this fear is probably linked to the fact that most people here say that it takes between 4 and 6 weeks to heal completely, so since I've been taking fresh BB for 7 weeks this could mean that it doesn't really work for me. I asked my wife what she sincerely thought and she is positive that there clear signs of improvement. The skin around my ears is now almost normal (it used to be very flaky), the white patch under my Adam's apple has almost disappeared and my back when wet after the shower looks almost normal. I'm going to try to avoid looking at my skin too often and feel positive like you. Kris

Posted Fri 20 Dec 2019 08.24 by Eatmorechocolate

I would say keep at it. I started eating blueberries regularly in ‘May. Last month I reported that all my plaques had gone, including the sole of my foot. At that time the scaling and itching had stopped there. In the last month this has improved even more and is now just a slightly thicker bit of skin. The guttae on my arms and shin and scalp are not responding as well as the plaques but I have had no flares and when I think back to a year ago eveything is calmer and better.

Posted Fri 20 Dec 2019 08.37 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Thank you. This really cheers me up, it can take months but it is working!

Posted Sat 11 Jan 2020 23.22 by Dodger_girl

First off, I stumbled upon this when I had taken my first injection of tremfya and was googling info for others who took it. I was upset that I hadn't seen this until then (that was Dec. 5th). Well I was supposed to get another injection last Sunday, but my insurance switched my pharmacy and I still haven't recieved it. Anyway, I remembered this, so I decided to start on the blueberry magic. I started Thursday, but so far I've noticed my PA seems to be a little better. Little backstory, I got diagnosed with eczema when I was baby. Then about 2 years ago, I had really bad nail pain and noticed my nails looked odd, only on right hand. Then I had a horrible patch on my hand. Usually steroid creams worked, but nothing was working. Primary doc said he thought maybe psoriasis but wanted to send me to dermatologist. She diagnosed it as that because of it also being on my hairline, and eyelids, and with my terrible hip pain. I didn't notice any difference after my first injection, which didn't really expect to. However, my hip pain is now in both hips, so don't know if the medicine did that since one of the side effects could be joint pain. Anyway, I'm supposed to have an appointment with dermatologist on the 30th to check in with how the tremfya is working, however, I'm hoping instead that the blueberries will work. I'd much rather not have a medicine, plus having to deal with the stress of trying to get it. New pharmacy is terrible. Fingers crossed, and will update everyone! So happy for the ones it's worked for, and thankful y'all posted about it. I've spent hours reading through most of the post on this thread.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 08.08 by jak

Hello. Just stumbled across this forum. I have had psoriasis for 15 years on different drugs. I have been off Acitretin for 3 days as my skin was horrible and my lips all cracked. I went up the road and bought some blueberrys.I will keep a diary. I have changed my diet and havnt drunk alcohol for 2 months. I will give this a good go and really hope it works. I will let this forum know how I go.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 11.21 by Chrissie NW

Hi Everyone who knows me, I still come on the Forum and it appears a lot of newbies. I started doing the Magic Blueberries which our member Sir Phil ( I’m the one who Knighted him after all the people took his advice 100’s if Andy Murray can be knighted for knocking a ball round our Phil should be). I’ve been clear now for almost 2 years and blueberries changed my life I suffered for over 50 years I have Psoratic Psoriasis, so I eat 20 blueberries a week, no dark meat, glass of red wine when I go out more veg, I really changed my diet, blueberry spread by Meridian sold by Holland & Barrett, Pure Blueberry Juice not concentrate, all dark and red fruit and I havnt missed a day, people are different it took me 7 weeks some take more some take less, perseverance is a necessity you must be patient and don’t get all worked up after say 4 weeks and nothing appears to be happening, keep to it. I wish all this true miracle one thing is for sure, my Consultant can’t believe it, he signed me off 12 months ago. Thank you Sir Phil. P.s. Shorts will be on again this year, nobody ever saw my legs.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 20.58 by Dodger_girl

Gives me so much hope!!! I got more blueberries today, this time frozen wild blueberries. Guess it doesn't matter if they're 'normal' or wild?

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 21.16 by Chrissie NW

Hi Dodger can I just say that the people who were on this site in 2018 all of us say, fresh blueberries are the best, we know they are expensive, I struggled with the cost, together with all the other fresh things we need, but if you can get fresh they do worked better, I even have blueberry ice cream, slimming bars anything with blueberries, try and buy fresh. Use a emollient if your skin needs oiling , I stopped all Cream from the hospital and doctor and just used Doublebase Emollient . Good Luck. Chrissie NW

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 21.29 by Dodger_girl

Oh no :( I just thought the wild blueberries would be best, from researching.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2020 21.33 by Chrissie NW

Yes eat them, but have fresh as well, but be patient I was 95% covered and for mist of my life just red raw and so painful, so I wish you well and let me know how you get on. There has been a remarkable success rate. Chrissie NW

Posted Wed 15 Jan 2020 00.23 by Lasttime (edited Wed 15 Jan 2020 00.25 by Lasttime)

Wow just found this thread by accident Chrissie ,Warren and EVERYONE ELSE HAVE DONE A FANTASTIC JOB keeping this thread going. 72% improvement is fantastic by any standards Here is my story i am going to give it a try ,i have been on biologic s for 4 years and the possible pit falls quite frankly are worrying Had severe psoriasis for 46 years and i can honestly say i tried almost every treatment there is including herbal options. The only things that ever helped me were 6 month spell in Dubai working in sun and swimming in sea everyday it cleared up totally but came back within a month of returning to UK PUVA always worked but would often take 5 sessions before results were apparent then there was not the restrictions ,there are now and i have received 3-4 times what would be allowed now. Always cleared it up but would return within a couple of weeks of ending treatment. Mine was severe hands face and whole body but two things i recall in the early days it took years for doctor to diagnose it . When i finally got to see the specialist he admitted me to hospital two days later. In those days it was lay under a sun bed but it worked And for the scalp which was quite bad the old coal tar treatment. Well after six weeks in hospital i was sent home continued light treatment as out patient. Twice a week for years Strangest thing 35 years after the coal tar treatment i have never had it on my scalp again. Other strange thing and it was accidental and not very clever , i got home sunbed had same effect worked but you need to change tubes at recommended intervals. I fell asleep and badly burnt my back and its never returned there 30 years later. Having reached maximum PUVA many years ago and tried every treatment there is specialist was at a loss been same Doctor for 30 years . Then i read about Embrel we had a year long battle with NICE and they refused to put it on approved list then. Couple of years later they offered me the chance to be one of the first to try it .After reading all the possible side effects and taking into account my quality of life i took the leap. After the first month it was 95% improvement, after about a year it seemed to loose its effectiveness so they put me on the larger dose been on it 5 years + no problems only odd cold no side effects . Would say 80_90% improvement Then out came generic version and i was switched cost savings after a couple of months i got a few side effects and have now been switched to original Enbrel. I can honestly say bar the couple of occasions mentioned above it has been the best five years required least time. one hospital visit every 3 months/ and least expense as it is provided free. Its not for everyone and can have some serious side effects but it really is worth researching and considering if you have severe psoriasis

Posted Sat 18 Jan 2020 18.24 by LankyLad2012

Hi everyone, I’ve been on the blueberry diet for a week now and the plaques are lighter and smoother. I was just wondering, for the people who saw a significant improvement in 4/5 weeks. How fast did the plaques disappear in the final weeks? Was the change noticeable throughout the day or was it every few days the plaques looked more like normal skin?

Posted Sat 18 Jan 2020 18.46 by Lasttime (edited Sat 18 Jan 2020 18.50 by Lasttime)

Shame you can not upload photos say at week intervals. I have photographed mine at start and i am on day four and i can see a definant improvement i am stunned Just before i found this thread i got flu quite bad probably exacerbated by being on enbrel it progressed to a bad chest infection and my P erupted to worst its been in 5 years being on enbrel. I am on day 4 now fingers crossed this works and i can forget biologic s maybe Phil.Warren or Chrissie should think about starting a facebook group were people could upload progress photos , would give everyone a insight in to what to expect if it works for them

Posted Tue 28 Jan 2020 15.58 by Frenchman49
49 years old, pso since 2011

Hello, Blueberries work for some and not for others, this is a fact. But WHY? We all have the same condition. If we agree that it is an auto-immune disease which can be triggered by strep throat for exemple, there has to be an explanation. It seems logical that if the source of infection which first started the inflammation is still present, the action of blueberries is counterbalanced by it. Two months ago my new dentist told me I had gum disease. So far blueberries had slightly improved my psoriasis in many months (with ups and downs). I've been brushing my teeth three times a day and flushing daily and my gums are not swollen any more nor do they ever bleed, guess what: my psoriasis is improving again though it had stalled. The following article gives me even more hope: Mind you, I'm not saying that gum disease is the only trigger (but it seems to be mine). It just seems to me that BB should work for everybody as long as the original trigger is eradicated. Hope this can help. I'll report to let you know if this time I clear completely....

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