Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Mon 13 Jul 2020 22.15 by Tinytasia

Thanks SharonG and Pladecalvo I have created a new topic called 'cold versus heat' for this subject I dont want to be in trouble in my very first week for going off topic in this forum as I understand it's for blueberries.

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 06.52 by SharonG

@Tinytasia I am sure it will be ok :) I will check out 'cold versus heat' Cheers

Posted Tue 14 Jul 2020 07.40 by Sthnguyen

@Pladecalvo I think you may be allergic to blueberries as opposed to getting slightly worse then improving. Some people are allergic to the salicylates which blueberries have. If I were you, I would probably discontinue to see if your skin gets back to where it was. My other concern is that if you are allergic to blueberries, that this may cause a positive feedback loop, where your skin stay at the elevated level. Take some allergy medicine (such as ALLEGRA, LORATADINE, AND ZYRTEC) to see if it helps. If it does, I would stay on anti-histamines for a while until my skin gets back to where it was. Anti-histamines may also help if the cause of your P is an allergic reaction to something on your diet/environment. I use it at the first sign of itchiness on my skin and it seems to prevent further escalation of my skin problems. I have suffered an allergic reaction to foods and it made my P get much worse and once I figured it out, it took several years to get back to pre-allergen levels with lots of work.

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2020 13.49 by Pladecalvo

Well folks. I'm three days away from doing 4 weeks of eating blueberries every day and unfortunately, I have to report that it hasn't worked for me. It's actually a thousand times worse than it was before I started on the blueberries. I'm going to give it another two weeks and then I'll do a final report.

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2020 15.05 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo So sorry to hear this! I am not quite 4 weeks in and I have seen an improvement but it hasn't gone completely - so I too, shall stick with it - I like the blueberries now :)

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2020 18.39 by Pladecalvo

@SharinG. Have you see a great improvement?

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 10.56 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Not a HUGE improvement but 'some' improvement - definitely no worse. The fact that there is improvement inspires me to carry on eating the blueberries - but - I have tried all sorts of different things over the years - creams ointments etc. but never blueberries - I am not holding my breath but I am enjoying the respite :)

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 14.50 by Pladecalvo (edited Sat 18 Jul 2020 14.51 by Pladecalvo)

@ Sthunguyen. I think I agree with you that I'm allergic to blueberries. I already take 5mg of antihistamine daily for rhinitis. I'm going to continue with the blueberries for another two weeks just in case the condition is being slow to clear, then I will stop for a month to see what happens.

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 15.14 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Maybe you could try other fruits that have antioxidants ? One study showed that blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries have the highest antioxidant activity of commonly consumed fruits, next to pomegranates. Sometimes depends on which study has been done? Many fruits are high in antioxidants, packed with vitamins, and beneficial in a myriad of ways. These include cranberries, red grapes, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, red currants, figs, cherries, pears, guava, oranges, apricots, mango, red grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, papaya, and tomatoes. What fruit has the highest level of antioxidants? Blueberries Several studies even suggest that blueberries contain the highest amount of antioxidants among all commonly consumed fruits and vegetables . Perhaps it's all trial and error? @ Sthunguyen. I might do the same - 2 more weeks and stop for a month to see what happens? Watch this space.

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 15.17 by SharonG

Sorry @Pladecalvo I tagged @ Sthunguyen. in error apologies to each :)

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2020 18.19 by Pladecalvo

@SharonG If the blueberries don't work, I'm going to try pecan nuts. I reach 4 weeks in two days. I'll do a further two weeks just in case and if there is some improvement then obviously I'll continue.

Posted Sun 19 Jul 2020 05.41 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo I too will be four weeks in this week - and still? so far so good. Pecan nuts? I shall 'Google' them too - ready to try anything tbh - this is how it is! :(

Posted Sun 19 Jul 2020 15.02 by Pladecalvo

Apparently, The detox quality of Pecan nuts is higher than blueberries.

Posted Sun 19 Jul 2020 15.26 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Oh ok thanks.

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 06.27 by Pladecalvo

Update. Day 30 of the blueberries and there has been a noticeable change over the last 24 hours. This morning, the itching had stopped, the flaking had almost disappeared and the redness was considerably reduced. It appears to be a little redder now but I suspect that is because I have just showered and hot water tends to make it a little redder. I noticed that last night, instead of angry red, raised blotches, I had flat, pink blotches. Hoping for the best and will report again in a few days.

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 06.42 by rapture83

Just about 2 months in eating blueberries, 1/2 - 1 cup per day Mon - Fri, Not really seen much change, some days my psoriasis looks paler then the next back to normal. I expect no reply to this msg as per.

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 09.12 by SharonG

@ Pladecalvo GREAT News!!! Keep going - Good Luck - so Happy for you that you are getting a little relief!! I too am plugging away - it is definitely much much better than before the blueberries so i am sticking with it too! :)

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 09.14 by SharonG

@rapture83 Sometimes it's easy to be a little sceptical and easy to believe it could have eased off a little anyway but...................stick with it any improvement is better than none!?

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 12.24 by Pladecalvo (edited Thu 23 Jul 2020 12.37 by Pladecalvo)

@SharonG. Yes, I'm not getting too excited yet as I know that in the past it has tended to come and go. I'm giving it another two weeks. Edit: Just looked again and it's back to its angry red state. Oh well! It was nice for a few hours.

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 14.00 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Aww :( Good while it lasted? :( Mine too is a bit red has gone a bit warmer so it's bowl of cold water for me - bonus is I don't have scales or pustules so I am sticking with it :)

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