Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 14.44 by Pladecalvo (edited Thu 23 Jul 2020 16.27 by Pladecalvo)

@ SharonG Glad to hear the horrible scales have gone for you. Today it was very much improved immediately on waking up but it got worse as the day progressed. Could be a sign that something I ate triggered it off. Tomorrow, if it is improved on waking like it was today, I not going to eat anything all day, including the blueberries.

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 17.49 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo What foods do you think triggers it?

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 19.45 by Pladecalvo

Well I'm beginning to think blueberries!

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 20.10 by Kaza2430
Suffered with Psoriasis since 7 years old.

Hi I'm new to the forum and have been reading about success stories with blueberries. Tbh I've suffered from psoriasis since I've been 7 years old so I've pretty much tried everything out there but must admit I havent tried this. When I was younger my psoriasis was awful was hospitalised a few times but as I grew older it started to slightly calm down. I decided to stop using steroid creams/oniments as felt that my skin had taken enough over the years and turned to products like Aveeno which I have to admit works great but 2 months ago I had a bad flare up and its back with a vengeance. Have tried Acv baths which do help and I'm trying to cut out sugary foods and nightshade red meats etc so hopefully the blueberries everyday might help too. Fingers crossed

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2020 21.34 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Oh NO!!! I hope not!!! :( Welcome @Kaza2430 I am ready to try anything - I am putting my faith in the blueberries for now Lol It's a minefield - I haven't tried different foods etc maybe I should research that a bit more - I have always managed my PPP with steroid ointment etc. on and off and lots of different moisturisers - if somebody tells me about a different one I try it - I have tried LOADS!!!

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 06.34 by rapture83 (edited Fri 24 Jul 2020 06.43 by rapture83)

@sharonG I’ve also found with my ongoing treatment that having a nice warm bath a few times a week at night with Dead Sea Salt poured in, about 1 cup full (can buy big bags in the supermarket cheap) and a few blobs of coconut oil all dissolved in the water really helps the itch, after 20-30 mins in the bath the scales basically just slide off, I’ve been going this and washing my hair the same way twice a week, sadly doesn’t do anything for scalp scales but lower body it’s fantastic and it feels so good that night after the bath. I normally use e-45 or GP prescribed moisturiser on my body after the bath/scale removal before chilling out/bed. The BB plan still has had no effect on me as one day it looks like it’s getting better then the next it’s not. I’ll keep at it, asked a few times on here but never really had an answer, I just wondered if it took some people many months before they seen results? I’m now awaiting a new cream arriving to give it a bash, I was using hemp oil but it wasn’t curing me, all it was doing was giving me relief from itch and making the patches more pink than red but that was it really, still visible. I also have arriving today a new bottle of Diprosalic for my scalp, it’s the only thing that works, hoping it does the trick again and I can then use a shampoo to keep the scalp p at bay, the itch and flaky scales from scalp is driving me to crazy, I’m about to chop off my head!

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 07.52 by SharonG

@rapture83 I do put salt in the bath but not coconut oil - I will try some - I only have it on my feet so maybe just soak my feet in it? It's all trial and error isn't it? :( I am just over 4 week in on blueberries now - it seems a little better but this is how it goes anyway! :( Lol

Posted Fri 24 Jul 2020 08.34 by rapture83

Hey Sharon, I would honestly just do a full bath with a mix of the Dead Sea salt and coconut oil, I don’t use loads, I scoop out maybe half a hand full and Chuck it in, if anything it’s good for your skin with or without P, would highly recommend it! I mean it’s not curing me but after the bath when your in clean PJ’s it’s amazing how fresh you feel, it makes me forget I have P until the morning I open my eyes and I’m itchy somewhere ☹️! I know at some point I’m going to stumble on something that will work, surely!!! Will keep at the BB’s too!

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 05.43 by GfromAus

Hi all, 5 weeks into the BB's for me and sadly no improvement. Hope it goes well for everyone else :)

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 07.24 by Say_it (edited Sat 25 Jul 2020 07.29 by Say_it)

Hi everyone. Blueberries what offer Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's they are not blueberries they are Canadian bush-berries . All these "blueberries" from supermarkets grown in the farms and have no vitamins . If you eat too much blueberries it hardens your faeces nothing else. I doubted that blueberries make any improvement just coincidence. Get a real blueberries from forest . You will see what the difference.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 07.39 by SharonG

@Say_it Whattt?? NO!! We are eating the wrong ones??? Where do we get the 'real' ones from? TIA @rapture83 Which coconut oil do you use please? And where from? TIA

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 07.56 by Say_it (edited Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.01 by Say_it)

@SharonG I did myself collected in the forest i never forget taste of real blueberry.s. Have a look at wikipedia about blueberries and canadian bush-beries. Real blueberries smaller and taste is incredible.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.00 by Pladecalvo

@GfromAus. Sorry to hear that there has been no improvement. I'm also at my 5th week and all I got was a worsening of the condition after 3 days, so much so that I'm beginning to think I'm allergic to blueberries. Some days it's better than others but I suppose that's the nature of the condition... that it comes and goes. I'm going to give it another week and stop the blueberries.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.04 by Pladecalvo

@SharonG. Lol! So that's why it's not working!

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.08 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo So now we know :( @ Say_it I don't live near a forest :(

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.19 by Pladecalvo

@SharonG. The cultivated berries are obviously not as good as the wild one but it's all some of us are going to be able to get. They are still good for detox, just not AS good as the wild berries.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 08.28 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo Mmmm. But I want the wild ones now!! I will seek and FIND!! Wish me luck?

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 10.37 by Say_it

@SharonG More likely you can get wild blueberries in the mainland EU not in UK.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 11.15 by Pladecalvo

Certainly not here in Spain.

Posted Sat 25 Jul 2020 15.52 by rapture83

Erm whaaaaatt, so the ALDI BB’s I’ve been eating for 2 months have been pointless? Oh dear! May need to get some ordered online instead! Does anyone take blueberry tablets, seen people online taking them also? @sharonG, any coconut oil is fine, just as long as it’s 100% pure coconut oil. I just ordered mine on amazon, this one.... KTC 100% Pure Coconut Oil 500ml (Pack of 3)

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