Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Fri 14 Aug 2020 07.23 by rapture83

Hi guys, just an update with sign of improvement with the BB’s, dare I say it more spots were appearing on my legs so I had enough and got a phone call with my GP, he said due to covid j couldn’t get an appointment for a skin exam specialist so he was going to just prescribe me when medication that has worked in the past and said this will be a repeat subscription until life gets back to normal, as it works! Guess what....I’m practically clear within a week of using Diprosalic on my scalp and Enstillar Foam on my legs and arms, more or less gone, just incredible! I’m going to just use both once a week going forward so hopefully that should keep it at bay! For taking 30 mins extra a day to apply this stuff knowing I’m free is an extra task worth taking, fingers crossed my body body at some point doesn’t reject it. Thought I would just let you all know what’s going on, cheers!

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 11.17 by Pladecalvo (edited Sun 16 Aug 2020 11.30 by Pladecalvo)

@rapture83 Estilar is good but the problem is that it makes your skin as delicate as a butterfly's wings and also, you can't expose the treated skin to sunlight. How long have you been taking the blueberries? I'm starting my 8th week today and it's only now that I'm starting to see some slight change. It's definitely less red than it was.. You mentioned Diprosali. Is that shampoo? I have a lot of white crust on my scalp and can't find anything to shift it.

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 15.03 by SharonG

Hi BB? I have given up - they seemed to help at first - like anything I try - but now? Just the same as it has ever been! :( I will still eat the BB's though as I have a penchant for them now! :) My Dermo has prescribed Enstilar Foam for me to try - any thoughts anyone? Does it help?

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 21.06 by rapture83

Hi Pladecalvo, yeah I’ve had Enstillar before so I know what it’s all about, it’s the only thing that works for me, it’s not a cure tho, it’s simply just helping, it will come back when I stop using it. Diprosalic is not a shampoo, it’s an lotion in a bottle that you apply to your scalp, the lotion is the same texture as water, I recommend trying it.

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 21.27 by Tinytasia

I have been eating blueberries now since 9th July, I would say that my psoriasis has improved around 80%. I have some severe scarring and some dry patches of skin where the lesions were but it remains stubborn on my left elbow. I may have been unlucky here due to an insect bite in this area making it itchier than normal. I am going to continue with the blueberries as it seems like this has had more effect than any cream ever has.

Posted Sun 16 Aug 2020 22.49 by Pladecalvo

@sharon Estilar works but your skin will be as thin as the wings of a butterfly. The slightest touch with anything will either cause a bruise or a rip in the skin. Once applied, you can't expose the skin to sunlight or you will seriously burn.

Posted Mon 17 Aug 2020 07.34 by rapture83

@SharonG Enstillar will work for you and it probably clear your P but be aware that it will not cure it, I’ve had it a few times and it more or less cures me but several months after I stop using it my P comes back. I had a conversation with my GP 2 weeks ago over the phone as I’m unable to have a face to face due to Covid, he suggested that I just keep using Enstillar until things get back to normal and he can send me to a dermatologist/skin specialist again so said he was happy to have this on repeat prescription until covid is done and dusted as it works!. I’m happy to do this for now, I know Enstillar is not the best solution in the long run as it’s basically a steroid foam but I’m down to using it every other day now and I can now wear shorts and a t-shirt without feeling embarrassed about red patches everywhere! I’m lucky that I live in the UK (Scotland) so it’s not sunny that often so don’t have to worry about being in direct sunlight haha and I get Enstillar for free from my GP, I know it’s not the cheapest to buy, not sure what it’s like in the states. As for Diprosalic for your scalp, you can buy this online, it’s about £35 for a bottle from a UK store, again not sure if the states are different but again I get this for free from my GP, Again this is not a cure, it simply just keeps my scalp at bay and removes the redness on any patches, if I stop using it my scalp will turn again, I was finally able to get a really short haircut with no visible signs of P, it really helps you mentally knowing that, we’ll it does for me personally! I used that every day at the start and it stings like mad when applied but after about a week when the P is gone the sting is gone and I now only use it every other day, happy to do that! But oh my god, no more itching, my scalp itch was driving me insane so for that to be gone thanks for Diprosalic then that’s good enough for me! I bought a new tar shampoo and tried it twice and my scalp went flaky again so had to just stop that and use something else, tried E-45 shampoo and that stopped it, I think I’m done with tar shampoos, they just make things worse for me. Defo speak with your GP about both and give them a try! I’m still eating BB’s Monday to Friday every day, it’s just my breakfast now so I don’t really think about it, Sorry for rambling on haha, hope this info helps!

Posted Mon 17 Aug 2020 08.12 by SharonG

@ rapture83 Thanks - not rambling at all :) I am interested :) @Pladecalvo Skin like a butterfly? Eeek!!! It is for my feet!!! Will I be able to walk? :(

Posted Tue 18 Aug 2020 07.12 by Pladecalvo

@sharon. If your feet go like my arms, you won't be able to put your feet on the ground without bruising or ripping the skin. Hopefully you can clear the P and then only use Estilar once every two weeks, giving the skin time to harden between applications.

Posted Tue 18 Aug 2020 08.34 by rapture83

It’s strong stuff, as long as you don’t go overboard on it after about a week of using it you’ll notice a difference within days, blast your fleet once a day for a week until you see a difference then reduce the usage to every other day until it feel almost healed then after that just apply it say once a week / 2 weeks! I’m currently at the every other day stage but should be down to once a week as of next week I think, all my spots are a very dull pink colour and smooth, no skin over them to remove, can see they are healing! Also I’m still taking a salt bath once a week to keep the skin hydrated.

Posted Tue 18 Aug 2020 11.11 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo & @rapture83 OMG!! I will be very careful thanks Guys - I will let you know how I go on - I haven't got it yet!! Waiting on Dermatologist to send script to GP! Could be a LONG wait! Not a good time to need a GP or NHS in general with Covid still about - even though some folk are acting like it's gone! It really has NOT gone! But that's another story!

Posted Sun 23 Aug 2020 08.16 by Pladecalvo

Finished the last of my blueberries last Friday and have come to the conclusion that they didn't work for me. If anything, my condition worsened. There were some days that I thought I saw an improvement but I think it was just wishful thinking. So I have been back on the Estilar since yesterday morning. Second application this morning and even after just one, I am seeing significant improvement.

Posted Sun 23 Aug 2020 09.09 by SharonG

@Pladecalvo So sorry to hear that :( I too have come to the same conclusion - it felt good for a while and at least we tried? :) But NO they didn't work for me either :( Hey Ho I am still awaiting my prescription for the Enstilar Foam I think I may have to chase Gp & Dermatologist on Monday :( I am so pleased to hear that you are seeing an improvement with it - my feet seem to be a little better now that the weather here in the UK has cooled down a bit :)

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 06.50 by Pladecalvo

Third day of Estilar. My back and chest almost clear, my arms are hardly noticeable and my legs only have a few pink spots left. From today I'm going to reduce Estilar to once every 3 days. @Sharon. Can't you buy a can of Estilar just to get you started? It's a bit expensive I know but well worth it.

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 08.45 by rapture83

Enstillar really is miracle stuff, my arms and legs are more or less clear now, can see a slight discolour where the larger patches were but it’s pretty much only noticeable to me, thankfully no redness and almost all patches are skin colour. I’m now down to using it once/twice a week which I’m fine with, seems to be keeping it at bay, if I need to do this for the rest of my life then so be it, there are people with worse medical conditions than what we have so I always bare that in mine, I understand that it’s not wise to keep using a steroid foam weekly of course but it’s the only thing that works! My scalp is more or less clear now also, no more red patches, no more flakes, and NO MORE ITCHING, also down to using Diprosalic twice a week and just washing my hair with E-45 shampoo! What a relief! The scalp was more annoying than my legs and arms, the flakes and itch were just horrendous! @Pladecalvo - Really happy it’s working for you too, it’s just a massive weight off your shoulders when you are free from it, long may it continue 🙏🏻🙏🏻 @sharon - my advice to you.....Hopefully you get it soon, not sure if you are from the UK but I just called my GP surgery and asked that my GP call me as I couldn’t get an appointment, he did, I explained my situation, he understood and sorted it for me within 2 days and here we are! Don’t wait around, force it to happen ASAP! With Covid issues you could be waiting some time! It’s around £60 to buy online from the UK (not cheap), not sure about USA so getting it for free is a bonus BUT if my GP decided to stop it for me and I noticed signs of it coming back I would have no hesitations in paying £60 for it, it’s worth it to be confident and happy instead of down and depressed, good luck!

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 09.24 by SharonG

@ Pladecalvo @ rapture83 Thanks Guys - I am in the UK I shall ring my GP today!! I didn't know you could buy it I thought it was only on prescription? I am so pleased for you both that it is working!! I have to say at the moment - I hardly dare say this - but it seems to have subsided a LOT with the weather getting cooler - to the point where I really can't believe it! But I am sure it will be short lived - I have done nothing any different although I am still having the blueberries!!?? Could they be working? It really is a minefield :( I will keep you posted. And Thanks Again :)

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 09.34 by rapture83

Sharon you are spot on, it does need a prescription but there is an online UK pharmacy that allows you to purchase that and Diprosalic, in order to buy it one of their staff calls you and goes through a medical questionnaire with you to make sure it’s correct you should be getting this, that’s what I done for Diprosalic then a few weeks later when I spoke to my GP and Enstillar I asked his for Diprosalic too which he was happy to sign off. I think doctors at this moment in time with covid are happy to just sign off medication when you tell them what you want and why, it’s easy for them at the moment eh?! Phone them today defo, ask for both Sharon, you’ll thank me later 😁

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 09.37 by rapture83

Apologies to others on this thread that me and a few others have kinda been speaking about other stuff rather than BB’s, just got into a convo about what works! On the BB front I’m still eating them almost daily, at least 20 a day, in about 3 months in now, didn’t see any difference, will keep taking them tho

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 09.52 by SharonG

@rapture83 Thank You - I have spoken to surgery and they are calling me back! :) It's all very much heal thyself isn't it? But hey - it could be the Blueberries too :) I too - apologise to others - I shall keep on with the Blueberries too :) Thanks again :) For your help and advice :)

Posted Mon 24 Aug 2020 14.04 by SharonG

Had loads of Blueberries today :) Think I am addicted Lol Update: Enstilar is on it's way too :) Both GP and hospital Dermatologist are sending me a script! Dermo posted script out on 19th first class - Royal Mail on a go slow! So if anyone out there is waiting on a prescription this could be why?

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