Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Wed 14 Oct 2020 18.28 by SharonG

@AdamB "One other question, I am seeing this thread with the oldest post first, is there anyway of changing that? Thanks" NO! Not as far as I have been following it - always oldest first - it would be better newest first though. Admins? Any chance?? Thanks

Posted Wed 14 Oct 2020 18.32 by AdamB

Hi Sharon I have just noticed that if you click on the reply to this discussion button at the top of the page it takes you to the latest message, it would be better if the Admins changed the order but at least in the meantime it saves scanning through 800 messages each time...

Posted Wed 14 Oct 2020 18.37 by SharonG

Oh thanks for that AdamB I didn't know that! Lol

Posted Wed 14 Oct 2020 18.38 by SharonG

Just tried it AdamB - Result - Cheers :)

Posted Mon 19 Oct 2020 12.48 by joenotarpippo

Hi, After stumbling upon this post on the forum, I thought I would give them a try. I have been eating 10-20 for the past 3 days and hoping to see results by the end of the month. I was just wondering, has anyone tried this and have you seen any results? I have Guttate Psoraisis which covers mostly all of my body, and have been prescribed Dovobet until I can see a dermatologist (Feb 2021). I am going to be stopping the creams and just trying the blueberries to see if I can see any changed, but was just wondering if anyone else had stopped treatments for blueberries, and did it work?

Posted Tue 20 Oct 2020 05.30 by Pladecalvo

@joenotarpippo. Hello. I tried the Blueberries for about 8 or 9 weeks and unfortunately, they didn't work for me. There are many posts on here from people who say that it has worked for them. You have nothing to lose and all to gain in trying them so give it a go.

Posted Tue 20 Oct 2020 08.55 by SharonG

@joenotarpippo Hi I am still eating them and my PPP has improved = not sure if it's the BB or that the weather is now cooler - either way it is the best it has been in 6 months - eating BB's for about 3 of those - so it can't hurt - stick with them :)

Posted Tue 20 Oct 2020 19.39 by pdr321 (edited Tue 17 Nov 2020 13.48 by pdr321)
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

It's been quite a while since I posted, but it's so great to read that many people are still benefiting, as indeed I am 4 years later. I've now been clear since October 2016. Here are some Q&As that I've written, I hope it will help all sufferers: What type of psoriasis did you have? Plaque, for 27 years from the age of 23, it was mild to begin with, but became very bad in the final 7 years. Just before it cleared aged 50, I was in the most wretched state. At the time I honestly didn't know how I was going to carry on, and then a miracle. How did you discover blueberries? By pure accident, a combination of events in my life caused me to start eating them every day for lunch. How did you know that blueberries were clearing your psoriasis? A process of elimination. How long have you been free of psoriasis? 4 years Are you really completely free of psoriasis? Yes, most of the time. I do get the odd spot every now and again. For example, if I become run down with a cold. Such spots clear up quite quickly though. What type of blueberries do you eat? Just ordinary supermarket blueberries, not frozen ones, and I’ve never tried the wild type. Some people say that wild blueberries are better, perhaps but in my case they are not necessary. I keep my blueberries in the fridge, if I am lucky they will last a week. Do you eat some every day? I try to; the longest I have gone without eating blueberries in 4 years is 5 consecutive days. Overall I eat around 250 to 300g each week. Are you on any particular diet? No. Do you avoid red wine and nightshades? No, they are not a factor for me. Do you avoid alcohol? No, I do drink alcohol, but not excessively. Do you avoid red meat? No. Do you think diet is a factor in psoriasis? Yes, if you have a bad inflammatory-type diet with lots of sugar then you are asking for trouble. How long did your psoriasis take to clear up? About a month, though other people have reported that it takes longer for them, for example 2 months. Did you notice your skin getting better before it cleared? Not really, at the time I didn’t know that I was getting better; I wasn’t looking at my skin every day. The scales literally fell off over the course of a couple of days; the transformation was nothing short of miraculous. It was like the beast (and I was a beast) turning back into a man. What was your skin like after psoriasis? I was left covered with many circles of pale new skin. Some months later, after a holiday in the sun, my skin tone evened out. Were you taking any other medication for psoriasis combined with the blueberries? No. A few people have reported that blueberries make their skin worse, any comments? In some cases perhaps this is true. Though combined with other treatments the outcome may not be optimum. I noticed that every time I would finish a particular treatment that my psoriasis would flare up really badly. If the psoriasis is getting worse perhaps it is a flare up caused by some other factor? Note that when my psoriasis was in its final death throws it was flaking like crazy and itching, skin was dropping off me like snow. If some people experience this it may feel like it’s getting worse. What do you think about the approach of throwing all treatments at psoriasis at once? Personally I don’t believe that it makes sense, and I didn’t do it. When I previously suggested cutting out the use of other treatments at the same time as eating blueberries, I received some real stick on this forum. At the end of the day what you decide to do is a personal choice as it should be. I can only tell you what worked for me. This forum is too long now, do you agree? It can be hard to navigate on a mobile device, but there is a lot of useful experience to read. I recommend using Ctrl & F to search for terms on a computer, and try using find in page on a mobile device.

Posted Wed 21 Oct 2020 08.09 by SharonG

@pdr321 I do this now suggested by AdamB see below - it works :) Takes you straight to recent comments. Thanks for your update :) So happy for you that you are clear of P - mine is better too not sure if it's the BB's though but I am sticking with them - cheers :) AdamB Hi Sharon I have just noticed that if you click on the reply to this discussion button at the top of the page it takes you to the latest message, it would be better if the Admins changed the order but at least in the meantime it saves scanning through 800 messages each time...

Posted Wed 21 Oct 2020 13.11 by joenotarpippo

Hi, Thanks for the replies! I will give them a go as I have Guttate Psoriasis and the dots seem to be okay, I haven't had a noticeable flare up in a while! I will stick to the blueberries for a couple weeks, and continue bathing in Oilatum and see how things go. I was advised it would be clear after a few months, and this was back in April/May as it was from tonsilitis and was told it doesn't stay for very long, but then it got worse over the months, which quite possibly could have been due to the heatwave we had. Similar to Sharon, I think the cool air may have something to do with it.

Posted Wed 21 Oct 2020 21.18 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Or press the Ctrl and End keys together to go straight to the bottom.

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2020 15.10 by Skbblr (edited Mon 26 Oct 2020 15.36 by Skbblr)

I have been suffering from p since I was 22 years old now I'm 47 and have been suffering worst form of psoriasis erythroderma. Taking methotrexate as per Doctor's advise. Now I changed my diet to continental as it worked well before. Gluten free no sugar and salt diet with lots of fruits and green leafy veg. Stopped drinking since past 10 months. I prepared one special fruits shake there I use banana, apple, guava, organic local black grapes, dates, organic honey and add little bit flaxseed add when shake is ready add few pieces of raisins I take walnuts, chapati/roti using gluten free atta . I use imported Spanish olive oil for cooking. And today (26/10/2020) I started taking 10 to 20 fresh blueberries per day as its available in my city imported from Europe but extremely costly but I will try it and post again after some interval . Thanks guys for sharing this wonderful info. After a long study and research I suspect why my immune system was damaged. I was beaten by street dogs 2 times and took 14 antirabis injection each time (first generation) so I suspect that damaged my immune system and my sister 4 years older than me , now she is also suffering from it when her age was 49 . She was also beaten by street dog and took 14 injections. Let's see I am eagerly waiting for blueberries magic . Take care 🖐

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2020 15.35 by SharonG

@Skbblr Good Luck :) They seem to still be keeping mine at bay - worth a try? I think so :) I also have the dried ones - they look like currants - and there is a concentrated blueberry juice that you can get from the herbal store - not cheap but if you can't get fresh BB's not a bad expense :) I just didn't like the frozen ones even though they all contain the antioxidants - I have them all Lol

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2020 15.40 by Skbblr

Thanks Sharon Oh I forget to mention one fact that I also suffer from psoriasis arthritis and I dont take any medication for it and red fresh cherry fruit works like magical cure for it but it's tough to get fresh cherry I tried dried cherry but found no result Take care and hope all of us will beat it one day 😂

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2020 16.43 by SharonG

@Skbblr Can you get concentrated blueberry juice though? Might be worth a try? We all live in hope of respite at the very least Lol You take care too :)

Posted Mon 26 Oct 2020 21.21 by Skbblr (edited Mon 26 Oct 2020 21.24 by Skbblr)

@SharonG thanks a lot for your kind suggestion I searched but unfortunately it's not available in India. I understood the issue I need abundant supply of this and About one more fruit...I can get local and imported avocado most of the time. I found some started cultivating blueberries in kerala. I ll try to get some from there and Amazon I saw people selling blueberries tree (tiny) so I might give a try to cultivate at home with the help of my next door neighbor grandpa who is an agriculture expert . He has a a small garden in his balcony with lots of vegetables 😂

Posted Tue 27 Oct 2020 08.28 by SharonG

@Skbblr You're welcome - Good Luck

Posted Sun 1 Nov 2020 14.36 by Tony

My Name is Tony. I am in the mid of my 30 th. 2 month ago i suffered from ps gut. and probably plaque. I have never had the typical big flakes as others. But my skin was full of red dots and a feeling of a so called „snake skin“. My entire body from scalf to feet, including nails was effected and peeling. I was in the deepest depression ever. Before: I looked good - i do sports - i have a job which pays well, 3 university degrees, very strong personality. 3 weeks ago i received entsipillar from my DP. It cleared everyhting up - to good to be truth. I came across this forum, read the different posts on enstillar and immediatly stopped using it - after having it used for 7days. As assumed, it came back after 4 days - worse before - my half face was now also effected. I went to a deeper depression. Why did i stop using enstillar. I simply asked myself the question: How can a „cream“ solve your problems - which is coming from the inside of your body. My answer: It can not. I decided on a hard cut diet which contains every day fresh blueberries :)))). After 5 days my skin is soft again - not red, not peeling - and it looks like i am on the way to have my skin look normal again, my nails get their wonderfull color back - but still a little bit swollen especially my stomache which was effected most. My next step is to find the rootcause of the problem and my bodies behaviour. Thanks to this forum and especially this thread - 5days ago i have been reading each individual post and it gave me a lot of power - on some posts i agree a lot with frechman. Yes my diet contains the blueberries - but i can not say if it is only the blueberries. Dont get me wrong - to change my diet, is one of the hardest thing in my life, after quitting smoking 2 years ago - but for me it somehow truly helps. I loved everything which i am now avoiding :(! How does it look like: Vegan + fish, no gluten, no sugar, no coffeine + no alcohol + every day Blueberries. Water+Herb tea - 2 liter a day. On top i am taking supplements which i have been reading of. (Please let me know if your are interested in all the details). At the end I dont know which makes everything better but i have a positive feeling that the blueberries help. I will keep you posted.

Posted Sun 1 Nov 2020 18.24 by David McCarthy

I am definitely going to try these blackberries. Had psoriasis for over 10 years. Though not as bad as some people, I seem to get it worse through stress and alcohol. With the start of lockdown on Thursday, it's probably a good time to try these blueberries. I'll post here, and let you know how I get on in November. Dave

Posted Mon 2 Nov 2020 07.48 by SharonG

@Tony Well done - look forward to hearing how you progress Good Luck :) @David Worth a try the BB's are working for me - I think. - I have not changed anything else. Good luck to you too :)

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