Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 13.26 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren I'm absolutely thrilled for you, I have experienced feeling so good for the first time in years and wearing shorts for the first time in 50yrs, unbelievable, I've even bought more!!! My neighbours are in shock seeing me in shorts, but at last loving and living life to the full and with my shorts on!!! Keeping eating the Magic Blueberries I see my Consultant at the end of this month , I bet he can't believe what he will see, he wanted me in Hosp and pumping me with all the nasty drugs you taken with this horrible disease, it has worked now for so many people. Fantastic, I will remember Sir Phil for the rest of my life. Well done Warren. Chrissie

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 18.23 by Jane

This is the first time I have been on any forum let alone relating to psoriasis. I will definitely give the blueberries a go. Does anyone know of leeks or onions adversely affecting them, as my lips & hands sting when touching/eating them? thanks Jane

Posted Fri 7 Sep 2018 19.13 by Chrissie NW

Hi Jane, well, where do I start, both veg are acidic, therefore on my list from Specialist, was not to have anything acidic, so therefore Leeks, Onions, Lemons, Limes, Vinegar hope this helps, I had P for over 50yrs ate Blueberries ( 20 per day) since June, no medication or nasty creams, ointment etc and I'm clear, it hasn't worked for everyone as there are several types of Psoriasis. Hope that helps , this Forum has helped me. Sir Phil the Magic Blueberry Man is the man we all praise as he is the person who told us about Blueberries. Good Luck Jane. Chrissie

Posted Fri 14 Sep 2018 07.52 by demonicale

I've just started yesterday with trying this out and was wondering if it matters that i'm having the blueberries in the morning with natural yogurt?. Should I just eat them without the yogurt or doesn't it matter?. Thanks.

Posted Fri 14 Sep 2018 09.18 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

i had the same question. i wanted to put them into porridge. it didnt matter. it simply worked. see previous posts. Now 6 weeks on i am 95% clear. Best and tastiest treat/treatment i have EVER had. War.

1 Posted Fri 14 Sep 2018 09.29 by demonicale

Thank you Warren for a quick reply!. It was on my mind as I did t want anything interfering with it. Have to say it was lovely having then in a cup with some yogurt on top this morning. At what point did you initially start to see something happening?, Like the telltale signs.

Posted Fri 14 Sep 2018 10.49 by demonicale

Also I buy frozen blueberries as they last longer. Doubt that makes a difference though?

Posted Sat 15 Sep 2018 13.21 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi Warren, Just getting back to you about the YouTube idea, and putting the message out there about the good results with blueberries. I was in fact hoping that somebody from the Psoriasis Association would pick up on this. Certainly some sufferers have picked this up like yourself and endorsed this treatment, just what I was hoping for. Overall my impression is that the word has not spread as well as I would have liked. This is a particularly stunning development for some sufferers, nothing short of miraculous and so deserves further promotion. It's interesting that perhaps the best results are reported by us long-term sufferers. I was hoping that some younger sufferers would report benefit, and not have to go for years and years having their lives wrecked. Perhaps the younger sufferers are more inclined to see this treatment as a bit of a joke, putting their faith in the medical profession and all sorts of diets. Some of my comments in other forum posts just seem to have been ignored. Perhaps it took me many years to be open to the idea that there had to be another way, I just had this gut feeling really following my three sessions of cyclosporin. That particular treatment worked but only for a while, and had some awful side-effects for me. I look back at that and it seems like a nightmare time. Amazing that I stumbled across the answer by pure chance in the end. I had purchased a highly liked book about diet and the condition. It basically just seemed to recommend cutting out everything, an extreme diet to say the least. I did believe that it might work though, I had previously heard stories about the condition improving with some diets. Looking back at the book now I see that it does not mention blueberries once, all wasted words for me. All of us that have experienced this miracle should promote blueberries though. I don't really want to show my face particularly on YouTube, but I will see what else I might do to give blueberries more exposure. A pity that this Association hasn't noted it - incredible really. The hard truth is that for those that respond, pharma investment and visits to dermatologists become unnecessary, probably not what they want. It's a bit like being able to run your car on water for free, not everybody is going to be happy. I note the comment about frozen blueberries, I did try them once but they tasted a bit funny to me, so have always eaten them fresh. Cheers, Phil

1 Posted Sat 15 Sep 2018 13.55 by demonicale

Thanks Phil!, You find a lot of people won't try the dieting route. As for big pharma, they would HATE you telling people this mate

1 Posted Sat 15 Sep 2018 14.24 by DH

Yes pharmaceutical companies will have no interest in researching this. It is all about the money! I remember reading that a Blueberry growers association here in the United States supported research on blueberries. I am going to find them and lead them to this forum. Perhaps someone can do this in Europe?

Posted Sat 15 Sep 2018 15.45 by Suzfly

What a great result! I eat blueberries almost every day, but I'm afraid they've had no effect on my psoriasis (which is not too bad, actually - I had it on hands, tops of feet, elbows and inner wrists as well as at base of spine, but now it's only v. slight on elbows, comes and goes at base of spine and is worst on inner wrists. Gone from feet. (-:). It's all very weird how it comes and goes. Time seems to play a role. And relief from stress. I know mine begin after I had an enormous life-changing SHOCK.

1 Posted Sat 15 Sep 2018 19.38 by Stuart

So, I started with blueberries just over a month ago. Unfortunately, they have had no effect on my psoriasis. I had light treatment at the start of 2018 which mostly cleared it up, but it has started to come back and I don’t think the blueberries have really slowed the spread either. I am going to carry on with the blueberries as I’m sure they have had other benefits. I’m delighted it has worked for others - it is really uplifting to hear the stories of this. Best wishes to you all.

Posted Sun 16 Sep 2018 13.21 by Twosmiler (edited Sun 16 Sep 2018 13.21 by Twosmiler)

Wow, amazing result from just adding blueberries to your diet! I guess they are packed with antioxidants and a great source of fiber and vitamin C - Fiber: 4 grams. Vitamin C: 24% of the RDA. Vitamin K: 36% of the RDA. Manganese: 25% of the RDA Blueberries are also prebiotics (which means they will act as food for your good gut bacteria) and they have anti-inflammatory properties. Apparently blueberries contributed to the growth of two probiotics - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Had you read a lot about blueberries before you tried them? Did you stop the 10/20 blueberries daily after the month or do you still take them?

Posted Sun 16 Sep 2018 13.53 by Chrissie NW

Yes I'm still on Blueberries and it's now three months and I'm clear I do take them every other day and will reduce like Phil The Blueberry Man who told us all about the Blueberries to a coupe of days per week I've never been clear in 50 yrs Chrissie

Posted Mon 17 Sep 2018 14.44 by warren1 (edited Mon 17 Sep 2018 21.26 by warren1)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Hi Phil, it is now 17th of September and my skin is still great. Approx 95 % clear. I have taken the blueberries every day and have seen great effect. Swifly mentioned that they were taken ALMOST every day and saw no effect. In my experience it needed to be consistant until results are seen. I showed my skin to a worker in Holland and Barretts this morning. ( i have been in there so many times in the past and she has seen my widespread red, sore,burning psoriasis) This morning she nearly collapsed when she saw my skin, saying that is 'totally Amazing'. i never had psoriasis on my face but had it in my hair and 70/80 % coverage from the neck down. I could have opened my top button and it was like i had my own central heating system, the rush of heat that was coming from my skin. But now my skin has returned to normal, the heat is gone, and many people are telling me that my complexion is back to normal. It must have been red due to the heat of my body. After about 3 weeks of 20 blueberries each day i noticed a change and that continued and after 5 weeks a massive difference. i have felt very down in the past, and phoned the psoriasis association for some glimmer of hope, on several occasions. I have lay for weeks during a flare up woundering if this raging disease would ever calm down, i have had to go home from work due to the psoriasis bleeding through my shirts, i have had my hands covered in psoriasis and peeled of the dead skin like a sheet from my palms, I have felt my whole body dry out and go into the shakes in work. But But But Now it is GONE. I am a christian through faith in the Person and Work of Gods Beloved Son. I thank God that this horrible , nasty ,embarrassing desease is Gone. As you read i have sent this text from my heart because i am sooooo pleased. Warren

Posted Mon 17 Sep 2018 21.49 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

Oh Chrissie, i owe you a reply too. Your enthusiasm about this discovery has been infectious. No wounder, i feel the same having really suffered this disease for 40 years since a boy of 12. Some have psoriasis on their elbows which can be difficult for them. But similar to yourself i have had it everywhere except my face. What a relief. i have tried creams, light treatment, diets etc etc. My wife just cant believe it that finally, i have found an answer. As Sir Phil has rightly said Why?Why?Why? is the Psoriasis Association or another intrested body not responding to this forum. I refused systematic treatment because of possible serious side effects. But what could be better than BLUEBERRIES with their many health benefits. Its a no brainer. Thanks for your help Chrissie. Warren

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 06.14 by demonicale

I'm on my 4th day if eating about half a cup full of blueberries in the morning and evening and I'm starting to see my psoriasis heal!!. I think give it another week maybe 2 and it'll be gone as well.

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 09.28 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

keep going. great to hear. it will be very intresting to see what u are like in a months time. War.

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 15.32 by Chrissie NW

Hi Warren, sorry Im late replying to you, but have been and still are on my holidays, but when I read your message I thought I had better reply to Warren, Im thrilled to bits your skin is great as your Psoriasis was the same as mine ( on fire, horrendous ) and now well as Ive said previously Im wearing shorts, friends Im on holiday with have known me for years and have never seen my legs, and now my legs are out all the time, its great, I truely think they are fed up of seeing them!!!!! Anyway Warren, apologies for the delay in replying and well done. Chrissie

Posted Tue 18 Sep 2018 15.42 by demonicale

Warren, Chrissie, how much of your bodies was covered with psoriasis?. Mines Flexural psoriasis and have it in the worst places possible. But after 4 days i'm starting to see some patches break up.

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