Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

1 Posted Fri 5 Feb 2021 09.07 by Redali31

Don’t get your point? Did you actually read any of the above post or just the last two lines .... Go back and read it all- properly. Ding bat

Posted Sat 6 Feb 2021 09.46 by Redali31

To whom ever: I felt like giving my husband’s bowel cancer a thumbs down too. So thanks for that. Says it all really... Good luck Sharon G. All the best to you hon. I hope the BB’s help you.

Posted Sat 6 Feb 2021 10.13 by Em

I’m very confused! I thought this forum was to share ideas of what helps them and their experiences. It seems to of got very personal!

Posted Sat 6 Feb 2021 11.36 by woof

here here. I think i’ll give it miss thanks. Dissin’ someone whose husband has cancer? really? Not my thing it’s all a bit preachy. i can see redali’s point Blueberries is interesting though might give it a go

Posted Thu 11 Feb 2021 19.38 by Tracyjane

Hi , does anyone know if blueberry Actimel immune system drinks will help at all?

Posted Sat 13 Feb 2021 13.00 by SharonG

@Traceyjane Worth a try?

Posted Sat 20 Feb 2021 14.14 by SharonG

@fallon1983 Here it is.

Posted Sat 20 Feb 2021 17.02 by Tracyjane

Fallon1983 here what is lol x

Posted Sat 20 Feb 2021 22.33 by SharonG (edited Sat 20 Feb 2021 22.34 by SharonG)

@TracyJane The BB thread :) Lol x I was trying to find this thread for Fallon Lol

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 06.32 by Northerner21

Guys please read my thread i just posted in this treatment section of the forum, its very important if blueberries aren't working for you.

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 08.29 by SharonG

@Northerners21 I can't find your thread! Please post a link. Thanks

Posted Sun 21 Feb 2021 13.05 by SharonG (edited Sun 21 Feb 2021 13.05 by SharonG)

Posted Thu 25 Feb 2021 21.22 by Lauren

Hi there I’m new to this forum and have had psoriasis for a year now but it has moved into psoriatic arthritis which I’m on methotrexate for. I’m amazed at how many of you have seen incredible results from blueberries so will start tomorrow. Has anyone had any good news with blueberries and psoriatic arthritis? Does it help with this too? Many thanks Lauren

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2021 12.17 by Vicky

Hello all..... So, after reading with interest I started on the blueberry crusade at Christmas and have stuck firm to the regimen since. I had a really bad couple of weeks earlier this month but carry on with the plan regardless. Incidentally I have also read with interest the Vit D discussion and tomorrow will be day 14 with a Vit D supplement. Other things include moisturising with Bio oil dry skin gel and when its itchy using Aloe Vera gel..... Never been as medicated in my life. I can report that mainly since the Vit D I can see some improvement which i am really excited about (right elbow is the problem area in the main) Hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel..... slowly slowly :-)

Posted Sat 27 Feb 2021 05.55 by Northerner21

Thats amazing Vicky. Keep going. Get your vit d levels checked by a doctor, you might need more.

Posted Sat 13 Mar 2021 08.54 by ChayS

Read this thread a week ago and started eating at least 20-30 blueberries and the odd few pecans, immediately along with applying moisturiser very regularly (golden blend hand cream & neutrogena hand cream) and I can say that already my plaque psoriasis has stopped developing plaques, skin is a lot smoother and colour is turning lighter everyday. Thank you for suggesting this treatment as in the past only light therapy has really worked but returns shortly after stopping, and steroid creams usually make it worse if there’s any breaks in application

Posted Sat 13 Mar 2021 10.57 by SharonG

@ChayS That's fantastic news :) Long may it continue :)

Posted Tue 30 Mar 2021 19.54 by apongos

Hi everyone, My father and uncle both have psoriasis. My first flare up was in 2011, when I was about 19 years old, diagnosed as moderate to severe (all over my body, hands, and sometimes my face and ears). Doctors gave me oral steroids and cream, but my PPP would rebound even stronger so I stopped taking the medications. I became a recluse and tried to not do much but lay down and sleep because it irritated my skin to do anything. After a few of years of this, I started listening to my body (specifically my gut) and it told me to take a break from meat and to just eat vegetables, berries, and nuts. Even though I was always hungry, it could tell this berry and nut diet made my stomach 'happy'. Within three weeks my moderate to severe PPP disappeared. My body (and gut) held the answer the whole time, I just had to listen to it. Being a scientist and mathematician (BS in applied math, currently working on PhD in Bioengineering), I researched online and found that fasting may help 'restart' the immune system, and psoriasis is an immune system disorder. Better science needs to be done to find real answers, but maybe a combination of 1) listening to your stomach 2) fasting 3) eating berries may help others too. My flare-ups come back intermittently, specifically after I eat eggs or a lot of meat every day. But, if I skip eggs, I can eat meat most days of the week and my skin stays clear. I had a flare up again this past month Feb-March 2021 on my arms and legs. I cut eggs from my diet, reduced meat consumption to about twice a week, and ate only between the hours of 6pm-10pm. I could snack on nuts, berries (blueberries specifically), and water throughout the day. My flare-up disappeared in two weeks. Hopefully this info helps others

Posted Wed 31 Mar 2021 18.43 by SharonG

@PerryMuir I get mine from Aldi Tesco Sainsburys or Morrisons - so it's whatever they sell - I have tried them all - just depends which store I go to on whatever week Lol Always have the fresh because I don't like the frozen - just personal choice - I eat about 10 per day and so far so good :) Unless it is just a coincidence? But whatever it is I am so grateful - BB's ROCK ;) Hope they help you too.

Posted Wed 21 Apr 2021 10.33 by SharonG

Hi Everyone Just thought that I should pop by to let you know how the blueberries are helping me. I have been eating them everyday since August last year - I have about 10 per day - and so far so good - I have changed nothing else - I still get the pustules on my feet that eventually go brown and then come off but the skin underneath has been ok - so far so good - last summer I had the most horrendous break out and it was like walking on glass as the skin just didn't heal - so dry cracked and sometimes bleeding and the itch was unbearable - it was petty grim - I have no idea if it is the blueberries or just coincidence but BB's can do no harm so I shall be sticking with them. Hope you are all ok and staying as safe as you can be - I am one vaccine down - no reaction - and No 2 is due next month. Happy days for me :) So for any newcomers please do try these little berries :)

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