Signs of uvb working.

Posted Wed 29 Mar 2017 16.09 by Sasha100

Can anyone tell me about their experience of uvb treatment. After getting completely dismayed with doctors prescribing ointment that did nothing or making my condition worse I decided to do some research myself. I did see an number of people have had uvb treatment with success. I have now invested in a small handheld uvb lamp. My doctor has finally reffered me to dermacologist but is over two months away and they are not bothering giving me anything to treat my condition. .Believe me I am being very careful with it. The manufacturer recommended starting at 45 seconds. Being very fair skin, I decided to be a wimp and start at 15 seconds just incase and have been gradually increase it by 5 seconds. Now I have only used it three times so far , because I have only had it just over a week, and I only use it every other day. but I have noticed than some of the lessons are going or nearly flat. Can anyone tell me was that the first sign of improvement when they had uvb treatment?

Posted Mon 3 Apr 2017 20.03 by becca130130 - 23 from Northampton
Had psoriasis since i was 4 and is currently taking methotrexate

hey, i had uvb for about 6 years on and off and having the lessons going or nearly flat was the first sign of improvement for me, but be careful when using uvb and if you start to burn, sting and/or notice you're getting freckles, stop using uvb and inform your doctor because it might be a sign or your psoriasis or skin getting worse and they'll probably advise you to start a new treatment.

Posted Tue 4 Apr 2017 11.26 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

When I got UVB a few years ago the first sign of it working was it getting quite dry and flaky then smoothing and flattening out. The patches almost squashed out and looked bigger, but definitely less bumpy and more pink than blood red. From what I remember it seemed to take ages for it to change but then quite quickly they started to clear up. I have a hand held lamp too and used it on my guttate flare up a few weeks ago, literally used it about 3 times in a fortnight and it did help, just be very careful if you're using any lotions or creams from the doctor, a lot of things will make you photosensitive and it'll make it more likely that you'll get burnt and burnt can equal a horrible flare up!

Posted Thu 6 Apr 2017 14.16 by nad

Hello, May I ask you where did you find de UVB lamp please ? Thank you

Posted Thu 6 Apr 2017 14.39 by Gemma100

Hi Thanks for your replies and advice becca130130 and metarie1985.. Metarie1985 thanks for your detailed description. I haven't used it many times so. But it seems to be doing just as you described at the moment. Many of my numerous lesions have started to look flatter. They do also seem to be more dry and flaking. Which I was worried may have been a bad sign. Of course there is not much noticeable difference in the colour as yet. Hi nad. I would love to answer your question, but at the moment it's early days. I can't be 100% that it will improve my condition at the moment. If I was to inform you where I got it and you purchased one and it did not work for you, or made your condition worse, I would never be able to forgive myself. I hope you understand. If I continue to see so improvement or the opposite I will happily update this post to keep you informed.

Posted Fri 7 Apr 2017 08.26 by JoApUK - 42 from Essex
Psoriasis warrior for 17 years. Currently on UVB light therapy. Web: Twitter: @DryandMighty Come say hi :)

Hi Gemma, how are you getting on? I am currently on a 12 week course of uVB treatment at my hospital. It's doing me the world of good. I am blonde with fair skin, so they started me of at 30 seconds and have been increasing it by 20 seconds every time (my skin has not burnt!), I'm at hospital three times a week. Progress has been great, but I didn't really notice anything until after my 7th visit. You can see my progress pictures on my twitter account @Dryandmighty and my website in the UVB light therapy FAQs post. Good luck and keep us all updated!

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