Guttate psoriasis

Posted Fri 7 Apr 2017 14.13 by Welsh_dan85

Hello everyone. I'm interested in what people have treated their guttate psoriasis with in the past. This week I've had a huge flare up, all over my torso and back, arms, legs, head, face, everywhere and very itchy. Not had it like this before, elecon seems to work when my psoriasis is under control, but this is something else. I've heard it goes by itself, but may take months. I think it's down to stress and depression with me, I have a good diet and exercise all the time. I'm hoping people can share their experiences with me.

Posted Wed 12 Apr 2017 21.43 by cathieanne

I am in week 10 of my outbreak. It was been horrendous. Tried lots of creams but Dermovate seems to be working and I am also using Vaseline which is working a treat on my back. Good luck!

Posted Thu 13 Apr 2017 09.13 by Welsh_dan85

Oh bless you, has it been hard to get rid of? I'm using betnovate at the moment, which is starting to make progress. What I've found is a lot of the spots look like actual spots, that have scabbed over, really strange. But I've had it now for 2 weeks and it's starting to make progress. It's very stubborn on my arms, and not really shifting. Have been referred to a Dermatologist, so I'm hoping we can find out the root of it all. Fingers crossed! Thanks for replying, hope yours clears up soon!

Posted Thu 13 Apr 2017 11.16 by mezlizt

the only thing that works on my guttate is dovabet steroid gel.

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 12.31 by priceless

Had what appears to be guttate in patches all over my body. Have had P on head and in groins but never like this before. Small pimples that sometime join together and make a red patch. Nothing seems to work apart from Diprosalic but only a bit. All very strange. Have an appointment with a dermatologist but am thinking about going private just for diagnosis beforehand. Hope everybody's clears up soon

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 13.14 by Welsh_dan85

That sounds exactly like I have! I also have a lot of these spots type, pus that dried over! Very strange! I've been referred to a Dermatologist, but same very tempted to go private to get it diagnosed. So frustrating, all we can do is be positive and use our treatment. I think it's very much related to stress to be honest. Hope yours clears up!

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 16.12 by admiralackbar

Keep moisturising and eat healthy and drink plenty of water. I use Diprobase Cream Emollient for my guttate psoriasis which is on my upper arms, back, chest and stomach and for me out of all the moisturisers ive used, its the most effective. And yeah Vaseline is great too but the problem with Vaseline is that it takes a long time to absorb into the skin and can leave you looking at feeling rather greasy. Im in about week 7/8 of having it now since my outbreak and during week 2 I decided to completely change my diet and lifestyle to try and tackle it, and ever since my skin has improved hugely and i recon in a couple of weeks it will have completely cleared up. Drink atleast 2-3 litres a day of water. Moisturise in the morning and in the evening. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol. Try to not be stressed, stress will only aggravate it more. Whenever i look at myslef and start getting stressed and worried about it I remind myself that A) There are people with far worse problems with me and B) Guttate usually only lasts around 3/10 weeks so its not permanent and can be beaten. Best foods to eat: Celery, Carrots, Olives, Onions, Garlic, Whole grain pasta, Wholegrain rice, Chicken, fish, spinach, lettuce, apples, blueberries, bananas, mango and avocado. Worst foods to eat: Peppers, Tomatoes, anything fried, fast foods, too much dairy, chocate, sweets, red meat I also take vitamin E and D supplements which help too. And when its sunny, get out in the sun, lie out in the sun for half an hour to an hour every day if its sunny outside and you will see so much improvement. Last year i went on holiday to Morocco and had a small outbreak then, within 4 days of being out in the sun tanning and moisturising, it had completely cleared up! Best of luck to you, and just remember to think healthy and bare in mind what you can and cant eat.

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 16.52 by Welsh_dan85

Thank you for that!! I'm pretty much doing everything you said! It's definitely the stress that aggravates it. I eat healthy, all I drink is water, all I can do is let time take it's toll. Thank you

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 19.44 by lucyb123
Its always been all over my scalp and in the last five years its spread onto my back and chest. It has affe cted my confidence

I had an outbreak that sounds very similar to yours dan and after creams and phototherapy was put on 10mg methotrexate weekly. I cleared within about 5-6 weeks. Worth speaking to dermatologist as it sounds as though your diet is good,lots of water etc. Plus there is no proven link between diet and psoriasis. All depends on the person and what helps them. Good luck x

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 20.22 by Welsh_dan85

Thanks Lucy! Much appreciated for your comments and shared experiences. I've been referred to a Dermatologist, so fingers crossed will get to the bottom of it. X

Posted Sun 23 Apr 2017 03.34 by Slipit1

Admiral, Thanks for the hit lists, very helpful. I am a rookie (1/17) with what I think is Gut but have yet to be diagnosed from 2 derms. But 4 real no tomatoes! Ur killing me I love them. What is it the acidic? I have used all the creams OTC and some steroids. I have read a bunch about Clearfree in some of the other topics listed hear any feedback? I have left some comments for user to keep me posted... thanks for any assistance.

Posted Mon 24 Apr 2017 06.12 by andrea
have had p for too many years

I have tried many creams since I was 7yrs and I am now 52. dovobet calms it down a bit and I use zerodouble moisturiser from the doc. I am on 17.5 methotrexate which cleared it completely for a year but its coming back and my derm wants me to come down to 15mg. No way I said as it will worsen even more so I decided to go vegan, sugar and gluten free which I religiously did for two months but not the slightest bit of difference was made. Uvb has helped in the past. I was thinking of getting a Phillips narrowband uvb light but they are very expensive. Has any one tried a home kit?

Posted Mon 24 Apr 2017 12.36 by masshha1996

Eating healthy, drinking water and being in the sun is the best treatment. I take fish oil capsules too and use epaderm ointment to moisture in the morning and evening. Only just started using it, it is a pain because it is literally like smothering yourself in butter but it seems to help with itching.

Posted Tue 25 Apr 2017 12.08 by Gracecooper

Eat clean. It's a journey but entirely worth it. I am fourteen, and have had head to toe psoriasis since I was about seven, the only way to keep it under control was methotrexate and a trial of every topical cream you can imagine. Five years later I gave up the methotrexate (due to the dangerous things it was doing to my insides) and went sugar, dairy, wheat and yeast free. I also avoid tomatoes, potatoes etc, and trust me it's not as bad as it sounds. Eat lots of greens, meat and fish, and as said above drink plenty of water, and you will be CLEAR. Completely, although it might take some time. Not only do I feel amazing but even during the process when my skin was still struggling while eating healthy, I felt good about myself. Absolutely recommend, and good luck!

Posted Wed 26 Jul 2017 20.19 by Livvyg

Can someone please tell me what the best treatment is for this???

Posted Wed 26 Jul 2017 21.39 by Welsh_dan85

Hi there! I posted the original message. Ok I recently did 15 sessions of UVB therapy and my psoriasis has gone. It helped hugely and also moisturising. To be honest , you need to work out what your trigger is, mine is stress. Some people have food (although it's never been proven that food triggers psoriasis) . Drinking lots of alcohol doesn't help either. I strongly believe stress, smoking and alcohol are the triggers, eliminate them and see what happens. Get UVB treatment or go on holiday for a week and moisturise!! You'll get through it! Trust me! Psoriasis can be beaten!

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 02.21 by Slipit1

Welsh thats great news, I just went to Tufts Medical Center in Boston, they have one of the largest skin treatmemt centers for P and skin related issues. They confirmed that it is cronic Exzema which looks similiar to gutt. I really wanted to get an answer on what i could do to treat from the inside instead. 2 reccomendation came up, meds to supress the immune system hard for 3 months then back it off to a lighter treatment or UVB, I am going to start UVB next week. The good news is I was told there are several treatmemts that can kick this in the ass, that we do not have to pit up with living like this...(iching is I type this)...more to come soon as to how it works.

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 11.18 by JuanF-A

I have had Guttate Psoriasis (GP) since Feb this year and am STILL waiting for my phototherapy (UVB). Over the last five months, I have researched treatments, causes and prevention. Depending on whom you speak to you get different answers, which isn't helpful. Coincidentally, my brother had an outbreak of a form of eczema at the same time and, coincidentally, we both caught the same aggressive bug last summer on a family holiday which caused vomiting and diarrhoea. As a result of this, I investigated 'leaky gut' which is what happens if your gut is damaged (either as a result of an acute incident or long term degradation from poor diet, and/or stress, and/or toxins, and/or infections etc.) and as a result bacteria and toxins can 'leak' into your system causing widespread inflammation, including (and seemingly predominantly) on your skin. From a medical perspective, GP is an autoimmune response following a strep infection. From a gastroenterological/nutritionist perspective, the autoimmune response is caused by a leaky gut. If you go down the medical route, they will prescribe TREATMENTS only. For me, this means phototherapy, which has a good record of clearing up GP. Because of my long wait, my doctor prescribed Dovobet gel, and this has done a great job of clearing up the GP very quickly. BUT... this and the phototherapy are only TREATMENTS and won't prevent a future outbreak which could be triggered by stress, another infection, etc. So in parallel with the treatment, I have been working on healing my gut. A lot of the posts above concur with me that diet is critical to prevention, and this is because certain foods can attack the gut (especially gluten, and refined sugars & alcohol because they allow bacteria to create an acidic environment which attacks the gut lining, and others). But exclusion diets are only about PREVENTION and won't necessarily HEAL a damaged gut. For this, you probably need to add supplements to your diet which will help your body to heal the gut lining and remove any leakiness. I use this website as 'leaky gut' is Dr Axe's sole focus. You can also read his book "Eat Dirt" which I bought on Amazon. Since starting this PREVENTION strategy I have not had any further GP outbreaks (although it may be too early to tell) but at the same time I have never felt healthier, slept better, or had as high energy levels as I do now. As a final point, my brother went to see a Gastroenterologist (having been told by his Dermatologist that he had eczema and there was no cure, only treatment) and following an endoscopy discovered he had two duodenal ulcers, a.k.a. 'leaky gut'! So the theory has at least some actual supporting evidence, and I suspect if I too had an endoscopy (no thanks!) they would find something similar. So as an aside, if you ever get a gut infection that causes diarrhoea you should consider taking high dose probiotics to replenish your 'good' gut bacteria, as it's likely that any gut infection will deplete your levels, leading to a knock-on effect, including triggering an outbreak of GP. Sorry for the long post, but hope it helps! I want to live GP free; not just have treatment for it. PS - I'm not a medical professional, or a nutrionist, but my wife is a General Practitioner and she supports my gut healing plan, and is supervising my wellbeing as I take supplements.

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 11.37 by Livvyg

I have enstilar for guttate is this what I should be using?

Posted Thu 27 Jul 2017 11.42 by JuanF-A

Enstilar and Dovobet have the same active ingredient (and therefore equivalents). I've only used Dovobet, which has worked well for treatment.

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