Please help

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 04.35 by Tammie_98
Hello, my names Tamara, I'm 18 and I'm suffering with psoriasis, im a new mum to a little girl and I live in Bridlington with my partner

Hello, my names Tamara and I'm 18, I'm a new mum of only three months, and I've been diagnosed with psoriasis just over a month now but had signs of it throughout my pregnancy, I have tried almost everything the doctors have given me, and nothing seems to be helping!! It's just so itchy, I can't sleep on a night, or even when I do get to sleep it wakes me up from being so itchy, my joints are slowly starting to become extremely sore when I move too, I don't want to live this way, it's all over my face, arms and scalp and slowly appearing on my legs, it's effecting my mental state too, when I was 17 I was admitted into a mental health unit and now this, please someone help me

Posted Mon 10 Apr 2017 15.05 by Psoriasaurus Rex
Sick and tired of scratching the surface - want a cure.

Hello Tamara, I would recommend you purchase Sorion Cream (I think you can only get it off Amazon UK). It consists of all natural ingredients and has made almost all of my psoriasis turn into flat pink skin, to the point it isn't really something I care about at all. Something like Capasal shampoo may help calm down your scalp as well (maybe you've tried this). I also had painful joints, particularly my knees and elbows. I have found that eating plenty of vegetables has helped calm that down rightly.

Posted Sat 15 Apr 2017 21.56 by madina_jade

I am really sorry to hear this, I can relate to you in regards of mental health, I have diagnosed depression and anxiety, and I find that psoriasis has a huge impact on my anxiety, I do less, feel a lot less confident and it's just changed my outlook on many things, like I miss the days where I would happily go to swimming aerobic exercises, now I would have a panic attack about getting my legs out. My legs and scalp is where I'm currently effected, my father has it all over his body but his started out this way, again this affects my anxiety, because I'm finding it unmanageable in the two areas. I find medicated shampoos support the itch but don't get rid of the visible issue. I wish I could give more advice, but I guess I'm here to me more supportive, being in a similar situation (as in state of mind with this diagnosis). I will try the sorion cream though mentioned by psoriasis rex (thankyou!)

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 05.03 by asymetrix

- eat fresh fruit veg. 80% diet mostly raw. - alkaline diet Psoriasis Natural Treatment that Works (Dr. John Pagano) Fix inside Fix leaky Gut No nightshade family vegetables (tomatoes, bell/chilli peppers, eggplant, white potatoes No paprika, okra, gooseberry, cherries No Citrus fruit eg oranges, lemon No corn No sweets, cakes etc No Processed food No Fried Food No Smoking No Alcohol No white flour products - bread/pasta etc No red meat (Lamb ok) Limit soy, Dairy eat lots green leafy veg Celery Juice first thing daily carrot juice daily (magnesium, chromium, selenium minerals) Focus many different minerals, vitamins and omega 3 oils from fruit, veg, nuts, fish For me these helped : Neem leaf/oil capsules Birch Tar Bar Soap from Russia Functional medicine/ Dr berg - Youtube Naturopathic medicine - Dr Robert Morse ND - Youtube

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 15.54 by admiralackbar

Drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day, couldn't stress enough how much better your skin will look within a few days of drinking this amount!

Posted Tue 18 Apr 2017 23.31 by Laura may

Go to your gp lovely and explain just how much this is impacting you. They may refer you to a specialist for more intense treatment. Particularly light treatment or ciclosporin or methotrexate if it is so bad that you are feeling unable to cope. I have been where you are now and it is horrific. Just don't be scared to look in the mirror. .. you can fight this horrible flaky red itchy stuff. Just be brave and start fighting it back... go to gp and moisturise every spare second you have between being a mum!! 😉

Posted Mon 24 Apr 2017 08.20 by ShabbyClown

@admiralackbar - agree with you; water does a lot to our body, keeps our skin moisturize from within, take vitamin E too from natural sources and exercise. :)

Posted Tue 25 Apr 2017 04.41 by Bridon1006
Living with psoriasis for over 50 years, more recently psoriatic arthritis, depression and chronic back/leg pain

Asymetrix What credible evidence do you have that any of the approaches listed are safe, effective treatments for psoriasis and PSA? By the way anecdotes, testimonials, YouTube videos are not evidence. The alkaline diet is nonsense, Pagano was not a Dr, he was a chiropractor, leaky gut is not a medical condition, naturopathic medicine is an oxymoron. A fellow member is clearly struggling, candidly shares the difficulties they are living with only to be presented with evidence light, psuedomedicine. Surely they deserve better

Posted Wed 26 Apr 2017 15.45 by TeamClarkester

Hi. I don't know if you have tried it, and I may be lucky, but my wife bought a jar of raw virgin coconut oil about a week ago now, and my psoriasis (chest, stomach, arms, legs, head, backs of knees, bum crack (nice!!)) has improved dramatically, in a very short space of time. It's not gone, but it's not as red, and nowhere near as flaky. The only thing that hasn't changed is the itching, but I'm taking a hayfever antihistamine to try to conquer that hurdle (it isn't working to be fair) It's an oily job, but it doesn't sting, it smells really nice, and it seems, so far, to be working for me.

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2017 17.41 by ShabbyClown

Hi! You must be really having a hard time now, psoriasis is hard to treat when you are pregnant because you can't just take any kind of ointment or medication to improve your condition.

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