dovobet ointment

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 16.45 by martin

i am new to psoriasis and have been prescribed dovobet ointment it says apply to affected areas only but my psoriaosis is hundreds of little affected areas all over body with the patches you see on photos just on elbows impossible not to apply to non affected areas what are consequences of applying to healthy skin?

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 18.24 by andymiller101979

I was using Dovabet and had the same problem, i did end up using it nearly all over my body and never really had any problems with this at all.

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 18.58 by martin

Thanks andy

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 19.43 by andymiller101979

No problem, i think when it comes to small bits all over the body it is so much harder to try and just treat the affected areas, the only thing i have found it does make the normal skin a bit more sensitive.

Posted Sun 9 Apr 2017 22.17 by mezlizt

Hi, im a dovobet user and i just thought you might appreciate this advice. Your doctor may tell you after a while to switch to dovanex as an alternative as it doesn't contain the steroid. I have scalp and guttate psoriasis which means dovanex (which has a vaseline feel and a really terrible tube for application) is supposed to be the long term solution. you can probably tell already that i don't advise it. terrible. i hope dovabet works out for you!

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