A Vegan Diet May be the Way Forward!

Posted Sun 17 Mar 2013 11.33 by Nadia
Psoriasis can be seen on my forearms, underarms, under the breasts, stomach and on my thighs. It comes out on my face now and then as well

Hi all! I just wanted to post a comment to tell you about my experience with psoriasis: I have had it for years and nothing seemed to help. It wasn't a severe case at all but enough to be prescribed medication by my doctor. It was itchy, flaky and deeply pigmented and was slowly killing my confidence. I ate well, exercised regularly didn't smoke or drink... Then I decided to go vegan. I haven't eaten cheese in over a month and I replace dairy milk and yoghurt with soya products. I home cook my own dinners, mostly vegetable curries which are really very simple to make and highly nutritious. I incorporate lots of fresh fruit into my diet and I drink 2 glasses of warm water every morning before breakfast - which is usually muesli with soy yogurt and fresh berries. Within a fortnight my skin started clearing up; people have actually been commenting on how bright and smooth my complexion looks. Apparently lactose intolerance can cause psoriasis. I did wonder why feta cheese gave me a funny tummy... I'm not saying that a non-dairy diet will definitely cure everything, but it might be a good place to start. I am of South Asian descent and I have had a blotchy, uneven skintone for as long as I can remember. Recently however my skin started flaring up frequently and it was really very painful - not to mention unsightly - that's why I decided to detox myself of processed foods and animal produce. I was nervous at first, wondering what I would be able to eat! But there are some really good vegan bloggers out there, namely Kathy Patalsky, who has helped me with this lifestyle change. If your interested in trying out a vegan diet you should check out her blog: http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/2013/02/chocolate-frosted-banana-cupcakes-vegan.htmla I actually baked the above recipe and my gosh was it good! I hope this comment helps. Good Luck and all the best!! Nadia x x x p.s i just read over my comment and it sounds like I am trying to promote Kathy's blog! I promise you I am not, I don't know her personally - I think she is in America somewhere and I am in Britain. I just thought I would give some helpful advice to my fellow Psoriasis sufferers :)

Posted Sat 23 Mar 2013 15.44 by Dave (edited Mon 22 Sep 2014 16.17 by Yorkshirerose)
To cut a long story short, psoriasis ruined my life when i was just a teenager.

Hi, Nadia I removed dairy from my diet some time ago with excellent results. This may not be the answer for everyone and some people who remove other things from their diet, but keep dairy, have also experienced major improvements. So, it's really a process of elimination for each individual. I'd like to try a vegan diet, I'm probably half way there but i can't have tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruits and a few other things that are often used in vegan recipes. I think i'd really struggle to find a good variety of tasty dishes from a vegan diet with the exclusion of the above mentioned foods. There are obvious benefits from a vegan diet and thumbs up to anyone who can. Dave

Posted Fri 28 Feb 2014 16.23 by JBA
Scalp, ears, midrif and a little on arms and legs

Hi there, My psoriasis greatly calmed down after following the principles in Konstantin Monastyrsky's book: 'Fiber Menace' - you can read all about his work here http://www.gutsense.org/. Personally I find his insights something of a revelation. After mentioning my progress with psoriasis to the author, he also kindly pointed me towards a histamine restriction diet which cuts out foods that cause inflammation. http://web.archive.org/web/20130325195625/http://urticaria.thunderworksinc.com/pages/lowhistamine.htm#foodsource My psoriasis continued to calm down further, however it flares up quite quickly if I don't keep my histamine intake low, and this is a little difficult when you are away from home. I am now on a mission to get rid of any skin products with preservatives and other nasties in and give my body a break from everything that is causing stress and inflammation. Hopefully this will be the final touch to clear the psoriasis up completely. For those of you who are feeling down about your psoriasis, I hope you find some relief from this information. My dermatologist refused to even discuss diet in relation to psoriasis as there is no scientific proof of a connection. However, if it works for me, I hope it will work for you too. I have always sensed that diet played a major part, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I hope this helps, and Good Luck!

Posted Sat 20 Sep 2014 22.53 by geoff
Got it at 13 and destroyed my confidence, avoided all fun things,swimming, parties, holidays with friends and this continued into adult life

Had psoriasis since 13, went vegetarian at 23 and vegan at 52,now56 and no psoriasis for 3 years. Still eat loads of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes. I use organic soaps etc if possible and organic food. Drink plenty of water. Wine,port will make my skin itch. My psoriasis going was a spin off for going vegan for ethical reasons. You may find it difficult to give up favourite foods but I can now swim in public baths, wear t shirts, go to parties without worrying, wear shorts. My psoriasis was all over me except thankfully my face. Hopefully this may work for others. Take care.

Posted Fri 16 Mar 2018 08.59 by TheTreeBird

Hello everyone.. I also have begun with (pseudo) vegan diet as I have a rest of psoriasis in my hair only. I said pseudo because I still will eat fish occasionally. Now it has been 2 two weeks on vegan food, but no improvement, I guess it needs to be a bit longer to see results on skin. (anyway of course I take B12 supplements everyday) Some interesting info, although from 2005, is in this paper: Diet and psoriasis: experimental data and clinical evidence by M. Wolters. link here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/wol1/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2133.2005.06781.x/full

Posted Wed 21 Mar 2018 13.50 by mungflesh

I tried excluding the following: - Alcohol - Red meat & poultry - Dairy / eggs - Caffeine - Gluten - Chocolate, and sweets in general - Spices It made no difference for me, so just wanted to highlight that diet is not always going to fix it. Absolutely no harm in trying though. I have psoriatic arthritis too and, although it is very much under control right now, I used to find that the following foods would trigger flare-ups: - alchohol - red meat (the better quality, the more severe) - chilli Though I think these might be linked to becoming somewhat dehydrated and as a result the dehydration is what caused the flare up.

Posted Sun 15 Apr 2018 13.04 by Aurora
I have had a patch of psoriasis on top of my foot for over 10 years.I used to think it was athlete's foot.Now I seem to have developed psori

Has anyone found that taking probiotics helps and if so ,what kind of strain/s ? I've experimented with a very general probiotic - probably not for long enough - and there seemed to be some relief.I'm sure I've had the "leaky gut syndrome"for several years. I've found that going gluten -free and taking omega 3 supplements help a bit - but there's a lot of talk about the importance of gut health these days and it makes sense to me.

1 Posted Fri 27 Nov 2020 11.06 by aatikam32

In addition to it, I'd say that besides a normal diet, a vegan must include vegan supplements which are necessary for a healthy body. These supplements must possess all the essential nutrients in them. I personally use Vegan Vitality's Vegan supplements and would recommend you as well – https://vegan-vitality.co.uk I find that this has helped me a lot and you'll also notice the change. Here's the website - https://vegan-vitality.co.uk/

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