
Posted Sat 15 Apr 2017 19.18 by priceless

Hi all Had P for a long time on head and groins but have never come up in little spots which are very itchy and do not want to go away whatever I put on them. Some appear to go away and the reappear; whist other join together and this makes a red mark. My doctor says plaque P but looking at pictures it looks like guttate. Am using Diprosalic which someone gave me. It helps a bit but the spots seem to come back . Anybody else got any ideas?. Have an appointment to see a Dermo in a few weeks but would like it cleared up my then.

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2017 15.46 by admiralackbar

I have Guttate a swell, it first came up back in February as a rash along the tops of my shoulders and upper back which then turned into the small red dots and these spread along the tops of my upper arms, back, chest and stomach. This was the first major outbreak I have had and it came after an infection I had with my throat which essentially triggered the psoriasis. After being given a few different ointments by various doctors which did next to nothing for my Guttate I decided to stop using any creams/ointments i was given and cure it more naturally. My method: Stop smoking, reduce how much alcohol you drink and make sure you got plenty of sleep every night. My doctor prescribed me with Diprobase Cream Emollient which i use as a moisturiser and apply after a shower in the morning and just before i go to sleep every day. Diet is essential to beating Guttate, I realised that after doing plenty of research my diet was only going to make my psoriasis worse, and I realised I was drinking nowhere near enough water. So, aim to drink atleast 3 litres a day, this helps massively. Make sure you eat your 5 a day and if you can, make it 10. Blueberries, apples, bananas, mango are great. With grains, eat wholemeal rice, pasta etc. Try to reduce the amount of salt in your food aswell. Include onion, garlic, lettuce, spinach, celery, carrots, olives, avocados as much as possible as these foods are so good at battling psorosis. White meat such as chicken and small amounts of pork are good too. Make sure you eat plenty of fish, or if you dont like fish take omega 3 tablets. Stay away from the following: Peppers, Tomatoes, chocolate, white potatoes, beef, any fried food, fast food. These are not good for people with psorisis. Every morning I also take a vitamin tablet, vitamin E tablet, Omega 3 tablet and a chewy vitamin D thing. Every since Ive changed my diet and lifestyle and drank more water my skin has improved massively and i recon in a couple of weeks it will have completely healed up. And i cannot stress this enough, get out in the sun! The most improvement I ever see is after spending time in the sun, it helps so much. Anyway best of luck to you and if you make sure you eat well, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sunshine and keep a positive mind it will be gone in no time! The good thing about Guttate is it generally only lasts from 3-8 weeks so dont dwell on it and try to get rid of it as soon as you can!

Posted Wed 19 Apr 2017 17.42 by Lynne

My Doctor has referred me to a Dermatologist after he diagnosed me with Pustular Palm Psoriasis, a few days later I had a rash appear which now researching on here it seems I have Guttate as well, do the 2 go along together? Any replies greatly appreciated.

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2017 22.29 by cathieanne

Hi, I am in week 11 of my guttate outbreak..90% of my body covered! I have been using Dermovate cream, but recently stopped using it as it was driving me mad applying it twice a day to my entire body. I am using Vaseline at the minute and I have seen a big skin is much flatter and lesions are less flaky and red. I have my dermatologist app in 4 weeks... Never experienced anything like this in my life....very nasty and doctor has told me that it could take up to a year to clear. I'm trying hard to stay positive. 😊

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