Hand & Foot Psoriasis - Ciclosporin - Help!

Posted Fri 28 Apr 2017 11.57 by Lynsey06

Hi All, My first time on this site and a forum - so be gentle with me. I was diagnosed with hand and foot psoriasis about 3 months ago, have a great consultant who seems keen to get my sorted as quickly as he can. I have tried the porridge oats soak and also salicylic acid but nothing is working and its spread to my wrists and elbows. I'm totally stressed about it which in no doubt makes it worse. My main problem is my feet, sometimes I can barely walk. Anyway - I have just returned from my consultant who has recommended cicosporin. I have to have a number of blood tests and blood pressure monitored. Are any of you taking this and how are you finding it?

Posted Tue 2 May 2017 15.58 by Caroline
I have had Psoriasis since i was 8yrs old. So i have lived with this now for 26yrs!

Hi there. I am also new to this forum! I have been on Cyclosporin for a number of years now and i really get on well with it. Its a drug that acts quick and on the right dosage can clear up very quickly. My Doctor has just increased my dose to gradually build up my intake which should knock the hell out of my Psoriasis. You do have to have blood tests due to them closely monitoring your kidney function and blood pressure as it can raise it. It hasn't made much of a difference with both mine and i have been taking it now for at least 5 plus years. Good luck and hope that helps: )

Posted Tue 2 May 2017 16.30 by Lynsey06

Thanks so much for your reply Caroline! I'm hopeful that this works as nothing else has so far. I'm very willing to give it a go.

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