Blue light treatment

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 19.22 by Joe90

Been looking at led blue light treatments has anyone used this and if so did it work

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 19.28 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

No, I've read about it but for some reason I feel sceptical. Its certainly ultra expensive for what is little more than a LED light array.

Posted Mon 1 May 2017 21.28 by Jackie

Hi, having had the UVB treatment at hospital which totally cleared my psoriasis and unfortunately they only allow it once per year.I purchased a UVB bed and after only 1 week I see a difference in my elbows & knees which were thick scales. yes they are expensive but I will have it for years after it clears just using it to keep it at bay.

Posted Fri 19 May 2017 13.13 by Lex

Hello, I have had psoriasis since i was 15 years, so for 34 years now. For the last 20 years of so i have been treated annually using a UV-A treatment at home (30sessions). Always worked well for me. But last year my doctor told me i could no longer do that because of build up of DNA damage due to UV-A ligth. The maximum is 10 treatments a live-time! He was a little late with that message. But i advise Jackie to use the UVB bed with care! So the blue led looks very interesting. But what Philips have made is 1: very expensive and 2: very small, if you got 20%-30% of your body covered with psoriasis. I'm think of building something myselfe, and experiment with it. But it's important to be carefull, because i don't want to damage my skin.

Posted Fri 19 May 2017 16.33 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Ive found hospital uvb such a short term all means try it it does a temporary job..but it will creep back , thats what ive found....but if you can do it it now during spring and utilise 20mins max of good sunshine a day aswell it could be the trick!...I did that 10 yrsI ago and it cleared my psoriasis up for a year. good luck!

Posted Fri 19 May 2017 17.47 by Lex

I used to get the 30 sessions in early spring. Once clean the spots would start immediatly. This would last true spring, summer, fall....come winter it was bad enough to make new appointment... The advantage with blue LED is said to be the non-UV thung. So less harmfull. But in Netherlands blue LED is not yet recognized as treatment.

Posted Fri 19 May 2017 17.57 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

I just think some skin just needs a good dose of sun..thats natural sun. Not machine stuff.. Unfortunately natural sun us not always available for most of us while we are working. But whenever its out there

Posted Mon 29 May 2017 17.04 by SkinDrum (edited Mon 29 May 2017 17.05 by SkinDrum)

Hello, this is my first post here. I found your forum after searching for info on the Philips BlueControl although, I think the above comments relate to larger, installed light technologies. I've been enduring the 'itch, scratch and bleed' since '97 and I guess like most, have tried many of the offered salve's to no avail. I was intrigued to read of the portable LED tech, so...I've just bought one. I'd like to continue to post updates on how the BlueControl effects my PP and wondered if any one else has the wearable device? Cheers.

Posted Mon 5 Jun 2017 09.46 by thomas1994

@Skindrum, it would be great to hear your progress with the bluelight treatment, if it really works at home without causing large amounts of damage to the skin, it could be a product which will come down in value in years to come making it a more valid treatment for a wider range of people. I'm seeing my doctor in one week to ask for UVB therapy which I've never had before, I've just had a flare-up after a throat infection, very tired of it now, with luck the light treatments will help. Good luck to everyone.

Posted Tue 1 Aug 2017 15.34 by DaveS

I decided to try this, but the Philips Blue Light is ridiculously expensive. So I bought a floor standing lamp from Ikea, an Antifoni 303.047.26 that is quite flexible and a couple of Prolite GU10 7Watt Blue LED bulbs from BLT Direct on the internet. The whole lot cost about £50 and should be quite safe as the bulbs are sold for everyday use. Its just an experiment really, if it does have an effect I will make some more convenient devices with exactly the wavelength specified in the research papers that will treat all of my plaques at once. I will come back in a couple of weeks to say if I have noticed any effect. Best Wishes to all.

Posted Tue 1 Aug 2017 17.15 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

Hmmm .. I have a feeling that the Philips blue light LED array produce light at a colour different to ordinary blue LED's, but I still eagerly await your report in say a months time DaveS

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 11.00 by Tarka (edited Thu 12 Oct 2017 12.00 by Tarka)

Firstly, "thin-skinned" (above poster) is correct. There are different wavelengths for the colours of light. Some we can see, some we can't. People shouldn't confuse blue light treatments provided as medical devices, to blue LED's / lamps found for sale on places like Amazon. The medically based "blue light" products made by companies such as Philips emit blue light of a different wave length to the "blue" LEDs / lamps found on Amazon. I can speak from experience and say that the devices supplied by Philips DO work on my psoriasis. However, like any other psoriasis treatment, there's not a 100% success rate. The degree of success can be somewhat "hit or miss". A patch of psoriasis may respond well and nearly disappear, but the next time it may appear it may not respond in the same way to the same treatment. There's some images on my blog showing the effectiveness within a couple of weeks: Bear in mind, that like other treatments, there CAN be side effects. I experienced some tanning around SOME areas where my psoriasis was (not all). But it hasn't turned cancerous or anything like that (local GP looked at it). And whilst it has faded, it is still there. In the end, whatever product you try, always keep a close eye on it for signs of any issues arising.

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 11.55 by DaveS

Hi Tarka Philips cite the research supporting their device in - The research projects all seem to have used 453nm LED sources. I tried the setup I described above as an experiment, I could not discover the wavelength of the LED's in the GU10 lamp. I tried it for half an hour a day for a month but cannot say I used it every day, it reduced the production of flaky skin, but did not make the plaques disappear. 453nm LED's can easily be obtained from electronics suppliers but of course you also need driver electronics and the know how to put it all together. I was an electronics engineer before I retired so I might have a go at it. Easier of course to buy the Philips device, but very expensive.

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 12.09 by Tarka (edited Thu 12 Oct 2017 12.20 by Tarka)

Agreed, they are expensive. My point above was that people need to be wary of those device found on places like Amazon. Just because it says "blue light" in the advert, doesn't mean it is the same wavelength of blue light that was used in the research projects you mention. Prior to testing the devices, I looked at the medical research on blue light as well. Unfortunately, irrespective of the research that has been done, UK NHS specialists and research depts run by the NHS won't go near it or even talk about it because its not been sanctioned by the NHS beforehand. So anyone who tries this treatment should be prepared to be told that by any NHS specialists (which imo are really not much better than seeing a GP) they wish to consult about it. Ironically, my local GP ended up being more friendly and helpful in discussing blue light therapy than the "specialists" were. Btw, iirc Philips say that whilst you may see a difference after a few weeks, it can take about 12 weeks for it to really start to work. Which, whilst that may seem like a long time, using such devices are a lot less intrusive on your life than using sticky/smelly/oily ointments or visiting the hospital for PUVA.

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 14.20 by DaveS

Sorry, I had not realised that people were selling made up treatment devices on Amazon, I thought you were referring to single LED's available there. On balance I think I may shell out and try Philips. As you say, if it works it would be preferable to other treatments.

Posted Sat 25 Nov 2017 08.24 by Meany1972

Hi guys, I have been using creams and potions and lotions for the best part of 25 years. I can say that after purchasing the blue light from Phillips. If you sing up to offers basically sending them your e mail address you get a discount code for 20% off so the light was around. £195 instead of £250. I’m that fed up that I ordered it. I use Enstillar Foam every day ( GP has said to me set for 8 weeks rather than the recommended 4) and I am using the light. After 3 days the patches are totally smooth no flakes and have settled down and are not raised up and are slowly but surely fading which is an amazing transformation for me. If I can get it to settle then tip up woth foam and light when required in the future that, would be the best result I could hope for. I will give it a couple of weeks then report back. Good luck guys.

Posted Sat 2 Dec 2017 11.38 by J-L M

Hi I was just reading these posts. I have had psoriasis for about 20 years. I have my own UVB bed and used Dovbet. Both work pretty well. However I don't want skin cancer and I am not so happy about calcification of the blood. I have recently bought a blue light because it is not harmful. I did er as it is quite expensive however my UVB Bed did cost 2K and I only use it occasionally I saw DaveS completely crazy idea that he could make a Blue light treatment from stuff knocked together from IKEA If he had bought one he would know. These are not normal LEDs they are like blindingly bright and get very hot almost UV blue / purple light The device is pretty solid Does it work? From my experience yes if you have patches, however it has not removed it completely but it is much reduced. For me I would rather put up with a bit of psoriasis than risk side effect or skin cancer I think the name blue control is quite appropriate as it controls the symptoms of psoriasis but is not a cure. I would recommend giving it a go.

Posted Wed 2 May 2018 13.02 by DickB

HI there, I have been using the Philips BlueControl and it has settled down the Psoriasis on my hands after a major flare up about a year ago. So far it has not returned so I am selling the unit on EBay if anyone is interested. It did work but took some time (several weeks) to see the effect and once they had settled down I got a bit lazy putting the thing on each night for 30 minutes, So far (touch wood) they have stayed ok... Anyway do take a look. (

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2022 17.06 by MCL

Guys, Envy those who has bought Philips BlueControl Advance in year 2017. Does anyone know where to buy Philips in year 2022 ? UK official website says it is no longer available. Been tortured by flaring up especially after sunset.

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