Nail Solution

Posted Wed 3 May 2017 11.22 by orangepeel

Hi All I would like to share what I have done to help with my nail psoriasis. When I have had very little nail left on my toes I use Milliput (Standard - yellow/Grey) modelling putty to create new toenails (but I have just checked on Ebay and now seen you can get superfine white also - but I have not tried this out so worth checking it out as you probably wont need to use nail polish to cover it) You create a new nail by mixing the two substances together as per instructions and apply very finely whilst blending to the remaining part of your nail then shape it to the desired shape and leave to harden then apply nail polish and it looks like a real nail (practice first to get it thin enough to resemble a normal nail) then apply nail polish - unless trying out the superfine white Milliput - I have had no problem using this in the summer when I want to wear sandals and it lasts for several weeks before it hardens too much and breaks. Hope that helps someone who is losing their nails as mine constantly used to drop to bits. They are not so bad now as I have learned how to care for them better.

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