Flare up that has lasted two years

Posted Sun 7 May 2017 18.21 by Emily2000

Hey, I have both guttate and plaque psoriasis. I had a flare up when I was 6/7 which was cleared up with light treatment and it hasn't never returned until I was 15. It started in little patches and spread all over my body. I'm 17 now. It's mainly on my legs and arms and hands. It's red and extremely dry. It's been like this for two years now. I have had all the creams both steroid and none, 2 types of light treatment and methotrexate which all didn't work or made very very slight improvements. I have recently stopped taking methotrexate as it made me feel exhausted and I couldn't cope. I take regular Dead Sea salt baths and I moisturise religiously. I had tried coconut oil and creams, aloe Vera gel and many other things. Nothing seems to make any improvement at all. It makes me very self conscious as it's so red and angry. I have completely had enough now as it just won't go. Has anyone got anything they can recommend, don't know how much longer I can take this :(

Posted Sun 7 May 2017 21.58 by Ryanj

Hi, I have patches on my legs, back and scalp. I'm currently using Dovobet solution it does help a little but doesn't clear it totally. I'm due to go back to the doctors next week and he will refer me to a specialist so hopefully will help. Maybe seeing a specialist will help you also? Just remember there is worst things could be wrong so keep your chin up and you'll find like myself a solution to the problem 👍

Posted Mon 8 May 2017 10.02 by Emily2000 (edited Mon 8 May 2017 10.03 by Emily2000)

I have used dovobet and it does absolutely nothing. If anything makes things worse as it makes me hot and then I itch it. I see a dermatologist on a regular basis but they just give me more and more cream which doesn't help at all. I know there is worse things but at 17 year old it's very embarrassing and it makes me so self conscious. I'm constantly in long sleeved tops and pants as I'm too embarrassed to show it to anyone.

Posted Mon 8 May 2017 10.43 by Ryanj

Hi I understand, I'm 34 and find it hard but at 17 I know it will be harder to cope with, keep positive it's easier said than done but don't let it rule your life I have a 3 year old at me constantly to take her swimming and I've said no I can't, she doesn't understand but I know I have to force myself. There's a certain diet to avoid when you have psoriasis. Best bit of advice is keep talking to someone who understands your problem. Good luck i'm hear to listen as much as you like. 👍

Posted Mon 8 May 2017 22.04 by RobGreen7

Hi Emily! I feel exactly the same as you do. I've been using dovobet and it just stops the itching but it's not stopping the flare ups! It's been getting me down lately as every time I go to a party I'm in jeans and a long sleeved shirt! So yeah there are many of us in the same boat... but don't get yourself too down about it. I guess we all have each other 😁 It's not the power of the curse it's the power you give the curse!

Posted Tue 9 May 2017 09.54 by Deano

Hey Emily, Like the others have said, you are certainly not alone, we feel your pain! Hang in there and stay persistent in fighting it. I'm 26, have been suffering for a much more modest 5 months, I was covered head to toe in flakes and aggressive red patches, I also develop scalp psoriasis (although I found Sebco Scalp Treatment to work wonders for that). Now I'm just faced with tackling my body. I am due for light treatment in 2 weeks, though my dermatologist has told me I could be on this for at least 6 months, 3 times a week. So one thing I'd like to ask, how long was your light treatment done for and was it carried out by the hospital? I would recommend pushing your doctors to get you to a dermatologist if you havent already seen one and persist with them. My saving grace through all of this has been my wonderful fiance who has shown great understanding and supported me. So keep your loved ones close as they will help you though this. Keep your head held high as you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of!

Posted Fri 26 May 2017 12.12 by keke92

hi emily I'm keeley I'm 24 and i've had psoriasis since i was eight years old due to trauma of not having my mum in my life,I've had more flare ups than I've had no psoriasis tbh its always there i haven't dealt with it after all these years nothing seems to work the only thing that made it better was when i was pregnant with my little girl and when i had gallstones and wasn't eating at all because of pain that was another story I have server psoriasis like from my scalp right down to my feet its the worst its even been and not just my skin my bones i burn i bleed i itch i moannn i peel i cry i never want to face outside or people i suffer with bipolar and anixty so i'm on different meds for them they make it worse baths make it worse food makes it worse I've had this nearly all my life I've prayed tried acupuncture and whats worse its summer so i'm all covered up so lucky i have a great boyfriend who loves every blemish wish i could love myself tho my immune system is so bad i'm constantly ill too would love to here your guys storys

Posted Fri 26 May 2017 20.41 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Its such a hassle...psoriasis is a complete annoyance....if one has a partner....who has no promlem....you have struck gold!! In my experience, and im 52, good sunlight, and study your diet. Good luck

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