Posted Tue 9 May 2017 15.01 by Becki

Hello, I am new to this site. I just wanted to see if anyone has any advice regarding methotrexate tablets. My Doctor is starting me on this treatment after nearly ten years of unsuccessful creams/lotions/sprays etc. and I've had light treatment three times at hospital. But I am worried incase I get any side effects. I am only 24 years old. Please could people be honest about there experience on Methotrexate tablets? It would be very much appreciated. Thank you :)

Posted Tue 9 May 2017 15.12 by AbbieHowarth_

When I was on them they made me constantly feel extremely sick and because of that I wasn't eating much so I lost loads of weight. I was also getting really bad migraines with them so my doctor took me off them. So my experience of them wasn't the greatest...

Posted Wed 10 May 2017 08.11 by Becki

Thanks for your reply Abbie :) Did your Dr give you an alternative that worked?

Posted Sat 13 May 2017 18.50 by K-Marie

I used was on MTX for 7 years as a child and had no side effects. It was only stopped as the derm was concerned about potential long term effects on my liver. My rheumatologist has just represcribed it due to flare of my PsA so hopefully it will work the same this time round

Posted Sun 15 Oct 2017 11.11 by Idy
Phototherapy, methotrexate, ciclosporin and stelara afficionado

Welcome, Becki. From August 2011 to March 2012 I started taking 10mg Methrotrexate and gradually worked up to 20mg, which I think is the maximum. It did not improve my psoriasis at all, which at the time covered my neck to ankles almost entirely. I did experience side effects for a couple of weeks after increasing the dosage to 15mg: aches, shoulder pains, numb/tingling feeling in hands and feet, tiredness, feeling weak, pain in joints and muscles, headache. That's just my experience (and you can read about my other treatments at; for some people it works a treat. I'd definitely give it a shot. The hospital will do regular tests to check for early signs of the more serious potential side effects, so I wouldn't worry too much about those.

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