1Posted Mon 15 Mar 2021 19.29 by Mike Quigley - 57 from
No worries.
I bought the syraight 9 tube which was recommended by the company i purchased it from in Bristol.
12month warranty and was brand new as sometimes they can sell refurbished ones.
Posted Mon 15 Mar 2021 20.10 by TinaT
Mike i have to say you have made me feel a bit more positive tonight. Knowing that this can work, fingers crossed. I will do bit of research on different companies, and perhaps like you, have a chat to see what they recommend. Thank you so much for your time and help. Tina :-)
Hi Tina - back in Jan I was covered neck down in awful red psoriasis.
Thanks to this forum, some very kind and their helpful responses I bought a 9 tube unit (second hand that had been purchased from MBS) and am in my 7th week of using it 3 x per week.
The difference is remarkable and all but completely gone !!
Like you I was at my wits end with it and I can honestly say the results are astounding.
I know the canopy is not a long term solution and you need to be careful with usage but it has got everything under control and my skin has never looked better.
If you need any further help do reach out I know how awful it can feel and happy to help a fellow sufferer in any way !
Posted Mon 15 Mar 2021 21.53 by TinaT
Thank you Liz, that's very kind and glad the canopy is working for you. I do feel hopeful now after joining this forum. A canopy is a big financial investment for me (like everyone else I suppose), but sounds like its definitely worth it. Ive noticed my psoriasis seems to come up the same time every year. Like Mike and yourself January seems to be the start of it. Am thinking once I have a canopy, I can then be in control of it, rather than it controlling my life! Fed up with the itching, lack of sleep and feeling like I have a hat on constantly. Dont think my scalp has ever been this bad before. Looking forward to tomorrow so I can get on the phone and sort out buying a canopy. So glad I found this forum and you lovely helpful people. Thank you Tina
1Posted Mon 15 Mar 2021 22.19 by Mike Quigley - 57 from
All done and ordered 9 tube one for delivery. Cant thank you enough :-))
1Posted Tue 16 Mar 2021 12.04 by Mike Quigley - 57 from
Hi Tina.
Great to hear. Take it slow to start as burning is a chance.
Depends on skin type.
Well done.
Posted Thu 18 Mar 2021 21.49 by Shaun Mc
Susie, do you still have this for sale? I’m in North Somerset?
Posted Fri 19 Mar 2021 13.47 by SusieQ
Shaun, yes it's still available. Not sure how private messaging works here but if you let me have your email address I can contact you with more details.
Posted Fri 19 Mar 2021 17.26 by Shaun Mc
Hi Susie,
It’s mcilwains@yahoo.com
Posted Sun 21 Mar 2021 03.16 by Dexter
I am new here, lifelong Pso since a teenager.
I have a Davlin UVB booth, 16 x6 foot Phillips lamps, about $5k USD when I bought it.
Having tried every known topical treatment known to mankind ,(including the phony "cures" that hit the market every couple of years) I was pleased when the T&A plastic surgeon/dermatologist I was referred to put me into one.
UVB therapy worked where nothing else did. Flourescent light bulbs (lamps) that are 6 feet long are only for skin treatment light sources, tanning beds use UVA band light, psoriasis treatment lamps are UVB band.
I have a timer and a dosimeter in my stand up booth, the dosimeter tells me how many Joules of energy I am getting. My booth also has a test feature to monitor the output of the lamps. Right now I am doing 700 joules in about 3 minutes every other two days, I tan easily, an olive complexion.
I don't take any drugs for Pso, only baby oil and the Jergens Ultra Healing after a shower keeps my skin soft and clear of scales
Posted Tue 23 Mar 2021 12.18 by Bizkaz
Hi SusieQ,
If Shaun Mc changes his mind would you send me a message about your canopy please... I also am in Somerset....must be something in the water!!
Posted Sat 27 Mar 2021 12.04 by Kajetan
I purchased a handheld device for nbuvb tl01 with intensity of 3.5mW/cm^2. My skin phototype is either 2 or 3. The device user manual states that say for the first session 3:00 minutes are supposed to be used for the whole scalp. So the energy dose of 3.5x 180seconds= 630mJ/cm^2. However it also specifies that this is the recommended dosing for the entire scalp and for smaller surfaces, the treatment time should be reduced accordingly without going into any more detail. In my case discrete patches of skin are affected which I would prefer to target individually to spare my healthy skin from potential side effects (especially baring in mind the recommended lifetime limit of uvb usage is 500 sessions). I would highly appreciate advice from anyone with insight and experience on how best to adjust the dosing.
Posted Sun 18 Apr 2021 18.49 by euans
Hello everyone!
Quick question to garner some opinion. I have completed 35 sessions over 12 weeks with my home unit and my psoriasis has mainly cleared except for a few bits on stubborn legs.
Normally if this was hospital treatment that would be it, you would manage skin as best as possible but it would slowly come back, however i was thinking about a weekly dose to try and keep it at bay.
Does anyone else do this? Feel like it is a balancing game between keeping the psoriasis away but monitoring UV exposure
cheers for any feedback
Posted Tue 27 Apr 2021 08.44 by AnnaT
HI SusieQ and All,
ARe you still selling yours or did Mark or Shaun take it? I am urgently looking for a machine.
I am a singer and finally back to work but my skin has flared up badly, was supposed to start treatment at hospital this month but it is delayed by 4 months so I am in a difficult position as need to expose skin.
If there is anyone in the bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire/northamptonshire area who could help me by lending their machine please get in touch,
So great to read this forum and feel like im not alone,
Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 22.06 by SusieQ
HI Anna - sorry but I no longer have the unit. I hope you manage to find something soon.
I know it's not an immediate solution but have you tried any of the eating plans? The reason I sold my unit was that I cleared my skin with diet changes after suffering for years. Just a thought for the future.
Posted Fri 30 Apr 2021 11.00 by AnnaT
Hi Susie,
Thanks for your message, I’m so happy I just managed to buy a second hand one on eBay! But I am interested in your diet? I did a very strict diet about 6 years ago and got very disheartened as my skin flared up again whilst still on it! This time of year is my worst time April to September. Can you send me details? I do think diet helps to manage how severe the itching is.
Everyone else
Does anyone on here have a spare manual for the light units? Or would anyone be willing to send me some pictures of the book pages that talks about timings and increasing?
Thanks Anna
Posted Sat 8 May 2021 20.25 by lizzieg
Hi Anna. I am due delivery in about 4 weeks of a new machine and will get a book then if that helps? I do have basic instructions via email but not sure what machine you have purchased.
Posted Sat 8 May 2021 21.30 by AnnaT
Hi Lizzieg
That would be a brilliant help if you didn’t mind, mine is Philips.
My email is Anna.devin@gmail.com
Thank you
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