Has anyone used any natural remedies that have helped for itch or redness?

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 05.10 by noraanderson

Hi guys, I'm new to the group. I just wanted to ask if any of you have used any natural remedies and if it has worked for either redness of itching?

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 06.06 by Joxx

Sorion cream, can buy it on Amazon, everybody reacts differently to different treatments but can honestly say I seen a difference in hours, and i am covered from my scalp to my thys, there's also a shampoo, I hope it helps x

Posted Fri 12 May 2017 11.52 by Bamboosgirl

Did the Sorion clear the spots or sooth the itch please?

Posted Fri 12 May 2017 12.22 by Joxx

for me it took the itch away and Removed the scales, taking the redness away too

Posted Mon 29 May 2017 22.37 by Operand

I have intermittent PS on my face/scalp. My standard treatment is 'Protopic' which is ok for facial use but like not to use it too often. When having an itchy patch on a large part of my face recently I tried something else and found that Corsodyl mouthwash stopped the itching almost immediately and for hours. I think it maybe the Chlorhexidine in it. I diluted it 50/50 with water and it was the 'original' red one. I've tried it a few times on my scalp and face and it stopped the itching really well (avoid the eyes). You can get Chlorhexidine in an actual skinwash (Hibiscrub) but that's far stronger in concentration and prob not best for the face - though you could dilute it down.

Posted Tue 30 May 2017 19.13 by Psoriasaurus Rex
Sick and tired of scratching the surface - want a cure.

I will also greatly encourage the use of Sorion Cream, closest thing I've found to a magic cure. Only pink skin remains, can hardly even see it now.

Posted Wed 30 Oct 2019 23.57 by Livingwithpsoriasis

Hi everyone, Just thought I’d jump on here to let everyone that we’re interested in the natural psoriasis treatment cream from La Lune Noire, that the cream is currently on sale for £12 - I believe it’s normally it’s £16/18 ish! I’ve spoken about this on a few post and it really has worked wonders for me, and tbh it’s the only cream, except steroid cream, where I’ve noticed and big difference in flare ups! It’s amazing, I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th jar now - love it! Speak soon, Jess x

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