P related health issues

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 06.23 by Joxx

Hi, just wondering if anyone else experiences any symptoms of something they can't find the answer to. I get seriously bad shoulder, lower back, upper back and rib pain. Along with recurring urine infections, I have recently had an ultra sound on my kidneys and am awaiting results, but everything else, my blood tests, previous ovary scans and X Ray's have came back clear so have a feeling my kidney one will come back the same, the only thing I can honestly think of is psoriasis as all this came after psoriasis and honestly it's more mentally killing me than the actual pain!! Starting to believe I'm losing it !! And have completely had enough, came to the point I'm hoping something comes back with something just so I know what's going on.

Posted Thu 11 May 2017 15.07 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

It is most probably stress related and usually the more stress you are suffering with the worse the P gets. All that waiting around for tests and results will add to your stress levels so it can be self perpetuating. I know it's easy to say, but try to learn relaxation techniques and reap the benefits of reducing the P

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