"Psoriasis Revolution" Dan Crawford

Posted Sun 14 May 2017 23.05 by JamieHarris1998

Hi! I've been a sufferer for around 10 years now, with non stop creams and tablets, as well as 3 different periods on UV Light treatment. Currently it isn't as bad as it was when I was younger but still annoying and frustrating in my daily life, I've really started to reflect on how much it could've effected me socially. Recently, I've began to look online as I have considered that maybe my tablets and creams don't actually do much. This lead to me 'Dan Crawfords' "psoriasis revolution" and many other Diet treatments that claim to work wonders. I don't expect these to be anything other than scams, considering they spend half of their time denouncing Doctors whilst not providing information without around £50. I was just wondering if anyone at all has ever found any true help from online treatments, I could tell from the start of reading these that they seemed nothing but scam. Thanks!

Posted Mon 15 May 2017 08.27 by Becki

Hi Jamie, I don't know if its proven but I know a lot of people believe Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, and that diet can have a huge impact on P, I could definitely believe that, as I have IBS as well and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't eat anything with Gluten or Dairy in because it always makes me sick afterwards. I am going to start a gluten free diet myself and see If it helps! Anything is worth a try, but I wouldn't buy anything online that proves to get rid of Psoriasis completely because there is no real cure, you just have to find something that works for you to prevent you having a break out! :)

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