
Posted Mon 22 May 2017 21.19 by nicolamcbrowne

Hi all. Just joined. My daughter is 11 in July and will be starting methotrexate in two weeks. Have tried everything else she is scalp to toes covered in three different types of psoriasis. It's been almost 6 years now and she's only ever been fully cleared once with light treatment. Comes back within days of finishing a round. Anyone have experience of this drug?

Posted Tue 23 May 2017 07.31 by neas83

I tried methotrexate, there is plenty of research into its efficiency, for some people it works really well with no side effects and others there are side effects all depends on the person really. For me I took methotrexate for 2 months, didn't note anything different in that time and for 2 days after taking it I had what closely resembles a hangover (fatigue and slight nausea). My dermatologist didn't think it was doing much for me so switched me to cyclosporine. Good look on your journey.

Posted Sun 15 Oct 2017 11.17 by Idy
Phototherapy, methotrexate, ciclosporin and stelara afficionado

Sorry to hear about your daughter. My psoriasis started when I was 17, and only became severe when I was 26. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like for a child. Between August 2011 and March 2012 I started taking 10mg Methrotrexate and gradually worked up to 20mg, which I think is the maximum. It did not improve my psoriasis at all, which at the time covered my neck to ankles almost entirely. I did experience side effects for a couple of weeks after increasing the dosage to 15mg: aches, shoulder pains, numb/tingling feeling in hands and feet, tiredness, feeling weak, pain in joints and muscles, headache. I then stopped and tried other treatments. Although it didn't work for me, it does work for lots of others. I hope it works for your daughter.

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