Passing the tip on - huge difference for me (clear now)!!!

Posted Fri 16 Jun 2017 10.16 by kite5208

I just wanted to share this as I have literally found the answer for me, and it is the most readily available product and wonderfully cheap in any supermarket /pharmacy (I am not an advert!!). I had scoured these forums for ideas and probably like most, was willing to try any of the creams or lifestyle changes that were suggested., Me: had psoriasis/perioral dermatitis "muzzle rash" on my face for over 20 years, seen numerous doctors in the UK and two different consultants, but otherwise entirely heathy. It manifested itself with "hot' patches of redness and raised bumps in places, but only on my face. I had been prescribed numerous different creams - both steroid and emuliants, antibiotics and hydrocortisone (which was a crazy GP prescription) - and have previously ordered different types of cream with seemingly wonder stories of working. I have also tried PLT - and by god that hurts!! I am now entirely clear and have been for the last 6 months which is fantastic, and the reason for this is that a friend of mine suggested casually that I try washing my face in Head and Shoulders. I do so now as part of my routine in the evening before i go to bed, leave it on for about 1min while i brush my teeth, and then wash off and dab dry with a towel. No extra moisturisers or anything else. After I saw improvements in about 5 days I went out and bought a ridiculous amount of the slightly stronger amount which is seemingly available online only, but at the moment I am simply going through my normal stocks. I cannot say how happy it has made me, and I only wish to share it with those suffering as I did (only on my face for me - very embarrassing when I had presentations at work etc) so that it may do the same to one other. I am literally passing the tip on! And i was one of those who did not believe it would work for me, as only others were “so lucky”… Good luck, and I only wish I could feedback to my previous Dermatologist consultants.

Posted Fri 16 Jun 2017 10.36 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I expect you had a bacterial infection in that muzzle rash as the active ingredients of Head & Shoulders are pyrithione zinc and selenium sulphide, both of which are bactericides. It also has surfactants that will help in removing scaly skin which is why its main use is for dandruff etc. I cleared up some troublesome athletes foot problems with H&S or rather Tesco's own version of the stuff. You would be surprised how many different body products share common ingredients across the ranges.

Posted Sat 17 Jun 2017 13.39 by amp

I have tried over the counter products for psoriasis , from dermatologist which would work for very short time and sometimes did not make a difference. I read the reviews about the dermalmd's serum product and thought to give it a try, it was worth it. my skin looks much better after a week of using this serum. even my coworkers have noticed the difference. I will definitely buy it again, very good product!

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