Dovobet and phototherapy

Posted Sun 2 Jul 2017 09.28 by pthr1985

Hi all, After a 7 year remission, my p has made a comeback. Yet again, the dermatologist prescribed Dovobet, which I used years before and as many of us know, the p cam e back with a vengeance once I stopped using it. Shock horror, the same thing is happening again. Against my instincts and in desperation for relief, I tried Dovobet again with the vain hope that it might not lead to a rebound. Isn't doing something twice and expecting different results the definition of insanity?? Anyway, I'm now being referred for phototherapy, which has worked very well in the past. However, I was wondering if anybody has had experiences of phototherapy during a flare up after stopping Dovobet. Does it still work, or should I wait until the Dovobet has left my system, however long that may be? Thanks!

Posted Sun 2 Jul 2017 14.20 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I had over 40yrs remission and to be honest I thought it was gone for good. Then after all that time a 2yr period of very high stress levels had the P back at me again. I guess P attacks us individually and there are no hard and fast rules as far as treatments are concerned.

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