Curcumin (Turmeric) - "golden paste"

Posted Mon 31 Jul 2017 15.17 by cmagee
Sufferer for 25 years

Not only for my psoriasis, but also related to my recent diagnosis and treatment for a thyroid condition,atrophic thyroiditis, I bought turmeric powder, coconut oil and fresh black pepper corns to make what is called "golden paste". I will take a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day, maybe increasing to a half teaspoon provided no contraindications. Fingers crossed. Has anyone tried using curcumin and with what results/advice?

Posted Tue 1 Aug 2017 12.00 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

Tumeric is a gift...not sure if it clears up psoriasis. .but im sure it helps

Posted Mon 25 Dec 2017 16.08 by flakynightmares

i've made turmeric paste and applied a couple of times - seemed to make better but then it got worse anyways. leaves your skin yellow as well for a day or so, hard to wash off. i prefer taking it internally than externally easy way to take lots of turmeric is drinking it. i mixed a teaspoon of powder with a teaspoon or more of honey + boiling water. nicer when its hottish-warm. its disgusting at first but honey makes it ok-ish and you adjust in a few days. powder has to be good quality like organic or something and good expensive honey is best (many cheaper ones has glucose syrip added I avoid refined sugars its a trigger apparently) drink every day but dont overdose. 3 gramms is recommended daily top, thats a teaspoons and a bit. so i just have this drink once a day

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