Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum so just to introduce myself i'm Alice :). I've had P for 9 years and I've learnt to become comfortable in my skin but naturally I would prefer keep control of my psoriasis.
I was wondering if anybody had seen the Jason Vale skin diet or whether they'd tried it. I downloaded it (it's free by the way). For me it would be a whole life style change so I wanted to research into it before committing to something that may not help.
Posted Mon 4 Sep 2017 22.15 by andrea have had p for too many years
I cant say I have heard of Jason Vale but I have heard of Hanna Sillitoe who has written a book called radiance based on her 'cure' of her psoriasis. Lots of nice recepies and detox juicing recepies. Very good reviews.
I have to admit to giving this a try, more in terms of a weight loss option as oppose to managing p. I did loose 7lbs in 7 days, but it had no impact on the P. :-(
Posted Tue 12 Sep 2017 21.05 by allan m
watch video super juice me .jason vale: you tube:, book is also available cutting out trigger foods may help ease flare ups and keep skin controlled
Posted Wed 13 Sep 2017 09.21 by Alicehutch
@roofire - I know that he does a more sustainable diet which is specifically for people with psoriasis as he had it himself. I think it starts of with juices but then leads on to meals that avoid trigger foods. Also congrats on loosing the wight because they say if you can maintain a healthy weight and diet it should help with P any way :).
Hi alicehutch, not sure about the Vale diet but in my case diet totally affects my P, PSA and eczema.
My GP can't believe the changes to my skin, she's taken details of my diet to discuss with her colleagues.
If you follow a regimen it has to be a realistic one to follow. If it's too difficult to keep up (or too expensive) you'll struggle. It takes a while to see change but it's a damn fine feeling when you do. My results took around two months strict adherence and my skin is clear first time for 15 years.
I don't eat ANY nightshade at all. Could be good all week then cheese and tomato on toast one evening and the next morning my eczema flairs right up.
P takes a little longer to resurface so as long as I'm good again after that I can get away with it.
I'm in hospital at the moment, had full hip replacement. I wish I'd have been aware of the affect of diet years ago, I'm absolutely convinced I'd have avoided 5 arthroscopic procedures and lots of suffering with my skin.
Choose wisely with your regimen and give it a fair chance.....
I spent years poisoning my body so instant solution was unrealistic but trust me it can be done!
Research Dr John Pagano, I found his material helpful.
Tons of stuff on YouTube too.
Good luck.
If you wanted to know anything about my diet let me know.
I guess not all things affect everyone the same but I've seemed to have sussed what suits (or not me).
Hello Alice
I am new here too. New to this forum. Not new to psoriasis.
I was born in 1968 and have had psoriasis my whole life.
However, I have had a clear plaque-free appearance for the past ten years, and it is all thanks to juicing and dietary changes.
I did not follow the Jason Vale program. As had not heard of him at that time. I just made it up as I went along.
But I did download the program a few years ago for a sticky beak, and it looks very good.
It took six months to totally eradicate plaque patches, and I have been pretty much able (barr one bad flare) to maintain clearance ever since.
I know your post is old, but hopefully you will see my reply.
Posted Fri 5 Jun 2020 23.28 by Jk160 (edited Fri 5 Jun 2020 23.29 by Jk160)
Hi Alice, I have just joined this forum
And wanted to ask did you end up trying any of these diet plans ?
Posted Sat 6 Jun 2020 18.28 by laughingbuddha
Hi Alice, as someone mentioned, Dr Pagano"s work proved helpful to me but I think everybody reacts differently and their psoriasis is triggered by different things.
I'm lucky (and unlucky) in that my system reacts quickly to triggers and also elimination of those triggers.
I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and eczema. My eczema is first to show effect, closely followed by Pa.
The things that affect me most are alcohol (boo), fried and processed foods and sugary stuff.
I try to eat vegetables often and avoid red meat and most diary.
I drink slippery elm tea in the morning and green tea during the day. If I stick to healthy foods and stay away from triggers I can be psoriasis and eczema clear in couple or so months but if I slip up it returns quickly.
I wish I'd have read Dr Pagano's work years ago.
Unfortunately Pa has taken its toll.
I've had bilateral hip replacement, 3 knee ops and 3 wrist ops.
When the pa is bad I'm crippled with pain but I've found that taking turmeric with a pinch of black pepper morning and evening really helps reduce inflammation.
I do try to eat as healthy as I can but recently I've been under a lot of stress and I'm afraid I've let things slip. I'll get back on top of it though in time.
Good luck with whichever diet you choose, you'll find the triggers eventually and be able to help your skin recover :-).
Oh, sorry, forgot to mention, my skin is very sensitive to personal hygiene products.
I can't use aerosol sprays anymore or scents. The only shampoo I can tolerate is h & s but can't wash my body with this, I use coal tar soap now and dermatological approved deodorant. Over the counter skin care products feel like hydrochloric acid to my skin!
Good luck and all the best! Lb.
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