Hair dye and scalp psoriasis

Posted Thu 3 Aug 2017 15.56 by Claire

My 16 year old daughter has scalp psoriasis and nothing seems to be working she has really long hair and wants to dip dye the tips but no hairdresser will do it even though the dye won't be touching her scalp I promised her that when she left school for college she could have it done now one really upset teenager please can anyone help

Posted Thu 3 Aug 2017 16.16 by AJW

As long as you do a sensitivity test I don't see the problem. I've been dyeing my hair for years and had lots of perms. Stings a bit at times but otherwise no adverse effect and at the end of the day it's a persons' choice. I'd buy a home kit and do the patch test as advised then have a go yourself. At worse she has to jump in the shower because she can't stand the burning! Home kits are less strong anyway..... TBH I hardly ever told a hairdresser I had psoriasis before having my hair done! Just a thought - I wonder if when you go in and say I have this skin problem etc they are put off and refuse to do it? A good hairdresser should do a patch test and properly advise you anyway......

Posted Thu 3 Aug 2017 16.25 by Claire

Thank you AJW I have had hairdressers telling me no and people who I know have psoriasis and they dye their hair and it clears it up maybe I will be able to dip dye her hair myself at home

Posted Thu 3 Aug 2017 21.25 by xloreleix (edited Thu 3 Aug 2017 21.26 by xloreleix) - 33 from Pinner
Hi im 26 years old and suffered from psoriasis since i was 16. Currently enduring a battle with PPP and about to try acitretin

Ive had psoriasis since my teens and always dye my hair! Aslong as your not bleaching your scalp its no issue! Even though i actually went blonde in my early 20s so i couldnt see the flaking so much!

Posted Thu 3 Aug 2017 21.57 by Claire

Thank you looks like I will be doing my daughter's hair myself

Posted Fri 4 Aug 2017 09.00 by AJW

In reply to you Claire, I didn't say but I have often felt my scalp improves from a bit of chemical treatment, once the initial flaking subsides! I'm a big believer in behaving as normally as possible and don't even see my psoriasis as an illness - so dyeing hair is an important part of that. Good luck to your daughter

Posted Fri 4 Aug 2017 09.47 by Claire

Thanks AJW she is at that age where she is experimenting now without the restrictions put on her by school

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