Soratinex Trial

Posted Mon 7 Aug 2017 13.25 by DaveHampshire

I have had psoriasis since about the age of 10 (I'm now 53). In the early years I had scalp psoriasis though in my late teens this gradually went away, but I have always had very thick plaques on elbows and knees with a multitude of scaly but less thick patches on my back, arms, torso and legs and some tiny spots on my face. Over the years I've tried various treatments but got to the point where I just couldn't be bothered with the application routines for very little improvement in symptoms. I had some success with UVB treatment at my local hospital over a period of a few years, but this too was a nuisance and generally the improvements were short lived. Beach and sunbathing holidays have always gone a long way to clearing up the plaques but generally left white areas where the skin had not become tanned and in most cases my psoriasis would return to its normal level within a few weeks of returning home. I have just registered with Psoriasis Association because earlier this year a friend of mine contacted me because he knew I had psoriasis and he was doing some freelance writing work for Soratinex and he wondered if I'd be interested in trialing their product. I had never heard of the company before but agreed to have a go with their 3 part system on an 8 week trial. The pack includes a gel which you apply and wash off to help clear the plaque scales followed by a cream which you apply once dry and then an oil on top to aid moisturizing. Now I hadn't been using any treatment at all for some years so my plaques were very dry and scaly and so after 1 week of using Soratinex my skin was looking so much better. My initial thoughts were that the product was working as a really good moisturizer and was simply hiding the scales and making them less visible. It was still better than any other moisturizing cream I had used previously and it soaked in really quickly so did not make much mess to speak of. (With a bit of care there was no evidence of marks on clothes or bedding). I carried on with the applications (I actually missed quite a few due to busy life etc) and week by week the plaque areas steadily improved. I was applying some to all the less active areas of psoriasis like on my back, upper arms and legs and these areas responded really quickly and disappeared within a couple of weeks, to the point where I couldn't even see where they were so I stopped applying to those areas. Towards the end of the 8 week test I had 10 days in Greece swimming and sunbathing every day which also really helped. At 8 weeks all the lighter areas had completely disappeared with only my knees and elbows still showing any signs of psoriasis. I've been back from holiday for about 7 weeks and have only been applying a little cream to my knees and elbows which are proving a bit more stubborn but the rest of my body is now clear and is showing no signs of the psoriasis returning yet! Just to be clear I have no connections with Soratinex except for the fact that they supplied me with the trial pack but I am genuinely impressed with the results for me. I have not been this clear of psoriasis for more than 40 years and it is rather nice. The products seem really gentle and the only side effect I have noticed is a slight darkening of the skin where it has been applied. I understand the ingredients are all natural but I urge you to check their website for the details. I'd be happy to talk about my experience if anyone wishes... Dave

Posted Tue 24 Oct 2017 17.55 by Wattsy

Hi I am new to this forum please could some one advise me how to apply for the trial of Soratinex Many Thanks Wayne

Posted Tue 24 Oct 2017 19.29 by Robert

Thank for your report on Soratinex,it has been given good reviews in the Daily Mails health section today.It is now available to buy online and I have emailed them to see if my P (groin) can be treated with creams and oil.

Posted Wed 25 Oct 2017 11.44 by MummyT

I hope it can help you Robert! I was also lucky enough to try it earlier in the year and my psoriasis has actually only started to come back this past week! I have never had it clear for so long. Mine is on my scalp so not visible to others (until it starts flaking) but so uncomfortable and does lead to bleeding. Was made up to see it on The Mail yesterday, hopefully it will be made more widely available now. I’ll definitly be using it again. So glad it helped you also Dave!

Posted Sun 7 Jan 2018 22.23 by Lizzie

Has anyone else tried and had success with Soratinex? I am thinking of buying it

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2018 10.55 by smondle

I've had a look in to this after seeing a small article in The Independent, when you look at the ingredients the only active one I an pick out is salicylic acid which is common in a lot of prescription meds both with and without steroids. I guess this could work for you if you have mild psoriasis but I think it would be far more cost effective to get a salicylic acid based ointment from the GP and shower and moisturise with something like doublebase every evening. That's what my consultant recommended when I mentioned Soratinex to her, but I have quite severe psoriasis so maybe it is just unsuitable for me. I was very surprised that it cost so much though £134 for a single course!

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2018 16.05 by Robert

I agree with Smondle,I tried Soratinex Cream for eight weeks on groin (P),it stopped the itch and soreness for about a month and then started to inflame my skin.Very expensive with average results. You can get Salicylic acid creams from your GP to remove scales and talk to a dermatologist about a good moisturising plan,you should be using a soap substitute to wash skin,put a moisturising ointment on at night or after washing,ointments have the highest fat content of all moisturisers and use a cream or lotion during the day as they contain water and are quick to absorb. My moisturising regime is wash with Aveeno daily moisturising body wash then apply Epaderm Ointment,you can get both these on NHS.I use Dream Cream from Lush during the day after reading so many positive reviews on this site and was delighted with results.

Posted Mon 8 Jan 2018 20.01 by Lizzie

Thank you smondle and Robert, this is really good advice. I use all sorts at the moment incused double base which is great and then as usual with P not great! and will speak to my GP about salicylic acid creams. Will check out the Dream Cream from Lush too. I have been using Enstillar with success until i came off a course of Steroids and antibiotics for my asthma - and now have a terrible flair up. Would definitely recommend trying it though - but I feel like i need to try different medication all the time with P.

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 18.23 by Doodlemum

This is my personal experience of psoriasis and I’m happy to share my results using Soratinex. I’ve had psoriasis on my knees and elbows since I was 22. I can’t believe I’ve just written that number. That means I’ve now had it for 34 years. I can’t believe that number either. Over the years, I’ve tried Dead Sea salt baths, emollient creams, E45, baby creams, vitamin creams, steroid creams, butters, oils, gels, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary changes etc but the psoriasis would change almost hourly and even cool water was dehydrating for it. It continued to produce constantly-changing dry, flaky scales. It has never itched but sometimes in a dry winter it has cracked or bled. I learned to deflect the comments, the concern, the looks, and carried on applying the latest cream I’d bought. I had pedicures instead of manicures. I consulted a nutritionist, then a well-respected homeopath, then another dietician. I’ve had acupuncture in my toes, vitamin drops, blood tests, stool tests. I’ve eaten lots of grapefruit and tomatoes. I’ve saved up for sunny holidays. I discovered Lush Dream Cream which was mild, soothing, silky and vaguely vanilla-smelling, but of course, not curative. I started the menopause and noticed a few small pink blisters on the fingers of my left hand. My GP diagnosed psoriasis and prescribed Dovonex. I visited a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and visited her for weekly acupuncture sessions for 18 months. I changed my diet drastically - cut out alcohol, chocolate, dairy, whole grains, oranges, amongst many other things. I’ve never been large but my weight dropped to eight and a half stone. She gave me brown ointment to apply, and bags of herbs and roots which I brewed on my hob into a foul-tasting broth to drink twice a day, trying to hold my breath as I did so. I even took a powdered form of these herbs on holiday, anticipating being hauled over by Customs officials for an explanation. I wrote many cheques. The psoriasis got very slightly better. For financial reasons, I decided to stop going to her and I continued with Lush Dream Cream only. Then I read an article in The Times about various skin problems including psoriasis, and a reference to Soratinex. The article mentioned a trial which had had very good rates of success. I discovered more reviews. I ordered the three products: gel, cream and oil. They were simple to incorporate into my daily routine, they smelled OK. I waited. Then after a couple of weeks, I started to notice a difference. I hugged the thought to myself for a few days, not daring to want to believe the results I was beginning to see. My husband noticed the difference too. I carried on applying the creams. The flakiness subsided. The new skin on my fingers, elbows and knees is pink and healthy. Ten weeks on, I am quietly excited at the results so far. I keep checking the areas to see if it’s really happening, to see if it’s just a dream. Fingers and toes all crossed. I now need to monitor my psoriasis to see whether I can keep it in check by reducing the frequency of applying the Soratinex. I’d be very interested in other people’s longer-term experiences too.

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 19.19 by Eileen

I had mild but frustrating psoriasis and followed the Soratinex treatment plan over a year ago. I have been psoriasis free for a year now and really recommend trying it, despite the cost. None of the other treatments mentioned were anywhere nearly so successful for me.

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 19.54 by Lizzie

Eileen, have you had to continue using the treastment in the last year or not? do you just moisturise your skin and thats its?

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 20.29 by Doodlemum

Hi Eileen Did you cut down on your Soratinex usage over a few days/weeks, and do you use it at all now just to keep it at bay?

Posted Tue 9 Jan 2018 22.34 by Eileen

Haven’t had to use it in the past year but do use the oil to moisturise my elbows, lower legs and the part of my face where l had it. Did the treatment religiously for the 8 weeks, then used the oil as a general moisturiser for about a month . Would definitely use again if l needed to but so far so good.

Posted Thu 11 Jan 2018 17.43 by GregP

Hi all, I have had P for 15yrs, Started 1 spot on arm, 15yrs later on arms legs torso front back, hairline, and then face! That was it, changed diet, cut out midweek drinking, went paleo, all really helped and then!.... I was lucky enough to get on a Soratinex trial - and wow amazing results - i was scaly (hate that word) and sore and itchy and over the course of month 1 started to calm down a lot, less inflammation, less scales, started to smooth off, and i was walking around the flat stroking my arms smiling and feeling rather pleased with myself Then month 2 even better, could see the normal skin within what used to be big red patches, and at that point were breaking up into smaller red bits and normal skin The before and after photos were shocking to me. I still use it, and the P hasn't completely gone, though normally and lazily I only do once a day not twice, (amazing that i can be lazy with this product) and also have drinks and am naughty on the occasional pizza, and this keeps it well under control. This is only my experience, I'm not a shareholder! (although i would love to be...hint hint...) but i love the stuff - and it smells nice too

Posted Sat 13 Jan 2018 09.51 by Lizzie

Following the mixed reviews I decided to purchase the set and try for myself. I used for the first time last night and then again this morning. It is a bit of a palava and time consuming but if it works ... I have a severe flare up all over my body so I hope that the expensive smaller set will be sufficient quantity for my trial. My flare up occurred after completing a course of steroids and antibiotics for asthma. I have has p for most of my life (I am 50) and like most sufferers it has good and bad periods and I have tried everything. So far Enstilar has been the most effective but I am hoping this is better. I am only giving this background so you know what a challenge the Soratinex has! I will keep you posted.

Posted Mon 15 Jan 2018 21.00 by Lizzie

i just thought i would update you - I started using this and have done it for 4 nights and 3 mornings. as my P is so extensive i need to shower to wet my body and apply the gel. then dry and use the cream and oil. I have to say that I am impressed as my P as flattened and not as scaley - it is still red but in some places it is fading. I dont know how this will continue. I noticed that my skin felt itchy all day so contacted frankelpharma who advised to use the el and cream only on the plaques. this is impossible as it is so extensive and also then advised to use the gel sparingly. i decided that i would only use the gel once a day instead of twice. I will let you know how i get on.

Posted Mon 15 Jan 2018 21.17 by Lizzie

I also need to mention that I bought the small set which is definitely not big enough so I have now bought the bigger set.

Posted Tue 16 Jan 2018 09.04 by GregP

Hi,good to hear good start, I only used the gel once or twice to get going, as was told on the trial it was only for bad scaly patches, and these went quite quickly. Its only meant to be left on for a very short amount of time also otherwise was told it will 'burn' a little. For me i would shower twice a day, morning and evening, and would apply the cream and then the oil over the top. Its quite a lot of work and discipline, but my personal experience was it worked as mentioned previously. Its a great sign if the inflammation is going down and scales are removing. I found in the early days that if i skipped a day it would return quite quickly so have to be disciplined Good luck!

Posted Tue 16 Jan 2018 19.40 by Lizzie

thank you I will persever. its still red, but not so scaly and has definitely flattened. I used the gel again this evening but washed off very quickly and i dont feel so itchy so maybe I use it for another few days only once a day and then see if its best to just go on to the cream and oil only. I think my mistake in the first few days was to leave the gel on for too long as its says between 3-10 mins - i guess it depends on the severerity of the scales and how quickly it reponds to the treatment. Thanks for your advice - its great to get feedback from other users.

Posted Sun 21 Jan 2018 17.52 by Lizzie

by way of an update - I have been using soratinex for a week now. The itching has substantially subsided although still a bit but i have not used the gel much. My skin feels dry - ie leathery and a bit chalky (like putting on coal tar directly on my skin). Frankelpharma advised that also use my normal moisturiser so I will use either doublebase gel or natural beeswax (which i have used with great results). The p is completely flat possibly not there - though obviously i can see it. the P is not red now and is getting browner and in some places not visible at all. I noticed on Friday that my skin was shedding a lot so if i stood up from a chair it was full of deadskin - not great for work! this weekend I bathed in dead sea salt every evening and applied the cream, the oil and my own moisturiser. in the mornings I showered and applied everything again. I am still impressed with this treatment. I have also tried using this on my scalp. I cant locate the P on my scalp but i have noticed white bits on my shoulders like dandruff but this happens when i get a bad P flare up. I washed my hair with the gel, then applied the cream and oil on my scalp. I have not yet washed it out yet - so will let you know how i get on.

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