Soratinex Trial

Posted Wed 24 Jan 2018 02.59 by Foxtrotboy

I am a Psoriasis sufferer of around 6-8 yrs and would describe my condition as moderate. Up until 4 or 5 months ago my Psoriasis was contained to elbows, knees and a bit behind the ears and bottom. My very first indication it was on its way was around 40 years of age when I noticed fingernails were becoming soft and rubbery when I cut them. There was also an occasional brown tint to some of the nails.... a bit like what you might expect a smoker to have. (Not that I smoke). Then several months later came the dreaded white patches of flakey skin on the elbows, very very small at first but I dismissed it as just dry skin that was caused by me sitting at a desk at work with my elbows in contact with the desk..... a bit like a hard, dry bit of skin developing through constant contact rubbing. Over time these got bigger and also developed on my knees. What was unusual was that just like a stroke sufferer who is usually affected down the left side of the body, my worst areas of plaque Psoriasis were all down my left side... left elbow, left knee, left ear ..... the other side was nowhere near as bad. Then after a couple of years I developed swollen fingers and pain in the hands and fingers.... it was psoriatic arthritis setting in. I have been on every steroid cream you can imagine.... but now they do nothing (except having left me with quite thinking skin in places you don’t want thinking skin). For the arthritis I started on methatrexate .... well that didn’t go well for me and eventually was replaced with something less vigorous.... Salfasalazine. After many months of the same routine I found that the arthritis would subside in the summer months and return in the winter. I began to look for alternatives because my blood pressure was high and needed controlling, my weight was high and I had the mid drift belly ..., Having a discussion with a friend who lived in Australia ‘’ I pursed a different course of trying to change my diet.... radically. I was also guided towards two other sources of inspiration.... Dr Josh AXE on YouTube and a woman called Shan Nix Jones and her website called the Chuckling Goat. Both these two preached about the problem of Psoriasis being cause by what is going on in your gut and something called Leaky Gut syndrome. What did I have to loose.... I followed the advice... drank lots of goats milk Kefir and completely gave up refined sugar, gluten, wheat, trans fats and stuck mainly to natural fats and oils, grass Fed meats, lots of oily fish, bone broth, eggs and supplements.. Sugar was the biggest thing though... absolutely none... no fizzy drinks and only Natural Stevia. After 12 weeks it really began to work, the scales as good as disappeared and went flat and the inflammation was going down (and so was my weight). The pain in my fingers disappeared and my nails got better. I got complacent and thought that it had worked.... so it all stoped and that’s where I made my biggest mistake. Back came the old food... the crappy processed stuff, the bad fats etc etc. Within weeks the Psoriasis came back with a vengeance, this time it had broken out in the form of Guate Psoriasis down my thighs, calf’s, ankles and right across my lower back.. I now have had to re-start the diet change again in the hope that it has the same effect as it had the first time round. I have also, just like many on this forum recently read about SORATINEX and am intrigued, so I have ordered my large pack of the Gel, Oil and Cream and intend to see what happens there. Hopefully it should be arriving on or around 24th January 18...... so I will let you know after a weeks use. I do honestly believe that Psoriasis is caused by a imbalance of the microbiome in the gut (leaky gut syndrome) and I would recommend you have a read of a book called ‘The Good Skin Solution’ by Shann Nix Jones and to also look at the short videos on YouTube by Dr AXE with regards to Psoriasis diet and Leaky Gut. Speak soon Foxtrotboy

Posted Wed 24 Jan 2018 08.25 by Lizzie

Good luck with your trial, I would really like to know how you get on. I have severe p when I get it and have had for years. This is expensive but I have say my p has almost gone but I have very dry skin which is also still stained with the p. I will keep using it for another month and then maybe only use the oil if this continues to work. It’s a pity it’s not available on the NHS. Good luck

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 12.14 by Deepak

Hi All Very interesting to read your reviews of this treatment, I always get sceptical about things that appear on mainstream media outlets that supposedly help psoriasis as I think its just a bit of promotion for the company in question to take your money! Having said that - this treatment is probably the most expensive one that I have seen reported and from what I have read it looks like it works and worth the investment. I wanted to know, from someone currently taking the treatment, if they are also doing something else, such as keeping a particular diet or cutting down on certain foods as well as the cream, or are people leading their normal diets without restrictions and finding that the cream is working without any internal changes? I am doing dry January, but mainly as I want to see if cutting down alcohol helps improve my skin, and to be honest, it's nearly the end of January, I've not had a single drop of alcohol and I haven't noticed any differences - having said that I plan to stay alcohol free going forward, not just for January. I have had psoriasis for nearly 10 years (I am 29) and like a lot of people here, I have tried to use almost every treatment under the sun (except the sun itself - seeing as the UK has very little of it) some worked for a short amount of time, such as steroid creams, but I don't want to keep using that because of the side effects it has on my skin, thinning etc. I think I am going to order this treatment and see how it goes - I think changing my diet drastically is going to be a difficult step, I think for me personally it will be hard and expensive to maintain but I will need to be more disciplined if I need to go down that route. Thanks!

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 12.47 by DaveHampshire

Hi Deepak, I started this thread and have to say I'm pleased it is working for some of the others here too. I personally did not change my diet at all. I just like food too much to start cutting food groups so I still kept consuming wheat, dairy, alcohol (not excessive) etc. and it worked anyway. I have to say that the very stubborn areas on my knees and elbows just will not completely clear but they are at a level where I'm comfortable wearing T-shirt and shorts without people staring. It is also mid winter, always my worst time for the P and I'm sure that when the sun comes out there should be a bit more improvement.

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 13.24 by Doodlemum

Hi all Just wanted to say I haven't changed my diet at all during my use of Soratinex. I eat fairly well anyway but certainly haven't cut out any of the suspected trigger groups like alcohol,wheat, sugar etc. The Soratinex is working for me without any dietary changes. I am now beyond the 8 weeks initial usage and using it every other day with a view to further reducing my need for it. My psoriasis is hardly noticeable on my elbows and hands; my knees are slightly pink but the skin overall looks and feels normal and to be free of flaky skin is so refreshingly wonderful! I am still a little uncertain of the long term usage of Soratinex or the salicylic acid it contains, and am reading around this. What do other users think? And does anyone have any comments on thirst or frequency of urination, as I seem to be more thirsty generally but urinating less at night and I have wondered vaguely about any connection with liver and kidney function. Having kept a food diary when I was seeing the Chinese herbal medicine specialist, I know that I can drastically amend my diet, but there is a balance to be made here plus, I also like my food (and wine!) too much! Good luck to everyone

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 13.25 by Lizzie

Hi Deepak I am still trialing this and in my 2nd week. Am still very impressed. I am happy to continue despite cost as it seems to work and is not a steroid. There are some stubborn bits and although not ready to bare all I wouldn’t be embarrassed if my skin is now visible. I am not changing my diet or anything else though I wish I had the discipline to do so. I don’t drink anyway though if I have a glass I find it does affect my skin. The advice with this treatment I would give you is to ensure you also use a good moisturiser as well. My skin is still dry and I use a moisturiser. I tend to still shed but more like dandruff and not sure why. Don’t over use the gel but definitely needed at the beginning. Good luck and please do keep updating as you go along.

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 14.21 by GregP

Hi all, been using it for months now. When i was Alkalising my diet, the effects of this are very good on its own (for me), loose weight feel great, clean up the gut, but got sloppy with diet and lifestyle and P would come back with a vengeance. Soratinex allows me to be naughty sometimes, and still it keeps P in check, just one stubborn patch left on my back, and im back in the pool!!

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 15.13 by Deepak

Thanks for the responses. Looks like there's no harm in trying. I just hope it has a lasting effect - you get to a point where when you've tried so many treatments, they all end up failing and you start to lose hope and contemplating just accepting it as being a part of your life - but some things that work on others will no necessarily work on me. I hope this isn't the case here!

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 15.27 by Foxtrotboy

Well, my box of Soratinex arrived yesterday and I tried it for the first time this morning. Initial thoughts........ Jesus ! If these are the large bottles, how big are the small ones! Keeping an open mind though and found that the Gel and Oil are not thick, but very runny and a little really goes a long way.... so maybe issuing sparingly will last a while. Instructions didn’t say anything about using any othe moisturising products during the day.... is to be avoided or is it ok to use another product during treatment applications? I have a bottle of a baby moisturiser in my top desk at work which I intend to use during the day from a company called ‘Child’s Farm’ which everyone has been raving about also online. I’ll just have to see how they pan out..... although perhaps I should only use one instead of the other in order to see which one is working if there are results.

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 15.32 by Deepak

I tend to use 100% extra virgin pressed coconut oil - which is soothing and smells great as a moisturiser.

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 17.23 by Lizzie

I contacted frankelpharma on many occasions when I have queries - the suggested I use a moisturiser if my skin is very dry so it will depend on that. Good luck

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 20.01 by Jade

Hi everyone I am new to the site but just came across a few posts and thought i would join too I have had psorisis only for around 2 years now although they are very bad and i also get it on my face which sucks I have just started the sortaniex treatment, have been doing it for around 3 days now just not really changed just yet but still early days I have been using the gel in the morning along with the cream and oil then cream and oil at night How long did it take for peoples to clear i dont have much plaques but a lot of red patches all over my body

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 21.05 by Lizzie

I have been doing it for almost 2 weeks and I stil have reddish patches and some more stubborn plaque. Some of the other posts suggests that it will take about 9 months

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 21.06 by Lizzie

Sorry meant 9 weeks

Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 21.25 by Mark

Has anyone who's tried Soratinex also tried Sorion and can compare the two?

Posted Fri 26 Jan 2018 07.26 by GregP

I tried Sorion. Briefly and it was helping lower inflammation. yes stopped using it as it coincided with Soratinex trial The most important thing for me / and for all this to be effective is from within on a Palea diet exersice and rest.- if I do this then treatment of the skin is far far far more effective, otherwise I find they are battling each other a lot more, and effectiveness of treatment slows down and takes longer. After Xmas I can feel my now very reduced red patches wanting to return and even the occasional itch and so back on the greens and lemon water alkalise the body exercise and it’s calming down again with help externally from the Soratinex / that’s me anyway / everyone is different

Posted Sat 27 Jan 2018 18.54 by Foxtrotboy

Well, it’s been a couple of days now and I am really quite impressed ! The most unsightly part of my body with regards to the Psoriasis is definitely my elbows. (The only thing on show really) The heavy white scale has completely disappeared after two days... both on elbows and knees. I’m left with very smooth, non flaking/peeling red/pink skin. It’s obvious it’s there, but nowhere near as bad looking as it was. With regards to the guttate Psoriasis down my thighs, legs and across the bottom of my back.... there is not so much of a change here, although this was never scaly like the plaque Psoriasis on my elbows and knees. I have notice that the skin is still drying out just as quick, so I’m using the ‘Childs Farm’ sensitive baby moisturiser at least 4 or 5 times a day in between the Soratinex. I have notice a massive drop in that really annoying itchiness that wakes me at 3am !!! and I’ve gone through the last few nights without scratching myself till I bleed !

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2018 10.14 by Deepak

For those who have been using the treatment for some time, once the layer hard white skin / plaques - has come off, does the redness also disappear as well? So it's not visible to the eye and goes back to normal skin colour? A lot of my psoriasis does not actually have the plaques, it's just the red skin underneath.

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2018 11.11 by Lizzie

The redness takes longer to disappear- I am in my 3rd week and the P has gone but the redness and P stains still there though I feel that it is disappearing. I do however still feel very itchy but I am very impressed with this. I will continue until all gone. Just wondering whether it will all go or come back quickly. How are you getting on? Good luck

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2018 11.16 by GregP

HI for me yes the red patches started breaking up, as in i could start seeing normal skin coming though. This was a pretty amazing moment to see. Some patches went completely eventually and some still slightly red.

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