Soratinex Trial

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2018 11.38 by Deepak

Thanks for your responses - my package is due to be delivered today so I will provide updates once I get going!

Posted Sat 3 Feb 2018 18.14 by Lizzie

Just thought I would update I am now on my third week and my Psoriasis has more or less gone but i still have the scars which are now dark brown. There are some dry patches above my ankle, elbows and a bit around the knees. As I mentioned in my above posts - my skin was very dry and i was shedding a lot of skin and left a trail wherever i went. I have discovered that the best moisturiser for me is the Eucerin which i know use after the cream and oil. I only use the gel from time to time. I have bought a small set, a large set and a large cream. In the 3 weeks i have finished 1 small cream and 1 large cream. I am almost finished 1 bottle of oil but not quite. I made a slight mistake as I nearly finished my cream last week and took a little long to order the next one. whilst Frankle pharma deliver within 2 days, as i was not in to take delivery - it was sent back to them and they had to organise re delivery - what this meant was that for four days I was only using the oil and my moisturiser and i was worried that my skin would react - i only noticed that it feltvery dry and cracked. I now have the cream again and will start again. I am impressed with this treatment so far and its nice ot give my body a break from steroids. Its also nice to have clear soft skin again - where i can roll my sleeves up and not be self conscious! I hope it continues to work for me and helps others - i know its expensive and ideally should be on the NHS as it is cheaper for them than some of the other treatments. How is everyone else getting on? Lizzie

Posted Sat 3 Feb 2018 18.52 by Jade

Hi Lizzie just reading ur info on the trial I am just finished my second week Im basically covered head to toe, mine are really that scaly jus red circles all over my body atm so i dont really use the gel i usually get a warm bath then apply cream and oil I can see an improvement as the spots are a lot lighter in colour and some are even normal skin colour in the middle so some progress Quite slow but i am being patient What did yours look like when they were clearing up?

Posted Sat 3 Feb 2018 23.13 by Lizzie

Dear Jade, Your experience does sound similar to mine. Started off with my whole body, arms and legs covered, scaly and red raw. After my second week I think it was redder than it is now. Now it’s brown and some on my body and arms have faded but my legs are still spotty with the P marks. I will continue to do this treatment using the cream, oil and moisturiser for as long as I need to to keep away. I assume at some point I will not need the cream until it starts coming back. I have also been have Dead Sea salt baths at the weekend which I think also helps. My itching and shedding seems to have stopped. And the very dry skin is getting better. It would be good to hear if anyone else has the itching and shedding? Good luck

Posted Sat 3 Feb 2018 23.19 by Jade

Yes lizzie does sound similar I feel cause i do have so much tiny spots of P everywhere it will take a while to actually clear up cause im sure i do miss some spots on a daily basis cus it feels impossible to get them all, honestly theres so many of them and some of them are so small makes it hard to treat everywhere Im hoping for light treatment also soon to help but will stick with this and moisturising for now just hope it works as also have it bad on my face which really affects my confidence :( just need to be patient

Posted Sat 3 Feb 2018 23.24 by Lizzie

Jade I have never had it on my face so not sure what to suggest. With this treatment I just rub it all over my skin as I cannot just add it to the P because it would take hours and I haven’t got the time to do that twice a day. My P was also so extensive and severe hence my use of so much of the cream. Do you also shed skin everywhere? Using this treatment has your skin been itchy?

Posted Sun 4 Feb 2018 12.15 by Jade

I have it on all my body too so it is very time consuming but hopefully be worth it in the end Yes some days it can be quite itchy? I dont use the gel cause mine are not very flakey and the gel irritates me slightly I do shed a good bit cause i do need to moisturise a lot more in between i would say have an appt with the dermo in a few weeks so fingers crossed

Posted Sun 4 Feb 2018 19.07 by Mila

Hi All, Firstly thank you and well done Dave for starting this page because you have brought awareness to many about this treatment. I have just purchased my treatment and I am on day 2. I have a few questions and was wondering if anyone can help. 1) I would like to hear from people who had success with this treatment and have been in remission for a longer period. How long are you free of the P for? Do you end up with normal skin or is it pink/ scars 2) scalp how do you women wash you hair evening and morning? I have long hair and if I wash it that much it falls out so can you do it just once a day? I say this because you then drying your hair twice also which is not good for the hair. Also does the itchyness go with this treatment on the scalp? 3) can you use this on the down below women area? Does anyone know as it is not clear on the paper work I got. Has anyone tried and if so has it been successful? Thank you in advance...

Posted Sun 4 Feb 2018 19.14 by Mila

Ps once the P has gone do you carry on applying the gel / creams / oil? Can someone advise please? Thank you.

Posted Wed 7 Feb 2018 09.38 by Deepak

Hi All I am on day 3 and things are looking good, my skin is feeling smoother but it is still visible to the eye - I am hoping it feels and looks like normal skin in a few weeks as some of you have experienced, I had a few spots on my hands and fingers which used to be really red (no plaques) they have since calmed down and are slightly visible but only if you really focus. I have to say though - applying this twice a day isn't possible for me, it does take up considerable time to do it, took most of the evening for me the first time, I don't know about you but I wait for the oil to soak in/dry a bit before I put clothes on or get into bed - any solutions around this? Once the plaques have been removed by the gel, do you guys continue to apply that every time? Or do you skip that and focus on the cream and the oil where there no plaques? Thanks!

Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 16.11 by Jade

Hi deepak I personally have a lot of really red patches more than plaques so i tend to jus have a warm bath before applying cream & oil cause not sure i really need to use much gel as tbh it did irritate me on a few occasions ( i think this was due to me not having plaques but leaving it on inflamed skin. I let the oil dry slightly before putting clothes on but not much as its not supposed to stain clothes etx anyway Hope this helps

Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 20.42 by Lizzie

Hi Deepak I don’t use the gel anymore as it irritates and I don’t need it. Just cream and oil and moisturiser. I don’t wait I just put my clothes on.

Posted Wed 7 Mar 2018 10.59 by andyjw

I had psoriasis as a young child, but it cleared up on its own when I was in my mid-teens. It then started to re-appear about 17 years ago, as small patches on my legs, and gradually moved to both sides of my torso. I was using a steroid/coal-tar combination cream, prescribed by my Doctor, when the psoriasis flared up, which seemed to help, as the coal-tar broke down the scales, and the steroid reduced the inflammation. However, this cream was removed from supply about 8 years ago, due to concerns over an ‘unacceptably high risk of skin cancer’! Since this cream became unavailable, I have tried several different products over the past years, without success, but try to avoid steroid creams due to their thinning effects on the skin. In October this year, I read an article in the Daily Mail, which was then repeated in the Times a couple of days later. The article reported on a new psoriasis treatment that had become available in the UK, which has achieved high levels of success in treating psoriasis in Australia and the Czech Republic. I decided to order a small pack of Soratinex, to see if it was any good. I figured that the small set, at £76.50, was worth trying, but if it didn't work, the large (better value) set would be a bigger waste of money, at £121.05. I started using the Soratinex on my torso, as detailed in the instructions on their web site (surprisingly instructions were not included in the package), on 29th October, and there was a noticeable improvement in my psoriasis after only 2 days. After the first week of use, my torso was almost completely clear of psoriasis, so I decided to extend mu use to my back. Shoulders and legs. This is where my decision to buy the small size proved to be a false economy, as I needed to order another pack (this time the large size) within 3 weeks. For the use to be effective, you need to follow the instructions – although they appear to be a bit confusing on the web site and you will need to allocate about 25 minutes twice a day (morning and evening) for 6 to 8 weeks, so it is a high level of commitment, but in my experience, well worth every second! In both the morning and evening, I used the skin care gel on my wet skin (I used a flannel and warm water) and left it on for about 10 minutes, going to bed in the meantime. Now, I cleaned it off (I wiped it off with the flannel, when I wasn’t having a shower), and towelled dry. I then applied the skin care cream and left it there for about 10 minutes (going back to bed). Then I rubbed a thin layer of the skin care oil over my treated skin. I was really pleased to note that the oil did not mark bed clothes, or clothes. I also used the gel as a shampoo, to clear my dandruff, and it was really effective in helping to remove the scales of dandruff and make my scalp smooth, before rinsing and washing with a regular off the shelf anti-dandruff shampoo. I am now virtually clear of psoriasis patches, but I am using the products 3 times a week, to keep it at bay, which I think will be the most cost-effective maintenance regime. I would thoroughly recommend Soratinex for anyone who is plagued by plaque psoriasis.

Posted Wed 9 May 2018 22.44 by Pu

Hi All It's been a while since anyone has posted here, so I thought I would post my 3 weeks experience of using Soratinex. Some areas of psoriasis have been quick to respond to the treatment. I saw some improvements within a week which have continued, so that the psoriasis has almost disappeared. However other areas appear much slower to respond to the treatment and I have only seen smallm improvements in 3 weeks. I was wondering if anyone who has completed 8 or 9 weeks could share their experience in what if any improvement is seen in weeks 4 to 8? I plan to persevere with the treatment and hope that the stubborn areas start to respond. Paul

Posted Thu 10 May 2018 07.07 by Lizzie

Hi Paul, My experience was the same. Persevere as it is worth it. I have been clear now for a long time since using it. I only use the oil and a moisturiser. I have now noticed a small patch on my hand returning so I will be back on the regime. I hope it all stays away as I love being Psoriasis free! I will continue to use it when it comes back. Good luck

Posted Thu 10 May 2018 10.21 by Pu

Thanks for your reply Lizzie and I can appreciate how great it must feel to be psoriasis free 😁 Paul

Posted Thu 10 May 2018 19.53 by GregP

HI to all as mentioned before i did the uk trial and all went over a few months, back was stuborn but hard to reach. All has stayed away which amazes me. Notice when i have a big weekend with naughty beer and bread, other parts like head and face feel hot and so almost like the treatment prevents same previous areas to recede and so trying to escape in other areas - thats my experience only 1 year ago i had v bad patches on arms and torso cant reccomend this enough i still have my kit which i use on occasion so becomes not expensive in the long run Greg

Posted Mon 2 Jul 2018 12.12 by Mark S

I've been using the Soratinex triple kit for exactly 2 months now. I confess to not using it everyday twice a day but nevertheless pretty regularly. The area of psoriasis that concerns me is on my elbows - this area has always been very very stubborn to treatment over the years! Over the last 2 months I have been lulled into thinking this Soratinex process was starting to work then every few days it seems to come back with a bit of a vengeance, in fact it might be considered a little worse than before I started if that's possible. Does Soratinex make it slightly worse to then make it better if that makes sense? Is this normal? Am I being impatient as usual? I certainly don't have the extent of psoriasis that unfortunately some of you have on these forums but I've had it many years and hoped I may have finally found something that worked. This is my debut on this or any other forum so appreciate you being gentle with me! Regards Mark

Posted Mon 2 Jul 2018 13.37 by Lizzie

Hi Mark, Mine just improved all the time but I became very itchy and shed lots of skin. This improved when I reduced my use of the gel and certainly didn’t use as much. My Psoriasis completely cleared and I was only using the oil but then I found that it started to reappear and I stopped using any of it and then and started on my steroids which wasn’t helping much so I returned to using all of the soratinex products again and my Psoriasis is clearing up again thankfully. I would suggest that you reduce the use of the gel a bit and see whether this helps - but I am no expert so can’t eeally guide you. It’s worth speaking to them directly. Good luck

Posted Thu 23 Aug 2018 15.44 by Lizzie

I have found Soratinex has in the main completely cleared my Psoriasis though I am still only using the oil. As I have been away and didn’t take any of it I can feel that it is returning. I will get straight back to it when I get home. Has anyone else found that they have bumpy skin like either chicken skin or blocked hair follicles? I have this all over my arms and can’t seem to get rid of it. I have consulted Frankelpharma but have not had any response. I may see a doctor. Would be good if anyone has any experience of this and whether you have been able to clear it?

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