Soratinex Trial

Posted Sun 2 Sep 2018 22.55 by HEYFu

Hello everyone. Just wanted to say thanks for all the updates on your Soratinex use. I'm in the US but was thinking of ordering some to try out if the Prosoria doesn't work for me. Lizzie, just out of curiosity, is the bumpy skin on areas where you're using (or have used) the Soratinex or in an area that was previously clear of skin issues?

Posted Mon 3 Sep 2018 09.38 by GregP

Hi Lizzie, long time no chat :) V interesting, well i do have some v small hard skin bumps where the P used to be on my arms and back. These are impossible not to pick at, as they prevent the smooth feel. Dont have these on my chest or legs where it used to be though G

Posted Mon 3 Sep 2018 18.54 by Lizzie

Hi All, I have the bumps on my arms, back of neck and the back of my legs below the knees. It feels like blocked hair follicles and looks like goosebumps. You are right it’s difficult not to pick. I haven’t been to the doctor about it yet. I would rather live with this than p! Franklepharma haven’t responded to my query either - I assume only interested in selling their product not real feedback! I have to say that I have some red spots that looks like P might be returning- I stop using Soratinex and then go back to it. Good luck if it’s your first go!

Posted Sat 2 Jan 2021 08.56 by Melissa Wu

Hi all, I have a small question is that which websites is the correct one for buying Soratinex? Because I found two of different packages of Soratinex products on internet websites. One is other one is Thank you for replying.

Posted Sat 2 Jan 2021 21.30 by DaveHampshire

Hi there, Its been so long since I last logged in I was surprised I had remembered my password. I had a quick look at those links you sent and I would imagine they are both the same product although the packaging on the the one is unfamiliar. I know for sure FranklPharma are the manufacturers of the product that I have used but I suspect the other one is the same thing, but maybe branded for UK consumption! I hope it works for you. I use mine only once a week now and only really have problem areas on my knees and elbows.

Posted Mon 4 Jan 2021 15.13 by AndrewGraham

I am at my wits end i am a carer fir my partner and my psorisis is so soar, it is on every part of my bodily, head torso hands and scalp, I used to get light treatment and it cleared it up for about 8 - 10 months then it came back then git light treatment again and it cleared it again, its now worse than ever and because of covid I can't even get to see a specialist nevermind a hospital, I am in severe depression and I am really contemplating not going on with my life

Posted Mon 4 Jan 2021 20.01 by Jade

You should really try soratinex. I was covered including my face which is super depressing however after using this treatment I am completely clear and have been for around 2 years now Deffo worth the try especially if your feeling so low and can't get to the hospital for anymore light treatment

Posted Mon 4 Jan 2021 20.17 by Lizzie

I agree I have had such good success with Soratinex which I purchase from Franklpharma who I think are the distributor in UK. I have not used any other medication since first trying it (see earlier posts) - it’s worth trying - sometimes my Psoriasis comes back but then I use it properly again (when it’s okay you can just use the oil) and I have found if you can spare the time and have access to a bath that a salt bath everyday even for just 15 mins really helps me. Good luck and worth a try. All the best

Posted Tue 5 Jan 2021 11.17 by PsoAdminMod

Hi @AndrewGraham, I am Amber and I work for the Psoriasis Association. We are so sorry to hear you are feeling this way at the moment and that your psoriasis is making you feel so low. It is concerning that when you are feeling this way you have not been able to access specialist treatment. We would be happy to provide you with some information to help you get the care you need and advice for managing your psoriasis. If you would like to get in touch with us we have a helpline where one of our friendly advisors would be happy to help. You can contact us by phone on 01604 251 620, email at or WhatsApp on 07387 716 439. The helpline is open Monday - Friday 9am-4pm. If you feel your mood plummeting and are struggling to cope Samaritans are available to offer support and are open 24/7. They can be contacted by phone (116 123), by email ( or online ( We hope this is helpful, Amber Psoriasis Association

Posted Tue 5 Jan 2021 11.39 by GregP

Great work PsoAdmin, for getting involved here on the big issues Ref skin treatment, i am one of the lucky original Soratinex trial patients and it was life changing for me. I have to say this was also combined with dietry and lifestyle changes - i stopped drinking booze, changed my poor diet, and had to come out of a period of very negative thinking, as these 3 things massively exacerbated my psoriosis. I continue to use it as and when i get flare ups, this morning good example as i drank too much alcohol over the NYE period, and ate poorly at times (though was in a happy mental place) - as you do, so i will be on it for a while again now, for external relief, and doing a healthy january for internal relief - otherwise, for me, these things are cosntatly battleing each other. I understand my version of events may be a lot simpler than others, @AndrewGraham, i really do feel for you, and yes sounds like you may have a jourey to travel. I really really do recccoment trying dietry considerations, yoga if you can, meditation, anything mind body and soul related, if you have not done already, for long term benefits. That said as PsoAdmin said they can help on a more official manner Good luck Greg

Posted Tue 5 Jan 2021 15.27 by xoHol

Hi Everyone, So happy i came across this forum and to see everyone still replies to this day! I am so struggling with my P. I am 27 and for me my P only started in July 2020 on my elbow slightly to this day its everywhere i mean head to toe!! its all massive thick white scales or some are just red raw. it cracks, bleeds an is so itchy i'm hardly sleeping. apart from the physical pain of it because it is so sore etc my feeling to are getting me down i mean my face is awful at the moment i feel like Ive lost my looks completely!! i wanna wear make up to hide but cant because it comes back worse. no matter what i do the beauty treatments to compensate just make me feel shit still! with my partner i don't like being body open as much anymore and i have it all over (downstairs) i feel i am not a woman any longer but a monster who is in pain and itches constantly. I have had the doctor prescribe me creams and its not helping. so i have tried to do my own research brought some more cream but that is not working and i am fully at my wits end until today. I am going to look into ordering some of this Soratinex and changing my diet to now from reading everyone's threads. Can any of you advise me your changes or what you do day to day in your lifestyle to help live your life around P and also will it ever go or will i be a scabby monster for life? I am so clueless on this condition please help! Lots of love H x

Posted Tue 5 Jan 2021 18.56 by Lizzie

H, I would suggest that you read the threads above as they are useful in showing how everyone has dealt with using soratinex and making lifestyle changes. Personally I am very good with my diet and awful at other times (like most people!) but I have consistently used this treatment for the past 2 years and ideally would not like to go back on other medication unless this stops working or my P gets worse regardless. Good luck and hope it works for you.

Posted Wed 6 Jan 2021 10.29 by xoHol

Hi Lizzie, Thanks for replying i have read all threads and going to try to implement everyone's ways of dealing with P. I am just so new to P in my life as it only started months ago and nobody around me suffers with it so feel very alone its not just a small amount its taken over my body in such a small space of time its multiplying i see a new patch every time i look at myself so i just want a to find a way to deal with it. Does it ever make you feel a certain way? Just always been healthy with no issue and Boom this has taken over. would you say vegan diet is best for P? H x

Posted Wed 6 Jan 2021 12.11 by GregP

Hi xoHol, As P sufferers we suffer from inflamation, actually everone does to a degree, but we do more and at its extreme it shows in our skin. Ways to reduce inflamation internally and extenally - good sleep, can not underestimate this, diet is an alkaline diet wherever possble, the paleo diet, or any verson of this that suits you is a good base to start with. Unfortunatly this means all the fun stuff, the acidic, and hard to digest stuff, has to stop or be dramatically modified, alcohol, pizza, coffee, i know! gltuen dairy, etc etc - loads on info online - you actually get charts showing you foods from most alkaline to m ost acidic. its real basics, eat loads and loads of fresh veg and fruit and drink lots of water. Lemons will become your best freind, I personally drank and still do drink regular fresh lemon warm water drinks in the morning and at night - this super cleanses the innards and reduces inflamation from the inside out - thats the goal with all of this. The third thing is the mind - mind has a huge impact, negative mind feed the gut poorly, and also back up, bad gut feeds up to the mind - its all been proven by western science now and its pretty obvious. Yoga, outdoors walks runs, jogs, general excercise of any kind, swimming cycling, and taking time to to happy in between the frustration of the P!! I went to the PO annual seminar a few years ago and a lot of this is genetically linked but then triggered or exacerbated by our lifestyles / bodies / minds, so some suffer more than others and all we can do is try to control and limit it as best as we can on top of the genetic base (if that is the case for the individual) Hope some of this helps, and this is of course only my opinion and experience and learnings Soratinex does the rest externaly and i love it And no you are most definately not alone Greg

Posted Tue 26 Jan 2021 22.09 by Anne

I have had psoriasis for more than 50 years and have been using Soratinex for three years since the newspaper reviews. During the initial 8 weeks everything miraculously disappeared, but I had to keep strictly to the instructions of applying it twice a day. Since then, when I notice a new spot appearing I treat it straight away, and my skin hasn't been as clear in all my adult life. I calculate that it has cost me no more than £1 a day over the three years - a very small price to pay. You may be interested to read which is an American study on the efficacy of Soratinex from the National Center for Biotechnology.

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