
Posted Mon 14 Aug 2017 23.23 by Rhiannon.marie

I'm 25 and have had psoriasis since I was 10. At the moment it's effecting my ear, a few small patches on my face and stomach and the whole back of my scalp and top of my neck. I'm a student midwife so I wear my hair up all the time when I'm working and feel very self conscious. After waiting almost 15 years to see a dermatologist because my doctors are useless! I was only told that she would give me sebco and capasal shampoo. I believe over the years I've tried every kind of shampoo, ointment and cream there is. I've been so upset since my appointment as I thought they might offer me phototherapy or some sort of medication or injections anything other than the stuff I've already tried that hasn't worked. I also suffer from psoriatic arthritis and am under a rheumatologist who is amazing with helping me cope with that side of things. Does anybody know if there is anything I can do to get some sort of treatment that I've not tried yet? As I feel like I've just not been listened to at all and I've waited all these years for the appointment for nothing. I'm desperate it gets me really depressed sometimes and I just need a way to manage my scalp! Thank you

Posted Tue 15 Aug 2017 04.56 by xloreleix - 33 from Pinner
Hi im 26 years old and suffered from psoriasis since i was 16. Currently enduring a battle with PPP and about to try acitretin

So... im on acretertin at the moment as i have plaque psoriasis all over my body at the moment and also had pustular on my hands and feet ive been on them for mearly 2 weeks... the blisters have been kept at bay but my body is still covered. My mum and dad have now ordered me the philips dermahealer uvb light compact which had amazingggg reviews online and im excited and hopeful to give it a go when i get it wed! Will let you know what i think! Ive been off work for nearly 2 months so praying this does something!!!

Posted Tue 15 Aug 2017 10.21 by Rhiannon.marie

Thanks for replying! I've not been offered any medication at all in the whole 15 years I've had it I'm going to mention it to my gp! As all they give me is ointments which are not working! I had a look at the Philips dermahealer but my dermatologist told me not to get one! Which put me off! Yes please let me know how it goes because I will try anything! Hope it works for you x

Posted Mon 21 Aug 2017 13.42 by xloreleix - 33 from Pinner
Hi im 26 years old and suffered from psoriasis since i was 16. Currently enduring a battle with PPP and about to try acitretin

The gp wont be able to give you the medication it would be your dermatologist. Ahh heck the only reason they tell you that is because they dont want to be liable if you was to misuse it! They have amazing information on the directions of using it for what type of psoriasis you have its very clever. Ive only used it twice so far and have noticed the patches are getting a bit lighter! Im only making sure i use it twice a week and only 2 mins for each part. Il keep you updated!

Posted Tue 22 Aug 2017 10.15 by GoreBlimey

I'm 39 and been coping with psoriasis for about 10 years now, if you GP is not helping then get yourself to your closest walk in centre. Ask to be referred to a dermatologist and speak to them about photo therapy aka Light Treatment. Light treatment doesn't work for everyone but out of the dozen other I've met with psoriasis, it has worked an absolute treat. When possible I try and have a winter holiday to the sun, Canaries are ideal as hot most of the year, that balanced with the light treatment tends to keep things in check. With regards to your scalp, mine is also a nightmare, speak to the dermatologist about a coconut compound (it is available from your GP but is rubbish). You local hospital will make the compound there and you rub it in, leave it on for 3/4 hours and repeat for 2/3 days - Its STINKS like a dead badger but really helps, also leaves your hair feeling amazing :-) - I'll take a picture of the pot later and send you a link. All the best. Pete

Posted Tue 22 Aug 2017 22.34 by Holly1
Has psoriasis since 2001

Hi I'm on ciclosporin and it has been fantastic for me I had psoriasis all over, as someone has mentioned only your dermatologist can prescribe light therapy, oral medication and injections. I found with my dermatologist that they wanted to re try all the creams before putting me on ciclosporin but I explained I can't do that all again for the same outcome. It's not just about what is visible it's also the emotional side affects on how psoriasis is affecting your every day life, be open with your dermatologist and if you have a treatment in mind that you want to try explain that you have read up on it and explain how psoriasis is making you feel and how it affects you. I'm sure they will then help you progress to the treatment you wish to try. Good luck!

Posted Thu 28 Sep 2017 21.12 by vickstaaarrr

Hi, I have had psoriasis since I was 3 years old, originally told I would grow out of it, now I am 23 I have had numerous different creams for many flare ups. most recently I am having the worst flare up I have ever had, it's on my face, the backs of my hands, my arms, legs, back, feet and breasts. I have tried everything I can think of and it just seems to be getting worse. Has anyone else had an experience like this? Every cream or ointment I am using seems to be making it worse or sore. I am getting to the end of my patience with it now! trips to the dermatologist leaves me with creams I have used many times and due to previous success they seem to think I need to keep going with them! I've had enough now!

Posted Fri 29 Sep 2017 09.05 by GoreBlimey

Having had some trouble with my GP, I requested that I see a new dermo' which they did. This new guy has been amazing and after telling him I am sick of using creams that don't work he has started the process of putting me on Acretertin. You just need to be firm with your GP - Good luck!!!

Posted Wed 20 Dec 2017 00.03 by Rhiannon.marie

Hi I’ve not been on here for a while as I’m a student midwife and have been really busy! Thought I would post a quick update! Saw a new consultant yesterday who confirmed I have psoriatic arthritis and is starting me on 10mg methotrexate which should hopefully help clear my psoriasis as well! Fingers crossed! I was unsure about methotrexate as my mum has rheumatoid arthritis and has taken it for years but I know it makes her quite ill sometimes. But I’m going to give it a try and see how it goes!

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