
Posted Mon 20 May 2013 18.58 by bizabella
Eczema and Psoriasis since birth, on scalp and other areas.

Has anyone else had experiences with scarring from their psoriasis? Can anyone recommend anything to stop/recover/cover scars? I scratch subconsciously (especially when I'm stressed and in the night) and in the past this has left me with deep cuts/grazes on my hands. These often take a long time to heal properly and are left with horrible scars. They also look awful whilst they heal, as I have been advised not to cover them, but "let them breath". They are often infected despite frequently using anit-septic spray and alcohol wipes. The scars if I'm lucky are pale and textured like a scar from a burn, however from particularly bad/deep areas they can be red and very incongruous - I'm particularly concious of one on my wrist. I've had it for over a year and I often try to cover with itchy jewellery!

Posted Wed 14 May 2014 07.10 by Deejay
Hello,im deejay 32 and have had it since i was in college years,i get it on my scalp, back and legs,have tryed many treatments but the effec

Hi bizabella, I can suggest the following OTC medicines - Salibet or Daivobet ointment for your body - Defosalic lotion for scalp If you have additional question you can reach me thru my email cheer up!

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