
Posted Fri 1 Sep 2017 02.15 by diceman
Hi. Blessed with psoriasis since 40 y/o. Think I now have PA too!

Anyone heard of this in U.K.? My 63 y/o Canadian relative has intravenous "shots" of this every 3/4 months and is completely clear. I see it's cleared for use by juveniles here since 2015, but why not us old folks?? I'm 65 y/o, thankfully only started with psoriasis in my 40's but constant use of creams etc. Is such a faff I would like to try this if possible.

Posted Fri 1 Sep 2017 15.19 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

It's not listed in the UK's BNF for adults so none of us oldies could receive it

Posted Fri 1 Sep 2017 22.28 by diceman
Hi. Blessed with psoriasis since 40 y/o. Think I now have PA too!

Thanks. BNF = ??

Posted Sat 2 Sep 2017 09.33 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

BNF = British National Formulary, a doctor's drug listing and price guide. If any medication/appliance is not listed in there then it cannot be prescribed under NHS conditions. It has no influence over private prescriptions and those will be entirely up to your doctor and the pharmacy, where charges are usually eye wateringly wallet draining.

Posted Fri 15 Sep 2017 16.09 by smondle

You can get this if it is prescribed by a consultant dermatologist, you need a hospital referral and then you should be able to get it easily! My consultant is always threatening me with it but I'm hoping to be able to control with Fumaderm tablets for a few more years before moving on to biologics.

Posted Fri 15 Sep 2017 17.20 by diceman
Hi. Blessed with psoriasis since 40 y/o. Think I now have PA too!

@smondle. Thank you. I asked my GP the other day about this. He was happy to refer me to a dermatologist but it now sounds a bit scary to me! One step down from chemotherapy as far as I can see. I think I will put the whole idea on the back burner for a while. Quick look on www about Fumaderm put the wind up me too!!

Posted Mon 18 Sep 2017 15.24 by smondle

@diceman. Yes, it's pretty nasty stuff but so are all biologics on the market at the moment. There is a new wave coming out in the next 5-10 years which are in late stage clinical trials at the moment which should be a lot less toxic, I'm hoping I can hold out until then! I completely understand your reluctance to take Sterela but I would recommend taking your GP up on the offer of a hospital referral. The specialist dermatologists are experts in this field and can give much more effective treatments, even the pharmacy made steroids are much more efficacious. Have you ever been offered anything like light therapy? That kept me clear for around 2 years, and there's a whole host of tablets you can take these days, other than methotrexate I have tolerated oral tablets fairly well as my disease progresses.

Posted Fri 12 Jan 2018 18.31 by diceman
Hi. Blessed with psoriasis since 40 y/o. Think I now have PA too!

@smondle. Thanks for your input. Please forgive me for not replying before. Got overlooked.

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