Financial problems due to treatment for psoriasis

Posted Wed 3 Jul 2013 12.23 by
I have suffered with severe psoriasis for 30 years. I have tried all topical treatments and am now on etanercept and methotrexate combinatio

I have suffered with severe psoriasis for 30 years. I have tried all topical treatments and am now on etanercept and methotrexate combination. the treatment is keeping my psoriasis at bay but I cannot work due to risk of infections. I am financially struggling the only benefits I get is income support £71 pw and severe disablement allowance that tops my money up by £30. I get full housing benefit but have a spare room for my son that i only have at weekends and school holidays so i have to pay a £12pw bedroom charge, I also have to contribute £8 per month to the council tax. I am really struggling and would go out to work if it wasn't a risk to my health. I have been told by my consultant that on the treatment I am not allowed to work. could someone please tell me how i can get any more financial assistance as this is now affecting my mental state. I am close to a breakdown, I feel so frustrated with life.

Posted Fri 27 Sep 2013 19.54 by Lynb

Hi jimmy Think we are in the same boat !! my story so far is ,I was on incapacity benefit for the last 7 years thru depression was coping with day to day life ! Then the goverment changed all benefits and after a assessment was declared I was fit for work !! Ok fair enough so I now am put in this situation of trying to find employment, and £30 a week down in income coming off IB to JS was quite stressed and scared but hey they said I was fit for work ! So the long shot to this is I have now been diagnosed with P only last week, when I look back the symptoms started a week after they took me off Incapacity Benefit !! I am now struggling to walk as the P has started in my feet I have open deep cuts on both feet, am on creams painkillers and sleeping tablets so I am well and truly like you frustrated with this life so I hope that some one reading yours and mine comments can help please x

1 Posted Thu 11 Sep 2014 17.52 by katecell8atgmail
My mom had it but not anymore

Psoriasis is not a skin disease, it's a blood disease. The skin problem is simply the symptoms. No one's telling you this because companies make more money from treating symptoms than underlying causes. If you just swallow a piece of garlic each day (no need to chew it) to help clean your blood, your psoriasis should eventually go away completely. This is what my mother did. It would be much appreciated if you could email me any results. I think it's pretty clear this is not a skin disease and it upsets me greatly that it is being treated as such.

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