Dead Sea Salt and Bio Oil - brilliant

Posted Tue 19 Sep 2017 10.34 by Philippa

I have been using dead sea salt for a week or so now and the results are fantastic. My legs are the best they have been for years. Mixed with water the solution really takes the "anger" out of the area and with a thin layer of bio oil afterwards the combination has worked really well. I was suffering psoriasis on the lower parts of legs so soaking them for 20 mins or so worked well - I used a clean pedal bin! I purchased it on offer at Home Bargains - £2.49 for a bag

Posted Tue 19 Sep 2017 11.51 by Peterb

Well they say the 'Dead Sea' is probably one of the best places to go and soak in its fantastic psoriasis healing power. But that's one hell of a way to go and even then it would be for just maybe two weeks of a year. This by the sound of things could be the next best thing. Hope it does you well. Peter Bullard

Posted Tue 19 Sep 2017 14.15 by smondle

I buy 25 kg bags of dead sea salt and use 1kg once a week in a bath to treat my whole body, its amazing how much it soothes the itching and softens scales! I get mine direct from westlab, they do bags in the 1-10kg range on their commercial website but have a link so you can buy 25kg on the wholesale which is what I get. If you have the space to stash this it works out at only £1.44 per kg when the delivery charge is factored in, a bargain compared to the £7.99 that Boots charge for a 1kg bag.

Posted Thu 28 Sep 2017 14.29 by TrevorM

Congratulations on the dead sea salts helping your psoriasis. I think your on the right track of treating your symptom. Unfortunately your psoriasis will keep coming back until you address the root of the issue that is causing the psoriasis to begin with.

Posted Fri 29 Sep 2017 18.22 by Philippa

Hi Trevor, that's the 6 million dollar question really - what is the root of my psoriasis? I do know stress certainly triggers it and I am now in a less stressful work situation but other than that I have no idea what the cause is or indeed any other triggers. Any suggestions for me?

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 15.51 by smondle

There's some really interesting research going on in one of the London universities, I want to say its either UCL or Imperial, which has found a protein that dampens down inflammatory response which in turn reduces psoriasis - I hope that link works, otherwise just copy and paste it. It is a very top level explanation and they are currently looking at ways in which they can turn this into a new biologic drug, but that isn't the point I'm trying to make. What I'm trying to say is that this protein AhR is found naturally in high concentrations in cruciferous veg, so I have hugely increased cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, spinach etc. in my diet. I spoke to an academic researcher regarding this and was told that they have small trail data showing that doing this alone is enough to have some effect on decreasing PASI scores, though it doesn't clear it definitely helped. I've only been doing this a couple of weeks and I don't know if it is helping but my diet is definitely better and it is helping with gastric side effects I sometimes get from my Fumaderm too.

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 19.08 by Philippa

Hi, thanks smondle I have had a quick look at the site but will spend longer when I have more time, looks interesting. Coincidentally I am having cauliflower for dinner! Mt Psoriasis has certainly quietened down since the dead sea salt/bio oil combo

Posted Thu 5 Oct 2017 15.11 by smondle

I hope your cauliflower was nice last night Philippa, I'm not a fan of it myself so any recipes you can recommend to make it more palatable would be much appreciated as I'm making a conscious effort to eat more of it! One other change I have made linked to the dead sea is the soap I use. I was using the Sanex 0% shower gel but found last year that it started giving me a red rash. I moved to Ahava purifying mud soap and the rash was gone in 2 days! It contains a small amount of mud and salt both from the dead sea and contains no SLS which is a known irritant and foaming agent found in most shampoos and shower products. Despite the fact it is a 'mud soap' it has a nice and delicate scent. The bar itself is coloured but the foam from the bar itself is white as you would expect from any other soap, and it does not stain or look greyish when you use it which was a worry of mine at first. It also cleans your skin very well without drying it out as much as other soaps can do, I guess this could be due to the lack of SLS? A lot like a bath with dead sea salts doesn't dry you out anywhere near as much as a normal bath would. You can buy it direct from the link I've pasted but its also on Amazon for slightly cheaper (think it was £7 last time I bought some). I shower every other day to give my skin a bit of a break, and I find that a bar lasts me about 6 weeks so despite being very expensive for a bar of soap its still affordable. If anyone tries it out I'd be interested in knowing how they find it as I don't know anyone else with psoriasis who has used it so far.

Posted Thu 5 Oct 2017 16.49 by Philippa

Thanks for this smondle I will look into it. Yes I enjoyed my cauliflower! We had it with a wholegrain mustard/cheese sauce. Cauliflower is also great in a vegetable chilli. Along with broccoli, carrots, leeks/onions fine beans, red kidney beans, tinned tomatoes and fresh or dried chillies serve with rice or tortillas and poss salsa / sour cream. Umm

Posted Wed 29 Nov 2017 13.21 by Paul

I have found that bathing in Dead sea salt definitely soothes the itching, I buy it from the Dead sea salt company off Amazon, £31 for 25kg. I've been on a non deadly nightshade diet since reading that psoriasis is caused by a gut problem and have found it helps. I noticed my worst flare ups occurred after spicey food. I have been refused more Dovobet by my doctor, which I was using less and less, and am now experiencing the worst flare up ever! I have just ordered Sorion cream which I have heard is good, so I will keep you posted. Trying not to go on Methotrexate which what my doctor wants. I also take a pro biotic and vitamin d daily and it was really helping.

Posted Tue 5 Dec 2017 16.11 by smondle

sorry to hear you're having a flare up, I hate when it happens to me after a good period. I spoke to a nutritionist a few weeks ago who recommended I try eating according to the paleo diet. I had done the nightshade diet previously which is how I found I was intolerant to tomatoes and peppers, and this alongside the paleo diet and eating completely organically has already started improving my skin. I suffer from IBS due to taking Fumaderm so I am seeing most improvement in my gut at the moment but my understanding is that the gut heals first and the skin soon follows!

Posted Mon 11 Dec 2017 07.49 by Paul

Hi, I have been using Sorion cream for just over a week. It is amazing! The lighter patches on my arms and torso have virtually disappeared! My legs were a painful mess, completely covered in sore flaky scales from my ankles to my thighs. Now they are smooth and pain free and although they are still very patchy pink, every day they are getting lighter. I first applied Sorion after a long soak in a salty bath removing the dead plaques by gently rubbing with my fingertips. The cream is quite thick and greasy and so soothing. It does feel a little uncomfortable under clothes so I have taken to just wearing shorts and turning the heating up. Plus side is I am using less each day. Downside is that the tube is small 50 grams and high price £14.99 off Amazon. I have to say that this cream is working wonders for me. I also use Sorion scalp lotion and shampoo and they are working too. Absolutely amazing results all round.!

Posted Mon 11 Dec 2017 15.53 by Philippa

Hi Paul, its always good to hear of the things that work for people. At the moment I am still with the dead sea salt and Bio Oil which is working well. I am also thinking more about triggers. I am currently looking at things like indian food and aubergines! Both I feel could be a factor. Main thing is for me to not stress about it as that definitely is a trigger.

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