Generic Calcipotriol is NOT the same as Dovonex

Posted Wed 20 Sep 2017 11.35 by Itchy achy boy

I have been using Dovonex for 20 years or so now and all of a sudden I cannot seem to get it anymore. The pharmacist tells me that the rules have changed and my doctor can (at their discretion) write a script for Dovonex as opposed to Calcipotriol. As long we accept the tenet that the two are identical this is fine. However, as a user of the ointments I can assure both pharmacists and doctors that the two are NOT the same. Dovonex is thicker and adheres to the skin better whereas the generic Calcipotriol does not and seems to completely wipe off my skin. In short, after using the generic Calcipotriol my skin does not benefit anywhere near as well as it does using Dovonex. Does anybody else have similar views?

Posted Sun 12 Nov 2017 19.17 by PonkieG

I agree! There seemed to be a period of time when only non-brand calcipotriol was available, but Dovonex just feels like it's got more substance to it. Having recently moved away from Calcipotriol, I actually have quite a lot of unopened Dovonex ointment boxes at home (12! Repeat prescription collections), and they are the actual Dovonex branded ones. They expire between March and May next year, but if you think they would be useful to you, i would be more than happy to find a way to get them posted out (obviously at no charge for a fellow psoriasis sufferer!). I would hate them to go to waste, especially as non-brand just doesn't feel the same.

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