Something I am doing is working!

Posted Sat 23 Sep 2017 18.03 by Phil69

Hi Guys, I thought I would pass on some information to you guys as I know Psoriasis can have a huge impact on people's lives especially when you are young. I have had Psoriasis for over the 30 years and it got to the point whereby I just learned to live with it, I had tried many different medications and found none worked well. The sun was the best cure! Anyway, due to issues with high blood pressure since April 2017, I started to make some changes to my lifestyle. Firstly, I found that the anti-inflammatory drugs that I was taken for my arthritis had a side affect of BP! I needed to find something else to help with arthritis pain, I then came across the TURMERIC remedy which then came to GOLDEN PASTE. To cut a long story short, I cut out anti-inflammatory medication and began taken golden paste in shakes, curries etc. My BP dropped, my arthritis improved and just recently my Psoriasis has started to clear!! Now, the problem is, I have made a number of changes to my lifestyle so I am not sure which one is clearing the arthritis ;). Below is some of the changes I have made, and maybe I will be able to follow up later if I can pin point what is making the P clear. 8th Sept - started to take Magnesium supplement for high BP 11th Sept - started to take a probiotic for high BP 13th Sept - Stopped taking ALL anti-inflammatory medication 13th Sept - started to take curcumin for arthritis 14th Sept - started to take golden paste (increased dosage over the week) 14th Sept - started making green veggie shakes with golden paste in for Potassium for BP 21st Sept - started omega 3 supplements for Arthritis 21st Sept - started Vitamin D3 supplements 3000 IU to begin with for Psoriasis and anxiety I think that is all the changes I have made recently, before that I had been doing intermitting fasting for over a month but I do not expect that to be the reason for clearing Psoriasis. I have been reading lately that there is such a thing called leaky gut, which people with Psoriasis apparently have because P starts from the intestines, because we are eating something our body can not tolerate (Google leaky guy to learn more). So, I am not sure if the Probiotic has anything to do with the Psoriasis clearing. I have also read that D3 vitamin is also called the sunshine vitamin, so considering the sun clears my Psoriasis in the past and exposure to the sun creates D3 vitamin then it makes sense that a supplement might work. Only problem is, I have only just started that so do not think that is what is clearing it. I think the most likely thing that has changed it, is the golden paste (turmeric) and possibly the green veggie shakes have helped too. Of course, it could be a combination of all the changes. You can find golden paste recipes on the net. Anyway, I thought I was post this in case anyone fancies trying something different.

Posted Sun 24 Sep 2017 20.37 by Sue P

Great to read your post, I have just posted something similar. I have been taking goats milk kefir daily & have just started making my own. Everything is worth trying, thanks for writing this x

Posted Sun 24 Sep 2017 22.55 by Phil69

Hi Sue P, I hope it works for you. I am also reading about plant based diets, it is very interesting. I recommend watching "fork over knives" and read about the research which has gone into it.

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