My 8 year old has it just around her vagina and anus

2 Posted Sat 30 Sep 2017 09.34 by mumof3

It started in January this year and we had various creams and lotions from the doctors which did nothing and then we got an appointment at the Hospital who last month confirmed it was psoriasis. The cream prescribed still doesn't do anything if anything irritates it more. Since January the red mark is constantly there and has not once disappeared. On a good day it will be just pink but mostly red. Most weeks we have at least one flare up which obviously makes things sore when she goes for a wee. On may be 4/5 occasions she has had it extremely bad and it has been so sore she doesn't even want to wee because she knows it will hurt and it looks so bad too. I did think as it started over winter the cause was her wearing tights but actually not wearing any over summer hasn't made any difference. I do wonder if her water intake sometimes makes it worse. Some days she drinks little at school and there does seem to be a pattern there. I have bought some dead sea salt so hoping this will work some magic. Does anyone else have any other ideas. What could be causing it?

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 19.15 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

As a fellow sufferer also in the perineum region, I urge you to push your doc for a specialist referral before it spreads elsewhere and stresses the poor girl even more.

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 19.48 by mumof3

Yes we have seen a consultant at our hospital twice now, the prescribing cream just seems to irritates more! He did say that because she has it young it is more than likely to spread. I have to say they haven't been that helpful :(

1 Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 23.30 by EmAlly

Oh bless her, I totally feel for her as I have had the same problem in the past, I did find that mine would come and go, mainly through the summer it eased up, probably with the help of the sun and sea water on holiday, so I can definitely recommend soaking in a bath of dead sea salts and then apply dead sea salt moisturiser. Might be worth trying some vitamin D tablets too. Hope she finds some relief soon.

Posted Thu 5 Oct 2017 22.25 by freydobs

Hi, my daughter started with plaque psoriasis & now has inverse psoriasis so it is in places you really dont want to have it! I am trying a wheat & yeast free diet & have an array of herbal tablets arriving to help the Candida overgrowth inside her. Also got creams, oils & shampoo/bodywash from Essentially-Yours as a last resort. She has had this since April 2017 & the GP has treat her like a guinea pig perscribing various things & changing their diagnosis at every visit!

Posted Fri 6 Oct 2017 08.20 by mumof3

That sounds awful freydobs :( We only got diagnosed on the second visit with the consultant at the hospital and seems like really there is nothing they can do! Creams aren't working :( What with this and my son who is 6 has vitiligo where the skin loses colour we aren't having much luck!

Posted Sun 26 Aug 2018 15.50 by Martha

I really feel for you and your daughter. My daughter suffered terribly her whole life with this. It was basically like chronic nappy rash which never went away. We weren’t referred to a specialist until she was 3. They finally decided it was psoriasis when she was nearly 5, after many different creams which only made it worse. By this point her genital psoriasis was absolutely awful, and she’d stopped weeing, sometimes holding it in for 24 hours - very distressing for everyone involved. When she was diagnosed they said it needed more aggressive treatment and prescribed Elocon which is a steroid cream. I really didn’t want to use a steroid, especially as he area it’s going on is starved of air so it intensifies it’s skin-thinning side effects. However, the stress and upset of the psoriasis was so bad that we tarted using it, every day for a week. It completely cleared up. She’s now 7 and we are still applying once a week, but only a tiny bit, and this keeps it at bay. Every now and hen there’s a flare up if she’s ill or upset, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. She only ever washes with epaderm. No bubble bath or anything like that. We still see a specialist 3 times a year. I urge you to get a referral to a paediatric dermatologist as soon as possible. Good luck.

Posted Sun 26 Aug 2018 17.14 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Martha, apart from psoriasis I have experienced a periodically recurring rash in my groin, one side only, since I was 22 (I am 60 now). The longest it has remained clear is about 6 month, and the shortest is about 1 week. It does not respond if I only use anti-fungal, and a few years ago while working in Axerbaijan a local doctor there prescribed me a cream called TriDerm AND Elecon. With those two in combination, I can clear the visible rash in about 5 days - I keep using just the Triderm cream for a further 7 days once it seems to clear. I could not get Triderm here in the UK, so my GP prescribed me Trimovate ointment which is a combined steroid and antimicrobial similar to Triderm. Generally I found that the Triderm/Trimovate alone did n ot fully clear the rash, but using Elecon for a few days made the difference, and my GP has prescribed the Elecon for me (elecon cream). I forget what he called the condition, but he mentioned that it is common in the groin, and immediately below the breasts (where they join the abdomen), where it can get hot and sweaty. He said it does generally respond to a combination of anti-fungal and steroid. Different topical steroids seem to react differently for different people (ie different degrees of effectiveness), and even the same steroid might give a different result for someone if you have a gel-type ointment or a cream. Generally my GP is very conservative in prescribing steroids for me, he will only do it if there seems no better option that works. Because of my experience using the combination of Triderm/Trimovate plus Elecon, my GP prescribed me more Elecon when my last tube from Azerbaijan was finished. I use both creams VERY sparingly, and as soon as the outbreak subsides, I stop the Elecon and continue with the Trimovate for a few more days to try and ensure that any possible fungal element is addressed. For me, I also use Cuticura powder around my groin after every shower - and this seems to keep away the rash longer than if I do nothing after drying myself.

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