New and struggling.

Posted Tue 16 Jul 2013 21.38 by MinieTown
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis in 2008. It was all over me and I started to get treatment for it. After having light therapy it cleared and

I was diagnosed with Psoriasis in 2008. It was all over me and I started to get treatment for it. After having light therapy it cleared and would only appear on my knees and elbows. Then it came back and was very severe, to a point where I struggled to get out of bed. I had light therapy again and again it cleared up. A year after, the same happened, and I went through the same procedure. Once again it has returned and I have tried near enough EVERYTHING I can and am at a loose end. I just don't know how to control it any more and it's really getting me down. If anyone wants to chat, just let me know. I'm Emma by the way.

Posted Mon 22 Jul 2013 08.57 by ELangford
Mild psoriasis from birth, escalated in 20s, tho helped by keeping skin cool and wearing cotton vests. Diagnosed with Psa in 2012

Hi Emma, sorry to heear you've had it so bad. I've had psoriasis on and off since a child and it flared up abour 12 years ago. I eventually worked out that it was worse in winter than summer and it was mainly due to the skin getting too hot. From that I found the following helped ... > wear cotton next to the skin - I wear cotton vests and this helped to reduce outbreaks on my lower torso and around the waistline. > avoid too many layers or tight clothes - when you have psoriasis the temptation is to cover up. Try to air the skin as much as possible - again - I found cottom layers worked better. > I had problems on my face too so made sure my hair was swept away from my face. I hope this helps you too. Elaine

Posted Wed 31 Jul 2013 21.37 by charleychick
to the point where i want to crawl out of my own skin!!!!!

Dovobet at first was my life saver i put it on for the first time and that night no word of a lie i started to see patches fade!!! i wondered why i had never been prescribed it sooner, and then i noticed it stopped working and now 6 years later im still being prescribed it and a month ago i just stopped using it due to severe bruising out of no where on my legs and the fact that when i stopped using it, the psoriasis got ten times worse i got spots everywhere now, i hate that stuff id avoid it like the plague! unfortunately i do not know what advice to give anyone with psoriasis but to cream religiously day and night!! everybody is banging on about these diets etc i did briefly diet for 7 weeks in fact avoiding all meat apart from chicken and fish i bought all gluten free foods and drank soy completely come off dairy and took daily vitamins from omega 3 to flax seed oil the list goes on. i even when to the extreme of bathing in fish oils i got that desperate!! im going to avoid sugar and cut down on my dairy this time and continue to eat fish daily i am taking a vitamin d supplement its a oral spray and i am taking castor oil capsules as i do believe it is related to toxins in the gut! If u cant diet start talking supplements but try to avoid dovobet or steroid creams, i am a student nurse but medication for me is not always the answer, if it helps i am also gping to try make my own body butter that way u know whats in it, i am going to mix coconut oil with almond oil and try get hold of some cocoa butter good luck to everyone and welldone to those that have found a cure for themselves i hope i can find my trigger in foods im just a bit sceptical i suppose when u wake up everyday to it u never imagine the day that it will be gone ive now got it in my head it will never go but im gonna keep trying!!! :) and emma psoriasis is horrid nasty and im not gonna lie i wish i cud shed my skin and walk away from it but im just finally glad to know im not the only one because not one person i know has psoriasis and it gets me down being the only one and i must do my friends and familys heads in goin on and on and on its heartbreaking for me too!!!

Posted Thu 1 Aug 2013 22.24 by SarahG (edited Wed 6 Aug 2014 21.42 by Meredithfleur)
It affects my whole life, from waking to sleeping. I have it quite widespread so always fear that people will think differently of me or thi

Hi I'm new to the forum too and I find it a relief to find people who are in a similar situation. I would never wish psoriasis on anybody, but to know that other people can struggle to cope too from time to time makes me feel less of a failure (for want of a better word) when the psoriasis starts to get me down. All I can say by means of comfort to you is to say that it will come and go in waves, it may be really severe for a few months, but then you could have a few months where it is almost clear.... Always hold onto the thought that it will get better!

Posted Mon 27 Apr 2015 11.46 by SparklyEm

I've had P for 14 years now and the only time I've been completely free is when I've been pregnant. It's different for everyone but mine gets better in summer and also when I eat healthier and exercise. I've found putting my dovobet on on an evening before bed and plenty of emollient cream throughout the day to stop it drying and itching really helps. Also, the more stressed I get about it, the worse it gets... As soon as it's 'under control' I stop the dovobet and just stick to emollient creams as much as possible. I also stay away from certain shower gels, shapoos etc as they seem to irritate it. Good luck

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