Methotrexate, Gym and Diet

Posted Tue 3 Oct 2017 18.21 by Lewy

Hi all i have suffered with Psoriasis since I was 18 and I am now 40, it has really controlled my life to be honest, I am very conscious of it at times and very nervous about when meeting new partners, anyway I had my first Dermatology appointment last Friday after 7 months of waiting, she has started me on Methotrexate so only had my first dose Saturday, was offered light treatment but unfortunately fitting it in 3 times a week with work etc was not possible but will not rule it out in the future if needed. Even though I am one of the lucky ones where I mean mine does it itch or bleed so for that I feel I am lucky I decided to try a few things like most of us probably have, my mate owns a gym so back in August i joined and he wrote out a diet plan for me too, obviously after I am finished my workout mine is very red from the body heat and sweating but along with the change in diet I have seen my skin improve, I had a massive patch on my one leg and it is virtually clear apart from bits around the edge, seems to clear up from the middle outwards and that is exactly the same for the other patches on my body, do not get me wrong I am 90% strict with my diet, 3 litres of water a day, loads of vegetables, chicken, tuna, plenty of fruit and does not need to be fresh fruit as I use frozen so it does not cost a bomb, also take cod liver oil and vitamin D3, I only drink once a week so I class that as my treat, I know the change in diet has not worked for some but for me it seems to be doing something and now I am on Methotrexate so fingers crossed, being clear would be absolutely amazing as I have covered up for 22 years now, I used to love going swimming and never wear shorts, mind you not sure people would want to see my chicken legs anyway haha. This is the first time I have ever spoke about my skin on a website so it would be great to be able to talk to others and help each other along the way. Thank you for reading. Russ

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 19.33 by Julie
Very low self esteem, pain

Hi, That's interesting about healthy eating and your psoriasis clearing a bit. I was diagnosed coeliac at the beginning of the year and not eating gluten free has made my psoriasis less red. I'm due to start on Methotrexate in the next few weeks.

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