Late starter?

Posted Tue 3 Oct 2017 20.57 by driver

Trying to cope with this, I am newly diagnosed and it's a shock!

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 18.53 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

Take a good long read through the threads in here as there is some useful advice from years of experience.

Posted Wed 4 Oct 2017 20.36 by driver

I will do I had no idea there are so many, I know no one with this and it feels as if I am the only one! thankyou.

Posted Tue 17 Oct 2017 23.03 by derekfew
Have had psoriasis since tha age of 12yrs of age sometimes it is minor but as of late has got worse i am now 65 yrs old and finding it very

I've now had psoriasis for over fifty years and had numerous treatments over many years including coal tar creams but always seems to come back with a vengeance especially when stressed out. Have tried CBT treatment and it does help to releive stress, so well worth a try. Now have arthritis in my back which is aparently linked to this skin problem in later life. I'm now using Audavate Betametnasone vultrate plus 10% Urea cream mixed and now my skin is improving at least by 75% within two weeks.. Also krll fish oil capsules seem to help, a little more expensive than omega 3 but well worth the extra money.

Posted Thu 19 Oct 2017 01.57 by driver

hello, It would seem I am in this for life, having read so many stories I am have been given coal tar ointment for overnight and salicylic stuff too. It helps when applied but is not a cure (what is ??) I do wonder if arthritis will show one day (no sign yet) as I know some one with ps. who also started off with the same as me, Hands and scalp. Stress, I know can start a flare up so it's good to keep calm and deal with stuff as and when. Easier said than done!

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