
Posted Tue 3 Oct 2017 23.58 by Niamheenb

I have had psoriasis for 22 years. Coal tar worked in the early years but eventually a tolerance built up. Until recently, dovabet didn't seem to work but it seems at the moment, it is having a very gradual effect with a once daily treatment. For the past few years i have used a product from Spain called Decloban. It has worked almost to clear my skin, every time. I have recently discovered this is eumovate, which has never been prescribed to me for psoriasis over the years. I'm wondering has this been a prescribed treatment in psorisias? And is it more potent than dovabet? The results are great initially and even on a weaning regime, once the treatment stops the psoriasis returns.

Posted Mon 29 Jan 2018 05.45 by Zameq

I’m fairly new to all this but had red leg patches back in Sept/Oct 2017 for which my U.K. GP prescribed Eumovate and things got slightly better but after the cream finished the psoriasis came back with a vengeance. As I’m currently on holiday in Thailand I went to a hospital here and have been prescribed Daivobet ointment (Calcipotiol Betamethasone) which seems to be reducing the redness and dry skin. I’ve also been given an emollient cream to use.

Posted Tue 27 Mar 2018 09.19 by jk76

I was prescribed Eumovate ointment for my face and it cleared up over night! I just apply it once a week now when I notice dry patches starting to form

Posted Thu 9 Aug 2018 15.38 by John Large
My name is John, i have had Psoriasis for 30 years,my first patch appeared on the day my Father passed away and has been with me ever since.

I've had it for thirty years and I can honestly say that in that time Eumovate has been the only thing that I feel I can really rely on.

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