Posted Sun 21 Jul 2013 16.13 by SophieMabel 2 years with Psoriasis, all over my body
Does the Wheat and Gluten Free diet work??
Ive seen lots of people say by not eating wheat or gluten for 2 weeks helps your psoriasis, but is it something you would have to do for life because i just love bread too much :-( also does it help you lose weight??
Posted Mon 5 Aug 2013 16.35 by charleychick to the point where i want to crawl out of my own skin!!!!!
hi everyone is different i did the gluten,wheat, diary free diet for seven weeks and i asked for allergy tests for gluten and diary from my doctor i wasnt allergic to any of them and seven weeks after the diet i had no change to my skin but yes you do loose weight i lost a stone but i was so strict i had no meat just literally gluten free bread, dairy free ice cream as a treat, i had soy milk with gluten free cereals and ate lots of fish, salads,pulses i cut out tomatoes and i was talking omega 3 fish oil supplements, flax seed oil i got that desperate i even bathed in fish oil nothing worked i also drank 8 glasses of water a day, quit smoking cold turkey and it was summer so i sunbathed everyday. I did feel full of energy and i lost weight but no change to my skin that i could tell!! A month ago i stopped using steriod creams as they were having such bad rebound effects, im trying olive oil and cling film round my legs at night started last night and my lesions are not scaly and lighter will repost next week and let you know how i get on. My psoriasis isnt terrible but its bad enough on my legs that i havnt worn a skirt or shorts this summer at all :( seeing my derm september and hopefully will recieve light treatment, keep u posted!!!
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