Light Treatment

Posted Fri 20 Oct 2017 10.50 by AJ

Hi I am due to start Light Therapy on Tuesday for my psoriasis but have been following a new diet plan where I have eliminated, dairy, pasta and bread and junk and have noticed my psoriasis has improved. Do you think I should still have the light treatment. I am really worried as never had it beforeand feel really anxious. Just wondered what to expect.

Posted Sat 21 Oct 2017 08.42 by Idy
Phototherapy, methotrexate, ciclosporin and stelara afficionado

Light therapy does require a lot of commitment (3 times a week for 10-12 weeks, usually, in the case of UVB). There's not much to worry about. There's a chance you may experience a burning sensation, but I haven't heard of it making psoriasis worse and although there is an increased risk of skin cancer, my consultant told me that there aren't any documented cases of this actually happening. The downside to light therapy is that sooner or later, your psoriasis is guaranteed to come back after treatment stops. The relapse time for folks on this forum seems to be anything from 2 months to 4 years. My first course of UVB light therapy in 2012 cleared my psoriasis entirely (after being covered almost entirely from neck to ankles), and I didn't experience any burning. I was then clear for around 4 years, and back to where I started now! Unfortunately I had to stop my second round of UVB light therapy after a couple of weeks because it did cause a burning sensation which, added to the standard soreness and itchiness was unbearable. My consultant said as the treatment had not had any effect yet, it's likely that it wasn't working. So he stopped it and I'm waiting for biologics now. Next appointment is end of January 2018, frustratingly. If your psoriasis has improved to a level that you're happy with, perhaps you'll feel like you don't want to commit to light therapy and instead save it for a time when your psoriasis may be less manageable. On the other hand, you might want to see further improvement, so you could try it for a few weeks (making sure not to miss any sessions) and see how it goes; you can quit whenever you wish. Let us know how you get on.

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