folic acid following methotrexate

Posted Sat 21 Oct 2017 09.48 by new to it

hi, all! Started yesterday on methotrexate - good luck to me! :-) after about 30 minutes started itching all over like an allergic reaction but didn't get worse in itme/ slept well all night/ woke up with headache and some nausea. I am supposed to take today 5mgs of FOLIC ACID - DOES it matter what time you take it ? how many hours after the methotrexate (took it yesterday at 19:00) ? Thank you !

Posted Sat 21 Oct 2017 18.21 by Chellx2

I find taking folic acid 2 days before helps me with the nausea

Posted Sun 22 Oct 2017 00.24 by Janw

I take folic acid every day apart from day I take methotrexate and I'm still being sick and bad stomach ache every day. Been on this for 3 months and not made a Hugh difference.

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