Tired of t gel

Posted Tue 31 Oct 2017 12.56 by IniaW

I've had psorasis for over a year now, due to a stress breakdown in my gcses. It has been quite manageable for a while but has suddenly flared up again... i have epaderm for my face and capasal shampoo and oilatum shampoo along with betamousse steriods for my scalp (the worst bit). These all work kind of well but recently the capasal and t gel and oilatum seem to be having no effect on lessening my psorasis and i don't want to use steriods constantly. I have tried so many different shampoos such as body shops ginger and jasons dry scalp shampoo but it's like my psorasis has become immune. So i was hoping someone would be able to reference me a less medicated shampoo which is working for them :(

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2017 11.48 by Eochar

I would have an interest in the same topic, Has something changed? T-Gel worked like a dream and now does nothing. 6 years of psoriasis free scalp and now as bad as ever. Don't understand what has changed. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2017 14.21 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

The product has most probably not change but I would hazard a guess that you have developed tolerance to it therefore it does not work for you any more. Its the same old same old for us P sufferers and given enough time most of us develop a tolerance to treatments.

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2017 14.52 by smondle

I've had psoriasis for 12 years and mine originally started on the scalp. Unfortunately I found that the shampoo's on offer don't really help treat the psoriasis but more so stop it from getting irritated by normal shampoo's. I used to use cocois (I think that's what ointment which absolutely stank and was a massive faff because you have to leave it overnight then shampoo it out in the morning but it worked a dream at loosening the scales. Might be worth trying if you haven't already? The other brand I would suggest is Ahava - https://global.ahava.com/ I use their dead sea mud soap as I am sensitive to all other soaps/shower gels and they have a range of psoriasis targeting products. I hope you can find something that works for you!

Posted Sun 5 Nov 2017 12.28 by Kezza

I have had scalp psoriasis for approximately 7 years. The last two years it has got worse. For the last year and a half I have been using Neurtragena's coal tar and my GP suggested Nizoral shampoo which you can buy over the counter. Nizoral helped quite a bit to start off with, although never cleared it, but you are only supposed to use in the end once every couple of weeks. I felt I needed to use it everyday!! Doctors also prescribed Diprosalic scalp lotion, but even this seemed to stop working in the end and I was using it twice a day. In the end nothing was helping at all. My longtime friend is a hairdresser and knows I don't spend lots of money on her hair products because of my scalp problem. She gave me, as a gift for doing her a favour, some "Joico" shampoo and conditioner as a thank you. It was the green bottles (for volume). I have been using this for 5 weeks now and so far have had no need to use Neutragena, Nizoral or the diprosalic lotion! Fingers crossed it stays this way. Ive only just joined this forum, and just thought I would share this in case anyone else feels they want to give it a try. (My worse area for psoriasis is on my hands and Ive just been diagnosed and offered Acitretin last week by a consultant which I am very dubious about). In the meantime they have given me Enstilar foam for my hands which I have been using for a few days and seems brilliant, but fear that the Consultant won't prescribe me any more after this has all gone............ : (

Posted Mon 6 Nov 2017 08.41 by Eochar

Thanks for this. I will try the shampoo and conditioner and hopefully it will help. Thanks again

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 20.23 by gracielizxx - 26 from Manchester

I found that Olive oil helped in small doses if i put it on for an hour or so then rinsed it off with either tgel or capasal. Its seriously gotten rid of alot of my thick plaque on my scalp.

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