Scalp psoriasis

Posted Thu 2 Nov 2017 20.14 by Kezza

I've been using neutragena shampoo alongside nizoral (recommended by local gp) shampoo for the last 3 years together with diprosalic lotion. These no longer seem to be effective. I have, 4 weeks ago, switched to a shampoo and conditioner given to me as a gift by my hairdresser who is a lifetime friend. These are in no way medicated, but they have made my scalp so much better. I'm barely using the diprosalic lotion. Knowing psoriasis, the effect may change, but at the moment I'm Impressed by the change and fingers crossed it lasts. (I have always washed my hair everyday since I was about 10. I'm now 47 and have only suffered with psoriasis the last 4 years, mainly on the palms of my hands). The shampoo and conditioner is by Joico and is in a green bottle. Worth a try for anyone who is suffering.

Posted Wed 15 Nov 2017 10.00 by JimB

I bath every day using Oilatum Plus which I get on prescription. I never touch soap except tp wash my hands. I've been doing this now for over a year. I also put Magic Oil in my ears with a bud (very carefully!). Previously nothing seemed to work except using Eumovate which is not a good idea for long periods according to my doctor. I've also found this clears up p in my ears although I get them vavuumed every six months. hope this useful

Posted Thu 16 Nov 2017 17.36 by lisa

Hi Kezza, after reading your post i have googled the shampoo Joico you talked about. Can you tell me whats it called pls. I can see lots of green bottles on the amazon site but they just look like a volumising shampoo. Is this the one you used?

Posted Fri 17 Nov 2017 15.22 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

Posted Sun 19 Nov 2017 07.17 by Loopy

Hi guys, not sure if this is helpful but I use cocois for my scalp prescribed by my Dr and if I treat my scalp every day for about a week it clears up lovely. Only ball ache is having to keep it on for a hour before washing it off.. this is my wonderdrug for my scalp..

Posted Wed 6 Dec 2017 12.19 by wendy

Hi Loopy i have just ordered some cocois from what you say it sounds really good just a quick question i wash my hair every day so should i use this every day as well ? regards wendy x

Posted Wed 6 Dec 2017 12.31 by Loopy

Hi Wendy I use it for about a week when I have a flair up then once a week of I need to some weeks I don't use it at all. Good luck! Leanne

Posted Wed 6 Dec 2017 22.25 by

I just heard about this forum and just joined minutes ago, my scalp psoriasis is so bad and although it's been 7 years it's never been as bad as the last year or so. The shampoos cause more flakiness and itching and stinging, it's so bad at night when I sleep on it, the dermatologist said use olive oil constantly but that makes my hair look greasy and causes greasy flakes 😩 It's so bad I'm scared to wear black tops becayits shows , any suggestions would be greatly received

Posted Sun 10 Dec 2017 15.12 by Rachel.L.

I'm so glad I've just joined this because I have psoriasis. I seem to be ok in the summer bit noticed it comes back in the winter. Which I've just had them flaring up now all over my legs and arms and now I've never had any problems with my scalp until now I got told of I go and see my GP tomorrow if I can get a appointment apparently they give you a shampoo that is tar? Is this true? Can anyone help me if I should get something from on the counter or do I go see my GO and agree with whatever I get? I'm quite itchy as well I thought I was having a bad hair day where my hair was greasy but obviously not.

Posted Tue 12 Dec 2017 16.49 by VJ

I am fairly new to scalp psoriasis having had it for about 12monts now but the patch I had in the middle of my head seems to have grown to the top of my forehead. I was initially using Neutrogena T Gel shampoo which worked ok for a while but I noticed my head was going very red after use and getting a stinging sensation for an hour or two after. I have also tried washing conditioning my hair with apple cider vinegar which can leave your hair a little smelly but fades quite quickly and the results have been good. Finally I use on a daily basis coconut oil which although does not help stop the flaking does stop the itching as it keeps the skin slightly moist. I am open to trying different solutions to see what works best so will review some of your suggestions.

Posted Wed 13 Dec 2017 07.34 by wendy

Hi vj i am also new to this forum and found it very interesting got some grate tips from Loopy on here about using cocois and its really good i have had my scalp psoriasis for 36 years and used lots of things some work for abit then stop working i have also used sorion shampoo that really good but it is quite expensive but seems to work for me hope this helps regards wendy.

Posted Wed 13 Dec 2017 23.05 by Kaya

As a young 18 year old battling with psoriasis for the last 5 years Iv tried many different shampoos creams herbal remedies, I have scalp psoriasis and psoriasis all over my face, does anyone have any recommendations for creams and possibly foundations which would cover up my facial psoriasis, I'm at an age where I should be out enjoying life, but sadly all I do is worry about the snow like scales dropping from my hair and my facial skin being almost uncoverabe . Iv tried T- gel , cocois , apple cider vinegar, different oils and about 50 other creams which all proved ineffective ! And the doctors are not exactly the most helpful

Posted Thu 14 Dec 2017 07.50 by wendy

Hi kaya i used sorion have a look at the things they do i use the shampoo its no cheep but does help and they do an ointment as well thats very good hope this helps x

Posted Thu 14 Dec 2017 11.28 by VJ

Thanks for the Cocois recommendation Wendy will give that a go.

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 19.30 by JimB

Do you use soap? If so don't. Use something like aqueous cream instead. Soap is the worst thing for p.

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 20.19 by HansHJ88

Yes do not use soap beside soft soaps like coconut and aleppo soap. As moisturizer I use shea butter. But what cured my Psoriasis and yes there is a cure! I live at the sea. Sunny weather every day, mild climate and the sea right in front of your door. So guys no excuse just go out there and do it! Cheers

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2018 12.01 by kblack

Yes, the personal care products are definitely an important factor. There's an article about it here: the Odylique Gentle Herb Shampoo has lots of good reviews from people suffering with psoriasis too.

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2018 13.43 by

I am aney, 32 yrs to the forum. I have been suffering from psoriasis since 2013 and it has affected my scalp mostly . I am having some aayurvedic medicines which are claimed to be having no side effects. But there are no much improvements . The psorisis has spread across my body on isolated areas. Anybody have any help for me in this to tackle it. Can anybody advise any breakthoughs made in medical world towards its cure or anybody really working on this. Any info?

Posted Thu 15 Feb 2018 08.33 by shashank16997 (edited Thu 15 Feb 2018 08.36 by shashank16997)

Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is the most effective home remedy for psoriasis as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. ACV is known for its highly efficient nature of acne and hair loss, but it is a perfect solution for scaling skin and dry patches. Prepare a mixture by adding 15-20 drop of apple cider vinegar in 1 tbsp of lukewarm water. Apply this mixture directly to the affected area. Keep the syrup in your affected area for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat this natural psoriasis treatment twice a day.

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